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Dani's Personal Log, Mission Day One.

Posted on Sat Feb 17th, 2024 @ 6:41am by Ensign Dani Harper

400 words; about a 2 minute read

"Ensign Dani Harper, Personal Log, Mission Day 1. What in the multi-verses just happened today? I'm about to lose my mind. Not literally. If someone is listening to this, please don't lock me up. I don't think. Well anyway. I suppose I should start from the beginning."

"The night before launch at the ship's pre-launch part THE Chief Operations Officer was flirting with me. Jules." Dani smiled to herself. "Anyway, one thing led to another, and I ended up having dinner at his quarters the next night. I was second guessing being there, but Jules pointed out that we're different departments and the likelihood of us interacting on an away team much would be very slim. So you know, I stayed... and one thing led to another... and.. well. I don't need to fill in the blanks here."

"So, guess who get's stuck on a small shuttle together with just three other people today. And by stuck, I mean stuck. We were supposed to be doing a flyby of this alien vessel and possibly try to find a suitable docking ring. But when the ship docked with us without us doing anything, we were ordered to stay put just in case." Dani took a deep breath. "Anyway, it just wasn't even great from the beginning. I had no idea how to act. I mean act normally right? Except people were arguing, and it was getting uncomfortable. I was trying to act like I didn't know him outside of work, because we are most definitely not in a place to call it ourselves, much less have people talking about it and have Starfleet asking us document something that isn't even a thing. Yet? That may not ever be a thing?"

"The day ended on a high note for me anyway. I supposed I had a pretty big assist from Dr. Jackson, but we are now able to interface with the alien vessel in Federation Standard. Once that was completed the UT's picked up the other language pretty quickly. We're still figuring out what they called themselves. There will be more digging into their past tomorrow."

"This seems to be a decent group of people here. Better than my last crew, at least it seems that way. It's early to make a judgment, but I'm hopeful. It's time to put the past behind me and keep looking forward."

[End Personal Log.]


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