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Posted on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 4:19am by Civilian Alexandra Winters & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Civillian Sara Winters

914 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Winters' Quarters
Timeline: MD 2, 0715 Hourse

Alex sat tiredly at the kitchen table her feet tucked underneath her. She had dressed for school - a pair of lime green leggings, a black tank top, and a loosely knit gray sweater with large holes that you could see through over the tank top. She had not brushed her hair.

"Can I have some coffee?" she mumbled to her mom.

Sara looked at Alexandra. "Do you think that shirt is a bit...much for school?" She asked. She shook her head. "You're thirteen years old," she said. "Coffee will stunt your growth," she said, placing a cup of cocoa in front of the girl instead. "Cocoa." She said. A bit later, three plates of food appeared-eggs, sausage, toast, half an orange each, and she poured coffee for herself and Nash, waiting for her husband to come home from work.

Alex took the hot chocolate from her mom and took a long sip. "What's wrong with my shirt?"

Nash stumbled in several minutes later after night watch. He greeted his family in the kitchen area, kissing his wife and daughter.

“Good morning, ladies. Or should I say good night? Remind me never to volunteer for night shift again. I’m going to shower and get some sleep.” He stopped short between the couch and the kitchen and looked at Alexandra.

“Alex, what the hell are you wearing? You’re going out in that? To school? In public? I don’t think so. Please go change. Something wrong with your clothes? We can replicate other things for you. No daughter of mine is leaving her quarters looking like that. You’re 13, Alex, not 23.”

Sara cleared her throat lightly. "I think it'll be ok if she put a shirt under the sweater, but it's too holey, honey. Boys at your age are...well. Boys. I know you want to fit in, but please don't give your father a heart attack," she said. "How about the new shirt we got at the promenade at Jupiter station before we launched?" She suggested. "At least a blouse over that."

She looked to Nash. "Coffee?" She sighed. "Is she mad at us still?" She asked Nash, her brown eyes sad.

“Thanks, hon. That would be great. Hey, Alex, put something over it like your mom said. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. Just cover up a little, ok?”

Nash watched Alexandra for any reaction. “I can’t tell if she’s still mad or not. Whatever she’s feeling, she’s not showing it. I’d take an eye roll or anything.”

"I have a shirt underneath it, see?" Alex said tugging at her black tank top she was wearing under the sweater. You can't see anything. It's fine." Alex went back to her breakfast.

Sara sighed, and shook her head. She decided to let this one go. "Fine. You can wear a jacket over it," she said. She looked at Nash for back up. She handed him his coffee. "What's going on with you? You don't usually have quite this much...spunk," she said. "Are you still mad at us?" She asked. "We had to do what was best for the whole family, your father's career is a part of that..." she paused to sip her coffee and give Alex a chance to explain before she continued. "But that means that the three of us need to cooperate. We need to do our best to make it work, ok? Can you do that for mom and Daddy?"

“The jacket is a good idea. It’ll make you look nice. We’re just looking out for you, kiddo. I know you’re trying and I appreciate it. So does Mom. Give me a hug goodbye. I really need to get some sleep. Have a good day. I do have to go to work this afternoon for a bit, but I’ll be home for dinner,” said Nash.

"Why would I be mad? I just want to fit in with what the other teenagers are wearing. You guys are too old-fashioned," Alex said rolling her eyes as to took her plate to the recycler. "I need to go fix my hair."

Sara sighed. "I am sure the other parents have these same conversations. Tell me which kid is wearing...that...and we'll speak to their parents," Sara said. She sipped her coffee but kissed Nash before he headed for the bedroom. She cleaned up from breakfast, and then got ready for her own day-she dressed more simply, so it didn't take too long. A suit, flat shoes, a small bit of makeup to look professional. She put her bag over her shoulder, and then spoke aloud. "Alex, I am leaving. Do you want to walk with me?" She asked.

"Okay," Alex responded. She came out of the bedroom in the same lime green pants and black tank top, but this time she was wearing a bright orange oversized shirt that fell off her shoulders. "Ready?"

Sarah nodded. "That's...better," she said. Only marginally, but still. She wouldn't fight this one. "Yes, I am, Let's go!" She led them out of the room, and down the hallway.

Nash showered, got ready for bed, and thought about the family he made with Sara and Alex. He was proud of their journey so far, and the beautiful young woman his daughter was becoming. Nash got into bed and found himself smiling as he drifted off to sleep.


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