USS Astrea Rules
Characters and Applications
- 1. You must be 18 or older to join the USS Astrea.
- 2. Characters must not have any god-like super powers. No members of the Q continuum, changelings, etc. All characters must have believable weaknesses and limitations.
- 3. Original, non-canon races may be allowed subject to command staff approval. Canon races applying to be a crew member must align with canon, and that race's relationship with the Federation/Starfleet in 2389.
- 4. Characters must not have had any direct contact with canon events. A character may have served as a low ranking officer on the USS Titan or USS Verity, but would not have been senior staff or working directly with Captain Riker or Admiral Picard.
- 5. Characters must be your own original creation.
- 6. No player may use another player's character, whether primary or a non-primary character without that character's express permission.
- 7. We encourage celebrity face claims or live action avatars, but have no rule on what type of avatar you use. Animated avatars are welcome, as are any uniform style and/or civilian attire.
- 8. No AI in written form. Your writing should be your own work. (This does not apply to avatars, other visual items you may wish to contribute to the game.)
Posting and Leaves of Absence
- 1. Posts are written in past tense.
- 2. The sim is rated 2-2-2. Trigger warnings should be used for any sensitive subjects like suicide or sexual violence. Our sim rating indicates these may not be written in detail. Please see our discord channel for more guidance on Astrea's interpretation of 2-2-2.
- 3. Each player should contribute to a minimum of one post per month, preferably two posts per month or more. Tags regarding the main mission action should be answered within 3-4 days, unless you are working on a side post with fewer players and are aware that the sim's action is not reliant on your post. All other tags should be responded to within one week, preferably within 3-4 days.
- 4. If a tag is outstanding for longer than a week, the tag/scene may be written out of the post in order to keep the story moving. Character building side posts can move at your own desired pace.
- 5. Write for your own character(s) only. Let the other players write for their characters. Note how the option in line b provides the other writer an opportunity for their character to react and respond.
- a) Not: Gleason pulled his fist back and punched Landry in the face.
- b) Instead: Gleason pulled his fist back and swung at Landry.
- 6. Posts must not include any canon characters from Star Trek or related franchises. Copyright infringement on these characters is a serious offense.
- 7. Our leave of absence policy is very liberal as long as you communicate. Please let the command staff know if you are going to be absent from the game for SEVEN or more days. If you are unexpectedly absent from the game and command staff is unable to reach you for two weeks or longer, your status may be moved to pending. If command staff is unable to make contact with you for one month or longer you may be removed from the game and have to reapply if you wish to rejoin.
Code of Conduct
- 1. Be respectful both in and out of character. This is an LGBTQ+ friendly game. Racist, sexist, and other intolerant language or behavior is not allowed.
- 2. Problems should be reported to your command staff. This is the Captain, First Officer, and Second Officer. These three individuals work together to moderate any issues within the game or among players.
- 3. Problematic behavior will be dealt with by the command team.
- 4. Blatantly rude, offensive, and/or antagonistic behavior in or out of character may result in immediate removal from the sim depending on the severity of the offense.