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Acting Captain's Log, Less than 2 Days Until Launch

Posted on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 1:50pm by Captain Remy Johansen

374 words; about a 2 minute read

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 5996.01, Commander Remy Johansen.

The crew now knows that we won't be finding out who the assigned Captain of this vessel is supposed to be before leaving for this mission. I informed the rest of the senior staff this morning after receiving word last night that I would be assuming the role of Acting Captain, while the Imperator was still scheduled to leave spacedock on time. We don't really get a shakedown cruise either, headed right to our first mission in the Yadalla sector near the neutral zone.

An alien vessel - one completely unknown to the Federation has drifted into Federation Space. Apparently the area has been seeing artifacts - space debris - for some time since the Romulan Star supernova. This is just the latest, and apparently one of the most promising finds. Unfortunately, or fortunately - Dr. Jackson believes that the vessel may be of the same origins as other pieces he has been studying - most namely the ... bracelets ... that Commander Lorut and I accidentally activated earlier this week.

I can't help but wonder why we are the lucky ones who get to check this thing out. A ship with no Captain. Bad luck with the technology already. On the bright side, we're docked at Jupiter station, which has apparently been the hub for these artifacts that apparently have this sort of high tech automated technology to them that we don't quite understand yet. So yeah, bring it aboard, load them up, and let's go. We all joined Starfleet for the adventure right?

Dr. Jackson will understandably be joining us on this mission. This is his area of expertise, and he in particular has been studying the artifacts recovered from this part of the galaxy. Thanks to Starfleet policy, our personal history with one another is of official record. I do not anticipate any issues with his presence and I welcome his expertise on this mission.

I'm sure there are more mysteries to solve in the coming days. One that I am not sure will ever be fully solved though - is why so much secrecy, change, and chaos around the command structure of this ship. I am noting it here for future reference.

Commander Johansen out.


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