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Gotta move quick ...

Posted on Mon Feb 19th, 2024 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

657 words; about a 3 minute read

[This takes place before LtJG Ta'Feel's family unit, the Anith, is assigned to the USS Astrea.]

The Anith family unit were in their quarters aboard the USS Quito, telepathically discussing their accomplishments while dining on their Mielcelovo nectar, and idly discussing how they were faring in their current assignments.

LtJG Ta'Feel had just received a notification that Hir results for the Medical courses were acceptable, and Sei was now certified in both Corps of Engineering and Medical. Due to Hir family rank of being first, all that was required for Hir to complete were Security and Science. Sei would then be in the position to council and guide the other members of Hir family unit. This also meant the Sei could now be assigned to the Medical field, as well as the Engineering field. Currently Sei was assigned as a nurse aboard the Quito.

Ensign Nallee, being ranked second in the family unit, had completed Vis study in Corps of Engineering, and was preparing to complete Vis studies in Security and Science as well. This would allow Ver to council and guide Shakal and Zetchurl as needed. With the Engineering studies completed, Ve was currently assigned to an Engineering position on board the Quito.

Ensign Shakal, third rank of the family unit, had completed Tem study of Security Command, and was preparing to undertake the studies of Sciences. Tey would then be able to help Zetchurl as needed. Tey was currently assigned in a Security position on board the Quito.

Ensign Zetchurl, ranked fourth in the family unit, had completed Eir studies in the Sciences, and was assigned as a Science officer aboard the Quito. Since E was the lowest rank in the family, E did not have any more areas that E could study.

Having finished their meal, each family member set about doing their assigned household duties, preparing to have their allotted busy time before their nocturnal time. Their household duties were almost complete when there was an alert on their comm terminal. Being 1st rank, LtJG Ta'Feel did several quick tele/speaks to the family unit members, conveying the thoughts "Ta'Feel feet terminal." "Ta'Feel chores Nallee" "Nallee orders members." had these been verbal communications, they could have been translated "Ta'Feel is moving to the terminal." "Ta'Feel is assigning Hir chores to Nallee." "Nallee is now in charge of giving orders to the other family members."

Once at the terminal, Ta'Feel did a quick blink/speak, and communicated "Computer . Acknowledge the incoming transmission." The terminal responded "Incoming message from Starfleet Command." What followed was a message from the personnel department. "The Anith family has been assigned to the USS Astrea. A shuttle has been dispatched to rendezvous with the USS Quito at it's current location. Due to impending departure of the Astrea, LtJG Ta'Feel will be assigned as the Chief Medical Officer. Ensigns Nallee, Shakal and Zetchurl will be given a Civilian status until their assignments can be finalized."

Ta'Feel sat for a moment, then moved back to the common area, where Sei summoned the others to the table. There was an intense telepathic discussion on the orders, which, to an uninformed observer, would appear to be silent, with only the polychromatic eyes of each family member changing colors rapidly.

What was actually occurring was an orderly discussion, what could be seen as following "Robert's Rules of Order", with Ta'Feel being the moderator, and the other family members taking turns in participating in the discussion, based on their hierarchy in the family. This discussion continued for 27 minutes Standard time (from ųŷčį to ŵŤķę .Chix'alk time), and was dismissed with the decision that every family member understood and accepted the orders.

A few days later the shuttle arrived, and the Anith family boarded it, along with their belongings. After they arrived at the USS Astrea, they quickly offboarded the shuttle, and were escorted to their quarters. One more structured family meeting, and they were ready for their assignments.


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