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Life Transitions

Posted on Tue Oct 29th, 2024 @ 12:31am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn

464 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal Log:

My shore leave has been cut short, as I am being deployed on a mission to Freecloud which leaves shortly. I cannot complain, as this shore leave was quite extended due to Astrea requiring repairs. After almost five days, it is probably for the best that I am being called back to work. It is not good for the mind to be idle for too long.

It has been an eventful five days, and I believe that it is important that I document a series of events so that I can learn from what has happened over the last few weeks.

First, as Jason and I began to spend more time together, I became neglectful in my meditation practices. It is crucial that I prioritize meditation even if it means sacrificing time with Jason. Our connection is growing, and it has been emotionally charged. Meditating in his presence would not be prudent at this time.

Second, I have allowed Jason to challenge me in ways that tempt my emotional urges. I am conflicted as to how often and to what extent this is a healthy practice. However, combined with my recent lack of discipline, it was -- for lack of a better phrase - a disaster waiting to happen. While Jason and I were engaging in intimate activities I deliberately gave in to an emotional urge. When I do so there was an immediate reward. However, my failure to suppress this one emotion led to the floodgates of a host of other emotions opening up. It was a ... helpless feeling. Jason was extremely supportive despite my temporary insanity. I believe him to be more sensitive than the average Human male. Although I survived the experience, it is not one that I wish to relive.

Jason has proposed marriage and I have accepted. It is Human tradition for the male to propose, though they are loose with this tradition. Before I inform my parents of this news, I intend to surprise Jason with a formal Vulcan proposal and presentation of a pendant to symbolize our engagement. Plans for this have been put on hold, as I do not know yet the length of this mission. However, the intent is for Astrea to rendezvous with us once the ship repairs are completed.

The most pressing matter is that I have been surgically altered to appear Romulan for this mission. My intention is to not speak much at all, but I will be practicing my Romulan dialects while in route. I also hope that my extended time with a Human as of late will be useful as I try to sound less Vulcan when I am required to speak. I shall reflect on word choices and turns of phrases when I sign off.

[End Recording]


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