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Talking with big brother

Posted on Sat Jan 6th, 2024 @ 10:58pm by

464 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Crew Quarters: Rose Wilson
Timeline: -6 days to launch 1745hrs


Rose was sitting in her quarters, she had her feet up on the couch reading through a Starfleet manual, she had a small mountain of reading to do and not a lot of time to learn what she needed. She was mildly annoyed when the computer announced she had an incoming communication. She tapped the pad on her computer terminal, only remembering at the last second she only had a t-shirt on so she sat down to get out of frame,

As the image appeared, "Mark!" she exclaimed "What's going on... and why are you in orbit of earth?"

"Jacksonville had a run in with the Tholians, we're undergoing a massive refit and overhaul, where are you?" her older brother asked.

"I got assigned to some ship they're hauling out mothballs, some kind of Galaxy class hybrid, have you talked to mom of dad?"

"We just arrived, I think they're both out so I'll do that after, so ops on a new ship mom must be gushing." Mark said

"She is, you know how she gets." Rose said.

Mark laughed, "She seems to think I run the whole ship some times."

Rose giggled, "It's been a total change being here, so much more to learn, and it's fun but hard too, this ship was almost completed when it was shelved."

"Yeah we saw Mars for the first time as we were being towed in McKinley station, what a mess." Mark commented with some sadness.

"That was a scary day, mom got panicked really bad, she spent my whole study break trying to convince me to drop out and stay home." Rose said

"When mom finds out what happened with the Jacksonville she'll have a warpcore breach." Mark commented

"Want me to talk with her?" Rose asked her brother.

"Nah, I'll arrange a family visit once the major work is done, when do you guys ship out?" Mark said

"five days, I heard something that they haven't briefed the new captain yet, so this should be interesting." Rose replied

"I know there short of captains at the moment, maybe they're looking at candidates to promote."

Rose paused "I'm not going to speculate, I've got another systems drill tomorrow and I could use some down time before that."

"I'll let you go kid, we're docking Commander Conroy wants me back on the bridge." Mark said

"Okay mark hopefully I'll get a chance to talk more later on." Rose said "Bye" the screen went blank.

Rose walked back to the couch, her oversized t-shirt hung off her shoulders down to he thighs, she let out a groan, she decided to throw on some clothes and take a walk, she hadn't had time to explore the ship too much.

Ens Rose Wilson
OPS - USS Imperator


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