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Defense or Offense

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 6:56am by Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Nemec & Major Clay McEntyre III & Ensign S'Niri

916 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 17: Josiah McEntyre Memorial Security and Tactical Training Facilities
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch, 0900 hours

Petty Officer Enam was scheduled to check in with the Chief Security Officer this morning - not in his office and main security hub on Deck 8. The Chief had asked him to meet down on Deck 17 where the Security and Tactical Training Facilities were. Officer Enam straightened his uniform just before entering the facilities, wanting to look up to code when he met his new boss.

Rose did the short walk from the turbolift to the main security areas, "Is the boss around?" she asked.

Enam looked over at Rose, "I haven't seen him yet."

S'Niri followed the others in silence - for now.

"Yes, I am," Clay said, appearing behind the two standing at the training center entrance. "Today we'll be running CQB drills and rifle drills."

Petty Officer Enam straightened himself to attention as security chief announced his presence. "Aye, Commander. Looking forward to it, sir," he responded seriously.

Rose smiled, "Haven't done any rifle drills in a few weeks," saying in an ironic sense.

"Then this will be a good chance to brush up on your rifle training." Clay said moving to the front of the group. He was already geared in armor and duty belts, with an old style MACO Particle Rifle hanging on a sling on his chest.

"Type 3 Phaser Rifles and armor are already in your duty lockers, get geared up and meet me outside the tactical holodeck in 30 Minutes"

"Yes sir," Officer Enam replied before turning on his heels and heading for his duty locker. Thirty minutes was an excess amount of time to get prepared, though he supposed there were new graduates with no field training who would also be preparing for this exercise. Enam found his locker quickly, and applied his armor with ease, taking the rifle and slinging it over his shoulder. "What's he think we're going to be doing back here for 30 minutes?" Enam wondered out loud.

"Praying for mercy," one of the lieutenants commented. "McEntyre drills you hard and doesn't let up. I've worked with him before. Always ready for something."

Rose pulled the vest on adjusting the side straps as she pulled it on, "These damn things never fit correctly!"

"Do you need any help, or do you think you've got it?" Enam asked.

Rose loosened a strap, "I think I got it now."

"All right, I'm ready to head out. Let's go find the Commander," Enam announced.

"I'll take point later." S'Niri announced. She carried her rifle in a back sling with the vest on. She slung her rifle front as she exited the locker room with the rest. "It's been a while since I've had any excitement..."

The trio walked back out to the training holodeck to meet with Commander McEntyre. "Reporting as ordered, Sir," Enam said as he approached and stepped to attention.

Rose stood at attention, rifle at the ready waiting for instructions.

"STARFLEET SECURITY OFFICERS!! Today we'll be running various scenarios and ground combat sims to test your reaction time, accuracy and endurance. This will include Ship Boarding and Seizure, Simulated Land Combat using small team tactics, and more than a few curveballs thrown in. Most of this is from historical training programs from the old MACO SpecWarCom and simulations from the Federation Ground and Peacekeeping Forces."

Clay explained as they all gathered in the holodeck.

Enam was a little taken aback at the Chief's harsh call out. He was expecting they would still be doing menial tasks, loading supplies, and securing facilities. Enam's training with Starfleet had involved very little MACO style training, but from what he new of the program he was sure he would be able to handle himself after his years in the Bajoran Resistance and then the Bajoran Army. "Bring it on, Sir," he said.

"You may regreat saying that, Petty Officer. These programs are my own creation, with a little help from a history professor I know. They're based on Combat Logs of old United Earth Starships and MACO units fighting the Earth-Romulan War. With the Romulan Supernova destablizing the Star Empire and the threat of it spilling into Federation Space, I think it may be...prudent to go over tactics for fighting the Romulans."

"As a former Bajoran Resistance fighter, I couldn't agree more, Sir," Enam responded. The Occupation had been tough on the Bajoran people, and anyone old enough to remember it still carried wounds. Enam was in his twenties when the Occupation finally ended. He liked the ideals of the Federation, but that didn't mean you should trust everyone. The best strategy was to be prepared.

Rose had read about MACO units in classes, she felt the tactics were a great baseline but they couldn't keep up with the demands of today, but you had to start with the basics "Move slow strike quick."

"As the Colonel was always fond of saying."

Clay recalled fondly of his ancestor.

"Of Course, He'd see MACO be disbanded in favor of Starfleet Security. Today, however, we carry a piece of him with us as we train to be the best Starfleet Security has to offer. Enam, take point, double column formation, 2 meter spacing."

"Aye Sir," Enam responded. "Moving in," Enam took his position and led the team into the holodeck.

Rose pulled the safety "Here we go."


Lt. Commander Clay McEntyre III
Chief of Security
USS Imperator

Ensign S’Niri
Security Officer
USS Imperator

Ensign Rose Wilson
Security Officer
USS Imperator

Petty Officer 1st Class Enam Tafi
Security Officer
USS Imperator


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