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Posted on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 3:58am by Captain Daniel Jackson PhD & Captain Remy Johansen & Ensign Charlotte Dawes

1,672 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 1, 2130 hours

Ensign P'Rar was beamed directly to a biobed in Astrea's trauma center in Sickbay.

Nurse Charlotte Dawes, a pleasant blonde with an unassuming demeanor approached her with a soothing voice. "Can you hear me, Thisbe? My name is Charlotte. You're back on Astrea and you're in Sickbay. Let me know if you can see how many fingers I'm holding up?"

Thisbe was still in panic mode. Her mouth was dry, and her head HURT. Her ears were ringing and she was nauseated. "No. Where am I??" She forced her eyes open, but she thrashed about for a moment. Finally, the nurse's words hit her brain. Sickbay. She took a breath. "I can...hear you. I am sorry." She said. She looked to the other woman. "Um...three?" She said. "What happened? One minute, I was standing there, and then the next...everything went dark and my heart was RACING," she said. "I felt like I was going to...oh no, did I vomit on Commander Winters?" She buried her face in her hands. This was worse than when she was caught by Commanders Johansen and Lorut hungover that one day!! She smiled weakly. "Can I have some water?" She asked.

"Yes, I was hoping you would be able to drink some," Charlotte said. She nodded to the medic who handed her a glass with a straw. Charlotte held it out for Thisbe. "Daniel Jackson is outside waiting to see if you're okay. I think Commander Winters was getting the rest of the crew back. I'm told you lost consciousness, but you didn't get sick. Drink some of this and catch your breath." Charlotte reached behind her and pulled an anti-grav chair up to the bio-bed.

Thisbe had calmed down considerably by now. She took the cup, and drank the water. "Thank you. Please let them know that I am ok. I think I had a panic attack. Maybe I am not cut out for this..." she said. She really just wanted to prove herself, but feared that, in her excitement to do so, she'd bit off more than she could chew. "He can come in if he needs to," she said, referring to Dr. Jackson.

Commander Johansen appeared in Thisbe's doorwary. "Everyone as you were, I'm just here to check on the patient."

Dr. Kerr stood at the foot of the bed near wear Nurse Dawes was tending to Thisbe, speaking loudly enough for Thisbe to hear. "Transport scans and tricorder readings came back clear from any pathogens or signs of infection. We do have indicators of fatigue, stress. We'd like to keep her overnight."

Thisbe looked up at the Captain. "I'm...sorry," she mumbled.

"No apologies, Ensign," Remy said calmly as she walked over the bed. "May I have a seat?" she asked. Someone quickly brought her a chair. "I just came down to see you, and I wanted to let you know that I care about you and everyone else on board this ship. We're a family, and when someone goes down we take care of each other."

Thisbe nodded. "I just feel like....this was a big screw up. But thank you," she said. "I am ok. I can go back! You can count on me." She smiled weakly.

"Not before some time off you won't be," Remy said gently. "We don't push our limits around here unless there is an emergency, and there are no emergencies that I can see. Reasonable work hours and days off are important in order for everyone on board to not only stay healthy, but to be able to do the best job that they can." Remy didn't have children of her own, but she sounded like a concerned mom at the moment regardless.

"You have a brilliant mind, and you are an excellent officer. But double shifts and skipping your days off, and not asking for help are going to burn you out, make you old, and potentially cause something more serious than what happened today as I'm sure Nurse Dawes was about to caution you about." Remy nodded and put a gently hand on Thisbe's forearm.

"Two days off. In a row. Unless the doctor tells me you need more. Catch up on sleep. See a movie. Read a book. You've earned it."

Thisbe shook her head. "No, I can't...we're short staffed...and..." She sighed. She wasn't going to win this. "Ok. I will stay in my quarters or whatever," she said. She couldn't be mad, but she was a little disappointed. She'd only just begun and she was already burning out.

"We're not running a skeleton crew, Thisbe," Remy reminded her. "We have another 150 or so officers to pick up, but we still have well over 800 crew members on board all wanting to take a crack at that ship over there. This isn't a setback. I took a look at your record, you've been jumping from project to project so no one has paid attention to how hard you've been pushing yourself."

"You aren't in trouble, and you aren't confined anywhere. Just take some time for yourself and relax. Captain's orders," Remy said, a playful tone in her voice.

She nodded. "I will. Thank you, Ma'am," she said. She was still unsure. "I guess a break would be good," she said. "I've been working since I left the Academy. First, the station and now here." She needed to recognize that for herself.

"Yes, you have," Remy acknowledged standing up. "I'll let you get some rest. We all have your back, okay. No one is out here doing anything alone. Not even me." Remy rested her hand on the door frame for a minute before she stepped out, passing Jackson on her way. She sighed. They weren't exactly on friendly terms.

Charlotte stepped back up to Thisbe. "More water? Something to eat? Do you like ice cream?" she asked.

Thisbe smiled. "Just some water. I feel a little nausea, still, so maybe I'll skip the food for a bit longer. I WILL eat soon, I promise," she said. "Or some tea, if it's not too much of a problem," she said. Oh gosh. Mostly, just her pride had been hurt.

"Not a problem at all," Charlotte responded. "What kind can I get you?" she asked.

"Um, something with mint, maybe? For my stomach," she said. "Did I actually throw up on Commander Winters?" She put her hands on her face. How embarrassing!!

Charlotte stopped what she was doing and put her hand on her tricorder. "Thisbe, you asked me that question a few minutes ago? I told you that you didn't get sick. Do you not remember?"

Thisbe shook her head. "No, I think I was still kind of coming to," she said. "But that's good to know. Thank you. I do remember you asking how many fingers. Did I get it right?" She asked. Her breathing had evened out, and she was relaxing a little. "That was so weird and uncomfortable."

"Yes, you did," Charlotte responded. "I'll get you that tea, and send Dr. Jackson in to see you."

Thisbe nodded. "Thank you, Nurse Dawes," she said, politely.

A few seconds later Daniel stuck his head in the doorway. "If you'd rather rest, I can leave you alone. After what happened, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." Despite having four pips on his collar, he didn't come in like a captain or a commander. He was very unassuming and relaxed.

Thisbe smiled. "You can come in," she said. "I am decent." She looked at him. "Did I hurt you at all?" She asked. "I can't really remember much about what happened. Once I was standing there and the next, I was here," she said.

"No, no, no one got hurt, except maybe you," Daniel said gently as he took a few more steps into Thisbe's room. "I came down to help get the computers set up, and you went pale. I could see it happening, but it happened so fast, we couldn't get you here before you went down. Thankfully, Nash caught you so you didn't hit the floor too hard or anything."

Thisbe nodded. "Thank you," she said. "I am sorry for being so much trouble," she said. "I will make sure to check in with Commander Winters," she said.

"No, no, don't think that way," Daniel said soothingly as he stepped in further. "You aren't any trouble at all. You shouldn't feel like you have to apologize to anyone."

Thisbe sighed. "I know. It's just-I'm a Starfleet officer. I should be able to handle anything that is thrown at me. And I don't want people thinking I can't pull my own weight. I CAN do it..." She trailed off. "But thank you. I will make sure I rest up and be ready to work in a few days. The Commander said two days," she said. "So. I plan to go back to my quarters when they let me, and get some rest, and just spend the next couple of days getting my head on straight." She nodded.

Daniel pretended to look around and leaned in and lowered his voice. "I'll let you in on a little secret. Starfleet officers actually can't handle everything. They learn to handle more with experience. But even captains and admirals have their moments too."

Thisbe giggled. "Thank you, Doctor, that DOES make me feel better. Do you mind if I take a little nap? I think that they won't let me leave until I eat something but I still feel a little sick to my stomach. Maybe some sleep will help," she said. She had eaten breakfast, and only two cups of coffee so it couldn't be that. It had to be from the panic attack.

"Of course. I'm glad to see you are okay," Daniel said. He passed Charlotte on his way out as she was returning with tea and crackers.

Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea

Ens. Thisbe P'rar
Engineering Officer
USS Astrea


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