After the Rockin' Christmas Party: Tyler's Meltdown
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 5:00am by Ensign Tyler Williams & Ensign S'Niri
2,846 words; about a 14 minute read
Happy Holidays
Location: Tyler's Quarters
Timeline: After the Rockin Christmas Party posts
As he approached his quarters, Tyler was very thankful that the bartender had allowed him to have a bottle of gin and a bottle of vodka from the good stash and take it back with him, under the pretense he was hosting some drinks the next day. He was also appreciating the fact that he'd left everyone behind at the Christmas party so he could come back and drink in peace with some loud music. The doors and walls were soundproofed, right?
Half stumbling in, he called out, "Computer! Play my bass heavy music playlist at 65%, please!" The computer obeyed and a soundtrack of bass heavy music started playing, with Tyler grabbing himself a glass before he sat and sank onto the lounge to poor himself a double shot of gin. He looked around the quarters and realised he should probably get it decorated or something... it was just so boring and standard. Laying down on the couch, he carefully downed the alcohol so none of it was spilt or wasted, and then closed his eyes.
What seemed like hours later, which in reality was less than an hour, Tyler had turned half of the bottle into a gin with tonic and made it disappear, and laying on the ground was looking more and more attractive. Placing the bottle on the ground next to the couch, Tyler sat upright before he made the calculated move to slide off and onto the ground with a thud. He was still upright though, so that was a bonus. The loud music was drowning out the voices in his head that were swirling around and causing him pain and trouble, so he didn't hear someone pressing the chime to his quarters from the other side of the main door.
"Ty?" For the third time, S'Niri pressed the doorbell and waited, somewhat worriedly. She could hear the music thumping faintly through the door - and was that the faint scent of alcohol she could most certainly catch in the air? Now that was worrying. Ever since she'd seen him leave the party with a bottle of some kind in hand, she couldn't help but be a little worried. "Are you alright? Please don't tell me you've just drank that entire bottle by yourself..." Fuck, was this about the quip she'd made at the party? Surely not? Concern lined her brow now, as she waited and prayed that he would respond. If she'd caused this, she had to fix it. Simple as that.
Tyler got out of his own head for a moment and he made a face as he thought he heard the chime of someone at the door. He wasn't that obvious when he left the party, was he? "Come in," he called out half heartedly, hoping that it was just his imagination playing tricks on him and that there was no one waiting outside.
The smell of booze hit her nose the instant she walked through the door. It wasn't hard to deduce what Tyler had been doing for the past hour or so - but the sight of him lying on the floor, clearly drunk out of his mind and looking like life had just kicked him in the groin and left him to die spoke volumes. Or rather, screamed. Loudly. "Tyler! Fuckin- why!?" She demanded, snatching up the mostly empty bottle she saw next to him on the ground and placing it far out of reach. "Something's wrong here. You're not like you." S'Niri settled back on her haunches, staring back at him with great concern with large, worried feline eyes. "Talk. I'm not leaving until you do. Because when you act like this, I get worried, because that means you're in pain. And I hate seeing my friends in pain."
"S'Niri!" His face lit up in the drunken smile at the sight of her being so angry with him, "If you must know, I haven't been drinking the gin straight. It's been mixed with tonic water." he frowned at the fact she'd taken it away from him but knew better than to try and argue with her when she was like this, "And I'm fine, like I said at the party. You didn't leave the party just to come and check on me, did you? You should go back! I'll be okay! I promise!" He gave her the thumbs up.
"No, you won't, don't give me that bravado." She hissed. "And for what it's worth, shoo me away like a cat again and you will be sorry. Now. What's wrong, and why haven't you said anything to anyone!?"
Deep down he appreciated her being there at that moment, but on the surface he was annoyed she'd taken the bottle away from him, even after he'd even said he hadn't been drinking it straight! Sighing, he sat up a little bit further, all six feet of him looking awkward, and and he looked at her, "It's Christmas holidays, S'Niri. I always get like this on Christmas. Being at the party was a little bit too much, that's all." He rested his head on the arm of the couch and closed his eyes again, letting out a deep breath before he opened one eyes and gave her a side look and a wide, drunken grin. "Like I said, I'll be fine!" he was definitely side stepping her unasked question what happened between him and Osirin.
"Fuck, you're stubborn. Kind of like me. Well then." S'Niri sat down on the floor, criss-cross applesauce, with her arms folded. "I'm going to be fine right here, too, at least until you tell me what's going on. Something tells me this booze problem of yours is not just a thing you do when Christmas comes around."
Putting effort into pushing himself off the couch, Tyler leaned forward and looked at S'Niri, "Fine. You really wanna know what's going on? Seeing as you're the one being stubborn and not going anywhere?" He took a bit of a breath to steady himself, "I slept with Osirin that night after you kicked the absolute shit out of me in sparring. I was feeling sorry for myself, so I decided to have a drink at a quiet bar away from everyone. He came up, we talked, he basically took advantage of someone who was drunk, and I slept with him."
"I slept with him the next day too, even when I was sobering up. And you know what? I liked it!" Tyler admitted as he raised his voice slightly. "I've never slept with a guy before, S'Niri. I've always been straight my entire life, and I'll be the first to admit that I've had a major crush on you for ages now, and now I'm confused about who I am versus who I'm meant to be,and neither you nor him helped the situation tonight at the party, so that's why I came back here, so I could process things and drink to get drunk and pass out without any judgement."
Tyler pulled himself up a bit straighter and wished he had the bottle she'd taken away from him after he'd just admitted everything that had been going on.
Somehow, S'Niri seemed utterly unsurprised at any of the confessions Tyler had just made to her. Her tail flicked once in a while, thumping on the carpet, but that was it. When Tyler was finished with his tirade of sorts, the Ferasan hybrid sighed, reached over and smacked him in the shoulder. "Dumbass. I thought you humans believed that your preferences can change based on whatever life experiences you've had. You banged a cute guy twice and liked it, so what. What's gonna happen, is your mommy gonna come aboard and smack you with a slipper? Please." S'Niri snickered.
"Look. I'm kind of shit at this whole heart to heart thing. If it were me in your shoes I'd just carry on with my life. Who I'd allow into my bed doesn't matter much if it doesn't make me less of a security officer, or a friend, does it?" S'Niri rolled her eyes. "Take however long you need to crunch this, but if I don't see you on duty on Monday because you're still aching over this, I'm gonna come back here and give you an actual smack. Got it?"
Tyler started with a soft uncontrollable laughter that he couldn't contain, "You know what the kicker is about that? About you saying you'd give me an actual smack? It might actually be a turn on," he admitted, "That's how messed up of a human being I am, S'Niri. And that's also one of the reasons my three-year-old son is growing up with someone else he calls daddy." That final admission caused something to click in his brain and he somehow managed to stand upright, althought not easily.
With a suprising amount of agility, he managed to reach for and get the bottle that she'd taken away from him before she could react and take another swig of it, the taste of the gin now terrible, "You're my friend, probably one of my closest friends on board, but I just can't deal with all of any of this anymore."
"The fuck you can't. To start. We're taking this off you." S'Niri snatched the bottle of gin from him and held it out of reach. "Second. You deal with this by going to a counsellor or therapist or someone and getting their help to figure it out, numbskull. And then you keep at it." She snarled. "I'm booking you an appointment in the morning. The next nearest. As one of your closest friends, I will help you figure out whatever this funk of yours is. Until then! No more drinking. Go to bed, eat something, I don't care. But I want to see you sober and with your head screwed on properly tomorrow. Got it?"
You're really mean when you want to be, he thought to himself. But he did appreciate her honesty. "As long as it's not another sparring session, I really couldn't deal with that," he admitted as he tried to stand and almost fell over before he made his way to the replicator and ordered a burger with fries. "Happy? Food." No guarantee he'd eat it all, but anything to appease her. Falling back to the floor with a dull thud, he looked at her as he ate a couple of fries, "Are you going to tell Commander Andersen about this too so she'll try to offer me some over the top sweet advice that just makes her too nice?"
"Yes, I will, because I care. If she offers you advice, no matter how sweet, I will not hear a peep of complaint out of you, because when advice is given, you jolly well listen and think hard about whether it applies to you. Simple as that. Go finish that, and we'll talk tomorrow about some of the other stuff I've heard that makes me very, very concerned for you." S'Niri stood up and began to walk to the door with a flick of her tail.
She had an extremely valid point, and it would probably filter through to his brain in the morning if the hangover wasn't killing him, that is. "Look, can you at least stay? Please? Share some fries or whatever, I... just don't want to be alone." Tyler heaved out a large sigh. He didn't ask her that to try other things, he just needed his friend.
Lucky for him, S'Niri paused at the door, tail flicking as she considered the idea for a few brief moments. "Fine. But if you puke on me and mess up my fur, I will commit war crimes on your drunk ass." She stated, padding back to his sofa and dropping onto it with a 'mrrp' of satisfaction. "Got that?" She kicked the booze-filled, burger-eating human on the floor, lightly and playfully of course.
"You know you're really mean when you want to be, right?" Tyler said through a mouthful of food with a drunken grin, moving away from her when she kicked him. It wasn't the first time and he knew full well it wouldn't be the last time she did that either. "I promise I will do everything in my power to make it to the bathroom before I through up. I don't need your war crimes committed on my ass, not tonight." He was going to feel like absolute shite in the morning. "I feel bad for getting you to stay though, it's a night where you and Dani get to hang out and it's a party."
"I'm not being mean. I'm being supportive. If someone doesn't straighten out your ass, no one will." S'Niri purred and kicked him again. "Besides. Dani knows that supporting my friends in distress is a big thing for me. So she's probably fine with it. Or I could ask her over, and we'll actually kick your ass when you screw up. Choose."
"Stop bloody kicking me then, woman!" Tyler said as she kicked him when he'd just finished swallowing his food. Was she just trying to get a rise from him now? "You wouldn't dare ask her over here. I don't need both of you to kick my ass. Just one is more than enough!" She had a funny way of being supportive.
"If you don't want two girls kicking your ass into recovery, then take better care of yourself." S'Niri quipped, totally unbothered by his sudden outburst. She lay down on her stomach on the sofa, tail flicking as she yawned. She fished her PADD out and began typing on it, arranging the next most convenient appointment for Tyler.
"Having two girls as friends and not having them kick my ass would be better." Tyler said more to himself than to S'Niri, hiccupping from inhaling too much air from eating. He liked Dani as well, she was always nicer to his face than S'Niri was, but he did appreciate her too, "You know I do actually appreciate you, right? In my own stupid way."
"Oh, so now you decide to say it. Sweet." S'Niri flashed a wide, toothy smile back at him. "I call that a win, for sure. I'll remember that for next time, you got it? Call it leverage. I promise not to misuse it, though."
"Just as long as you stop kicking the absolute shit out of me, I don't care what you do with it," Tyler said with a raised eyebrow and a slight grin as he turned to watch her for a moment. He pushed away the food and managed to stand up with only a slight issue with balance this time before saying, "I'm going to try and get changed without falling over... I feel like shit and I don't want to ruin these clothes if I get sick." He stumbled in the direction of his bedroom and was taking his shirt off in the process.
"Good luck." S'Niri yawned toothily and rolled over on the sofa. Yes, dealing with stubborn humans is tough. Who knew? Especially the stubborn ones - those were especially troublesome. Boo.
An audible groan came from Tyler while he got himself changed as he remembered that there was a massive hangover coming his way tomorrow. Or death, whichever came first for him. He'd revealed a lot to S'Niri tonight, probably too much, and there was no doubt she was going to hit him up about it at a later stage but that was a problem for another day. Flopping onto his bed with a loose-fitting shirt and his boxers on, he called out to her, "Hey, S'Niri. Are you still there or awake?"
"Still awake and wondering what I'm going to have to do to help you out of this funk." The Ferasan hybrid called from the sofa. "Why do you ask? I'm not joining you over there, by the way, if that's what you're wondering."
"Nope, not wondering that at all," Tyler replied. He hadn't been thinking that all but give it time and he might have. In a quieter voice that he knew she would be able to hear, "You can make those appointments and tell Commander Andersen about what's going on. Or smack Osirin. Whatever you want."
"Okie dokie. Get some sleep. I'll let you know what's gonna happen come morning. If even that. You know how slow these requests can sometimes be." S'Niri purred. Her legs hung over the armrest of his sofa as she typed on her PADD, holding the device in front of her with both paws. "Sleep well, Tyler. We'll start to un-fuck your life in the morning."
Tyler had already passed out on his bed by the time S'Niri had told him to get some sleep, so he totally missed everything she'd said.
Ensign S'Niri
Security Officer
U.S.S. Astrea
Ensign Tyler Williams
Security Officer
U.S.S. Astrea