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Settling In

Posted on Thu Jan 4th, 2024 @ 11:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters

225 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log, Commander Nash Winters
Stardate 66009.4

The USS Imperator is quite a treasure. An old Galaxy-class ship refit after the Hobus supernova. The first few weeks have been quite dizzying, getting acclimated to a new crew, new environment, all that goes along with it. I’m quite proud of the work accomplished so far, as Chief Engineer. The slipstream technology being integrated is a massive undertaking.

Sara and Alex are aboard and I’m confident they can make themselves comfortable aboard ship. Alexandra is 13 now and I’m quite proud of her. The way she’s handled all the moving around from ship-to-base-to-ship is remarkable. I have no doubt she’ll find herself at home here. She’s already making friends and even being noticed by the members of the crew. Is there a Starfleet career in her future? Not sure yet.

Sara is also settling in. She’s a microbiologist by training and she’s been able to find a civilian position on board. The fact that I know the Chief Science Officer isn’t the only thing going for her. Her publications and work ethic stand on their own and will no doubt fit in easily with the staff.

I look forward to growing with the ship and crew, both personally and professionally, and to make some new memories with Sara and Alexandra.


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