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New Flyboy...

Posted on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 3:56am by Captain Remy Johansen & Ensign Kash th'Kaasniik & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III & Ensign S'Niri
Edited on on Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 4:21am

1,430 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 2, 1756 hours

Stars streaked by, as the small, single-seat Valkyrie III Starfighter, tail number 2001, soared through space at a steady warp four. It's lone occupant had been traveling now for three days, on his way to his new assignment. To say that the trip had been a boring one was an understatement. Thankfully, the beeping of his long range sensors indicated that his solo trip through the cosmos was coming to an end. He dropped out of warp and looked through his canopy at the shipmthat was about tonbecome his new home.

"Finally," the pilot said aloud to no one. Reaching over to the communications panel, he waited for the channel to connect, then started to speak. "USS Astrea, this is Valkyrie two-zero-zero-one, Lieutenant Jason Williams piloting. I am approaching from your 270 mark 189, distance..." he looked at his instruments, then continued. "One hundred thousand kilometers and closing. "How do you copy?"

===USS Astrea Bridge===

"Incoming comms, Commander. It's the new shuttle pilot." S'Niri purred from her station.

Remy stood up as the comm came through. "Lieutenant Williams, this is Commander Johansen of the USS Astrea, we have you loud and clear. Shuttle Bay 2 is expecting your arrival. I'll patch you through to Ensign Wilson," she replied.

The sound of Jason's voice could be heard coming from the hidden speakers on the bridge. =/\=Aye, Ma'am. At current speed, I'll be in position for tractoring, in about twenty seconds. I'll report to you as soon as I land.=/\= he then waited for the patch over to the aforementioned Ensign Wilson.

Outside the ship, Jason's nimble little starfighter began a slow, counter-clockwise orbit, as he looked over his new home from a short distance of a hundred meters distance. When he circled around the bow of the mighty starship, he wobbled his wings in a salute. He then increased his speed to full Impulse and shot past towards her Aft. Lowering his speed back down, he turned the nose of his craft back towards the ship, beginning his final approach.

From the XO console, Vila looked up. "I'll call over to ensure that they're ready to receive," she said. She tapped her Comms and spoke, telling the flight crew to prep for landing. She raised her head again. "I'll go meet him, Remy, if you want," she said, with a sigh. More new people meant more of these dumb meet-and-greets. They didn't yet have a quartermaster to do it.

"If you're volunteering, I won't stop you," Remy said.

Vila made a face, but nodded, and stood up to head to the Hangars. She wasn't "volunteering" but she also didn't want the bridge herself.

Andrea began prepping the hanger bay and she designated her people to do certain tasks. This is what she loved doing and it is her second most favorite thing besides her girlfriend Shelly being her #1. Then, Andrea went to her main computer console to do some final preparations!

Lorut found herself outside the Hangars, waiting for their new arrival. She stood there, watching the action. It WAS fun, but she couldn't handle it on the day to day. She much preferred her vials and microscopes, and now her command chair and fancy office.

=/\=Launch Control, this is Valkyrie two-zero-zero-one, standing by to relinquish control of my craft for landing procedures, how copy?=/\=

Ensign th'Kaasnik stood at the flight control console and shook his head in amusement. " Hello Lieutenant Williams, we've been expecting you, Shuttle Bay Two, second level. I've got the door open for you, feel free to bring her nice and easy. Unless you want us to do it for you."

=/\=I'm perfectly capable of bring my bird in. Control. Just wasn't sure what your operation protocols were.=/\= He paused briefly, before adding, =/\=I am lined up for bay 2, bringing her in on thrusters. Clear the deck, I'm calling the ball.=/\=

With an expert touch, Jason maneuvered his Valkyrie in through the shuttlebay forcefield, then followed the flashing landing lights to the spot where the launch control wanted him to park his starfighter. Within moments, he had landed and was powering down his engines. As the deck crew hudtled over to start going over his bird, he popped his canopy and climbed down the ladder that had bee attached to the port side of his craft.

Once his feet hit the deck, he handed a copy of his flight recorder files to the deck boss, he then removed his helmet, and looked around the bay, curious as to who would be greeting him first.

Andrea, with her extremely disciplined look, approached Jason and said, "Welcome to the USS Astrea. I will go ahead and take your flight record. And, by the way, I am Ensign Andrea Mitchell, the Flight Deck Boss. Someone will be with you shortly."

"Pleasure to meet ya, Ensign. I'm Lieutenant jg Jason Williams III, call sign Reaper." He looked around the massive hanger deck. "Man, this girl is deceiving. Never know she has a flight deck this large by just looking at her from outside. How many birds do we have in the squadron.

Andrea replied, "That it is. And, I am proud of all of the shuttlebays." And, before she could respond to his query, she could hear Vila's foot steps. Then, she nodded at Vila and left to go about her duties.

"Twelve," Vila said, stepping forward. "Four Griffon-class fighters, and eight Triton class fighters," Vila said. "I am Commander Lorut Vila, XO of this ship. Welcome aboard," she said. "We don't have a quartermaster yet, so you'll check in with me. Do you have any paperwork for me?" She asked. "If not, let's go. You can see the bridge, we're just getting in it already." Gotta love Starfleet and their penchant for fuckery.

Hearing the new voice, Jason snapped to attention when the new person identified herself. "And now one Valkyrie III as well, Ma'am." He then gave Ensign Mitchell a friendly nod as he fell into step with Commander Vila. "Here is a copy of my transfer orders, Ma'am." He pulled a small datarod from on of the pockets on his flightsuit.

Vila took the papers. "Excellent, thank you. As you were," she said. "We don't really stand on formalities, though I appreciate it. The Bridge is just up a few-well, 24- decks," she said. "Thank you, Ensigns," she said. "Please alert Engineering as to the new arrival and arrange a post-flight engine check, and close the dock doors," she instructed. "Excellent work, people," she said, as she led the way out of the Hangars. She tapped her Comms. =/\=Lorut to Bridge. Expect two in...two minutes. Ens. Mitchell, Kash, close the hatches, please.=/\= She clicked off. Remy would probably want to do one of her dumb meetings.

Jason nodded silently. He knew that every command was run a bit differently from the rest. However, it would take him a bit to learn how to operate here, as opposed to how Admiral Hurin had run things. "May I ask about the current situation of the ship, Ma'am?"

=^= Understood. =^= Remy responded.

The Andorian ensign who had been running flight control had taken the set of stairs down to greet the new pilot. He waited for a break in his conversation with Commander Lorut to say anything.

Jason saw the waiting Ensign, but let the Executive Officer to make any introductions.

"Ensign th'Kaasniik! What do you need?" She asked. "Lt. Williams, this is Ensign Kash, flight ops," she said.

"Just came down to welcome the new blood aboard, Commander. Everything is running fine down here," Kash responded.

Vila simply nodded. "Great, thank you!! I appreciate it. Don't forget your breaks," Vila said, helpfully. She was trying to think of "command" type things to say. It was much easier when she was just doing second officer stuff and not having to be "on" all the time.

Jason nodded to the Ensign as he extended his right hand in friendship. "Pleasure to meet ya. Lieutenant jg Jason Williams III, call sign Reaper."

Vila chuckled lightly. "Come on, Reaper. Johansen will kill me if I am too late; something about fraternization and flirting with the staff," she rolled her eyes. She wasn't some common strumpet; she was just...welcoming.

"Catch you around," Kash called out with a wave.


Cmdr Remy Johansen
Acting Captain
USS Astrea

Cmdr Vila Lorut
First Officer
USS Astrea

Lt JG Shelly Guevera
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea

Lt JG Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea

Ensign Andrea Mitchell
Shuttlebay Manager
USS Astrea

Ensign S'Niri
Security Officer
USS Astrea


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