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First and Second's Civilian Facilities Walk-Through

Posted on Fri Jan 12th, 2024 @ 1:54pm by Captain Remy Johansen

1,490 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 11
Timeline: MD: -7 days to launch

"Computer stop at 11 first," Remy interrupted. "I want to take a look at the schools first. All the childcare facilities are there, and they've added in a large playground area and movie theater among some other things. I believe some of the teachers are already setting up their classrooms."

Vila nodded. "Aww. That takes me back," she said. "A good teacher is worth their weight in gold. I leaned on the teachers a LOT until Benny was about eight," she said. "Even though Ben and I tried to work opposite schedules, there were times it just wasn't possible for one of us to be available, and they always stepped up," she said. "I have already seen some children wandering around. You don't have any, right?" She said.

"No. It's been all about my career really. I haven't been one to make time for relationships or children. Always chasing the next thing," Remy answered. "I've never really chosen the safest positions either," she added as they stepped off at Deck 11. "The classrooms for the high school age students should be closest to the turbolifts. The facilities for the younger children are in the side hallways according to the deck plans."

Vila nodded. "That makes sense, but you know...we've all had dangerous jobs," she said. "I work with chemicals that could literally explode. Do you know how many engineers die per year in the Fleet from on-the-job accidents? Like, a hundred. Anyway. I am just's not too late to change your mind. Ben has some friends who were decent. And who knows? Maybe this Captain will be cute," she said. "Even better if she's a lady who swings both ways," the Bajoran said, as they stopped in front of the first classroom. "You go first. I hated school," she said.

Remy laughed. "I am not going out with one of your ex's friends," she said as she opened the doors to the classroom. "Social studies, history?" Remy guessed. The classroom was adorned with small images of the flags of current Federation members bordering the ceiling, memorabilia from early Starfleet days hung on the walls, along with artifacts and cultural and religious symbols from various wolds. "Looks fun. We should check out the playground and movie theater next."

"No...the Occupation. There's a LARGE gap in my education and it was...difficult to overcome," she said, gently and quietly. "Oh, that would be fun!! I will take advantage of the theater," she said. She fully planned to live her best life as a single lady with nothing to worry about, as she was secure in her life and career now. "As a mother, I can confirm that this is amenable," she said. "It appears to be to standard. I was quite pleased with the education the Benny got from the Fleet, overall. It wasn't always perfect, but nothing ever is," she said. "Even if I had taught him myself, which sometimes happens on Bajor, it still wouldn't be perfect," she said. "Yeah, I think this will work," she said, nodding, after she'd looked around and investigated.

"Elementary school next?" She asked. "I think the bulk of kids will be that age; I have found that most people try for Stations when their children get older because it's easier to maintain a routine schedule," she said, leading Remy through the door and down the corridor a bit, to where the younger children would have their class.

"We can take a peek inside along the way," Remy agreed stopping to open a classroom decorated with bright colors and large geometric shapes.

Vila nodded, and stepped inside, looking around. "A few more maps might be nice," she said, but otherwise, it was fine. "It's excellent," she said. "I think it's suitable. It's been long enough, though, since Jr was in elementary, that I am sure some things have changed," she said. "Someone with a younger child would be a better person to ask," she said. "When Benny was in school, we were still fighting the Dominion," she said. Boy, had it been that long?! "Alright," she said, indicating that they should move on.

"The superintendent is a civilian, we really won't have to worry about the day to day operations unless they request intervention with an officer-parent. I just wanted a feel for the layout," Remy mused. "The playground now? I've been trying to spot people on board early so I'm not trying to meet everyone at once."

Vila nodded. "Yes, it was usually a spouse," she said. "Or at least, fifteen years ago, that was common," she said. "Yes, let's go there, and then maybe...some lunch," she suggested.

The playground facility spanned over a large area, with separate play modules grounded in different areas for different age groups. "Is that actual grass?" Remy asked walking toward what she might call a quad, that was centralized between several of the play modules. Large enough for a decent game of tag or a scaled down game of kickball.

"Yes," Vila said absently. "The botanist I have brought in is a specialist in Sol's flora and fauna," she said. "It was their request," Vila said. "Looks like they'll have fun out here," she said. Vila was glad that the Fleet had started catering to families more and more. It was an important thing, in her opinion. " I should offer to teach the high school chemistry class," she said. "Blowing up Bunsen burners is always fun," she said, with her tinkling laugh.

"I'm sure if you didn't want to commit to a whole class, they'd love to have you in as a guest speaker," Remy said as she took her shoes and socks off and walked onto the grass. "You are going to have your hands full."

Vila nodded. "I might do that, actually," she said. "It's probably better to not do too much with both duties right now," she said. She wasn't as young as she used to be when she'd be an officer, wife, mother, AND volunteered at the school, among other duties as necessary. She also cared less about airs and appearances than she once did. She didn't get on the grass, but she watched as Remy did. "Is it nice?" She asked. Vila had a weird thing about removing her shoes in public. It wasn't about feet, it was about politeness.

Remy stood for a second her feet planted as she looked at Vila. "I had a yoga teacher once talk about being barefoot outside and how it helps one become grounded." She shrugged, "I dunno. It is nice to feel grass between your toes," she said as she stepped back to the resin pavers. She balanced on foot as she put her shoe and sock on, and then the other, rather than taking one of the nearby seats.

"Next?" Remy asked.

Vila nodded. "That sort of makes sense," she said. "I am not sure about Yoga, but we do know that being in nature settings has a positive outcome on mental wellness," she said. "Yes, next!" She hoped next involved some kind of food, coffee, or cute men, but she'd settle for at least one of those things.

"Any preferences?" Remy asked as she turned the corner walking them in front of the theater. "This place actually goes up into the next deck. There's some stadium seating access up there, but the screen size is one reason it takes up so much space. They are running some shows this week to give the new arrivals something to do."

Vila simply shrugged. "No preference," she said. She was mostly laid-back usually and went with the flow. "Oh, that's great, especially for the families. I like that we've dedicated a whole deck for that," she said. "I am trying to convince Benny to visit here on his school break. We'll see," she said. "Now, unfortunately, he'll have to learn to spread his time out, but I want him first, of course," she said. Ugh, she didn't blame the kid for resisting her asks to visit if he could swing it, really.

"I thought you'd be asking about lunch. Didn't you say you were hungry before we got started?" Remy asked.

"I am starving, but you seemed intent on seeing the entire ship," she said. "And I don't really mind. I just skipped breakfast. I don't normally, but I was busy," Vila said.

"We've got a few days for that. There's chef cooking in the mess down here today, I think it's tacos, fajitas, rice and stuff, or we could hit up the replicators in the lounge?" Remy offered.

"Mess," she answered immediately. "I could kill for a taco," she said. "As long as they're good, anyway," she said, leading Remy towards a Turbolift.

"Alright, tacos," Remy said quick stepping to keep up.


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator


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