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Day 2, Morning Status Report

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:27am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant Jules Mundy & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Ensign Cha'joga d/o H'gren

2,019 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Bridge, USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 2, 0645 hours

[ ON]

Remy and Vila returned from greeting the new Intelligence Officer to find Lt. Commander Winters still in command of the Bridge.

"Once the rest of the senior staff gets here, we'll do a run-down of the reports from overnight and make a plan for the day," Remy announced. "It's looking good though. I think I'll hop on over and take a look myself this time."

Vila nodded. "I'll go relieve Winters; I am sure his wife will appreciate it," she said, heading off in the opposite direction. Once she arrived at the Bridge, she smiled lightly. "Commander, looks like you had an easy night," she said. "Thank you, you are relieved of duty. Go home, get some sleep. We're going to need all-hands later," she said, settling into the Big Chair. She was NOT looking forward to it herself.

“It was pretty routine, Commander. All systems stable over there. Life support 100%. No other bio signs present. With you and Remy’s permission, I’d like to go back over there with Jules and T’Lenn. I realize they were just there, but we can this afternoon or tonight. Take some detailed scans, see if we can access the computer core. Right now I just want to see my girls and get some sleep.”

Vila nodded. "Thank you!! I don't care, but check with Remy. Please do get some rest, though. None of us can afford to be without it," she said. "See you later. My best to your family," she said. She turned around. "Status reports, please, people," she said.

"Of course, you didn't have to pull the overnight. Delta shift could have handled it," Remy responded. "The rest of us, let's figure out a game plan. We'll wait until everyone's here, including our new Chief Intelligence officer who arrive several hours ahead of schedule this morning, and seems ready to jump in."

While Remy waited for the officers who had lead teams the day before to report in. She took a seat at the conn and began looking over the nightly reports as well, and noted that someone had transported over from the vessel while she was on her way back from meeting with the new Chief Intelligence Officer.

Mundy entered the bridge, having just transported from the alien ship. He hoped he was not late for the morning status report.

Remy looked up. "I hope that was an early morning and not a late night, Lieutenant?"

"Late night and day, commander." Mundy responded to the commander.

Ghiram followed shortly after, still drinking a cup of coffee. He ducked into the conference room to dematerialize it in the replicator before taking his seat at the science station.

At that moment, the doors slid open and Maxun walked in, reading a PADD. He looked up and gave the gathered officers a friendly grin. "Greetings everyone. My name is Lieutenant junior grade, Maxun Spello. I'm the new Intel Chief."

"Ensign Cha'joga. Flight controller." The purple-skinned Klingon looked well-rested, considering she'd just come back on shift after a long day. She flashed a sharp-toothed grin at the intel chief and returned her attention back front.

Maxun nodded politely to the young warrior, then responded in flawless High Klingonese. "batlh qaghojmoHpu'."

Cha'joga hated speaking Klingon. Her mother's accent colored her words always - which not everyone appreciated, less so back on the homeworld where people were far less kind about dishonored Houses than humans. "It is good to meet you as well, sir." She responded, in Standard. The accent remained, albeit less strongly than when she used Klingonese - but at least she felt a bit better communicating.

Once the crew had become acquainted with the new Intelligence Chief, Remy brought the meeting back to order. "I'm eager to get Mr. Spello over the vessel this morning, he has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and might have some insight outside of Starfleet that might be helpful," Remy pointed out. "Lieutenant Mundy, just came back from our alien vessel already this morning. Let's hear from him first. Anything to report?" Remy asked.

Mundy leaned forward on the table. "Commander it took me till this morning to get life support up and running on the entire ship. The method they used to power their instruments was unknown by me, but I quickly adapted and finally got everything running, smoothly, I hope."

"Alright, if there is anything that needs to be taken down that you haven't yet make sure you do that after the meeting so we can pass off operations to another officer for the day," Remy ordered. "Then I don't want to hear from you for at least 7 hours."

"May I please see a copy of your scans of their power systems, Sir?" Maxun asked Mundy respectfully.

Mundy sent Maxun a copy of his scans, as requested.

From the Command console, Vila simply nodded. "REPORTS," she repeated again, a bit louder. "Science? Don't let me down," she said.

"We just dismissed Commander Winters, but he said that engineering hasn't accessed the computer core yet. We can have an ops and engineering team cautiously take a look at that together today. I've ordered the engineers not to turn any engines on out of precaution for now," Remy interjected.

"You want to take over here?" Vila asked Remy. "And ok, that's probably smart until we know more. Who can we call up to man the Engineering console? Ensign what's her face, the...Cardassian...hybrid?" Vila was trying to work through her feelings about having a hybrid aboard-even though the girl's parents had supposedly been neutral, Vila still had to fight the view that they were collaborators. She promised herself it wouldn't color their interactions. "P'rar," she said, the name coming to her finally.

Ghiram squinted at the commander, seeing through right through her. "Ensign 'What's-her-face' is a communications officer, sir. She'd be much better suited helping us sort through the personnel files later today. And if you need an updated crew roster to help with remembering the names, I'm sure Ensign P'rar would be more than qualified to draft one up for you, sir."

"As for the personnel files," Ghiram turned back to his console, not giving Vila time to respond, "We will get a team on board the ship in the archive room to get everything ready for our arrival.

"Ensign P'Rar is an engineer, not a clerk, and she worked a double shift yesterday, and has been doing that too much of that lately," Remy interjected. "I've told Commander Winters to take her out of rotation for a couple of days so she can recooperate. I know our fresh graduates are eager, but we need to be relying on our experience here as well. Lieutenant Taylon is an experienced operations officer and will be quite useful running point between Operations and Engineering today. Remy looked at her PADD, from engineering we'll send Ensign Moxx and Ensign T'Val along with him, and have Winters and Mundy catch up with them later today."

"I know what her name is. What I don't know is why you feel like it's your duty to undermine a commanding officer at every turn. My issue is my own, but I cannot tolerate a collaborator aboard. I needed to ensure that is not that case," Vila said to Ghiram. "Figure your place out or ship out, Lieutenant. Understood?" She didn't need to explain the momentary panic that she'd felt at the knowledge that a Cardassian-even half of one-was among them, but remembered that she was a young woman, and not responsible for the pain and chaos that Vila had faced in her own youth. "Thank you for your report. Please report back to Science," she said, "And send up Lt Back to cover the console," she said. "Remy, I need a moment, please," she said, standing, and heading for the ladies' room. A flashback in the middle of her day wouldn't do.

“Captain, has she… even heard of what a Tellarite is? She keeps acting like I’m borderline committing mutiny every time I give so much as a single criticism.“ He looked to Remy, an unexpected look of concern on his face.

Before the Captain could reply, Maxun leaned in an spoke to Korin quietly. "I think it's less what you said, and more both how you said it and didn't read the room properly, you fool." While it may have sounded like he had insulted the Lieutenant, Maxun had had experience seeving alongside Tellarites during his long career. It was just how they naturally spoke to each other. "Remember that the XO is Bajoran, and the Ensign in question is part Cardassian. Even if one had done no harm to the other, there is still bad memories, species to species, to try and heal from."

""I'm aware of the context, Lieutenant," Ghiram bit back. "But she's still the executive officer of this vessel, and it's her responsibility to leave her personal bias at the door."

Having born witness to both times Bajor had been occupied, Maxun was amazed by how strong her people could be.

Vila returned from the head after a moment, having collected herself. She was more calm now, having done a quick breathing exercise and washed her hands. She eyed the people who had finally arrived and settled in. She moved into XO mode. "Captain, all stations reported. Systems are clear, personnel is ready. Further orders?" She asked.

"Alright, I don't know if anyone heard what I just said," Commander Johansen reiterated. "Commander Lorut, P'Rar is off duty for the next two days. Alert Lieutenant J.G. Taylon he will be running point between Operations and Engineering on the alien vessel for the morning until Winters and Mundy are ready to report in this afternoon. Assign Ensign Moxx and Ensign T'Val to his team. You can head over with them now. Commander McEntyre has the Bridge. I'll be bringing a second team over shortly. Understood?"

"I heard," Vila replied. "I don't know why you repeated when I simply reported that all stations are go," she said, gently. The pressures of command were a lot, and both women were having to do many things at once in the meantime. Too many things still up in the air, and she hated it. Her brain didn't process chaos well-well, not chaos that she didn't create. "I will head over now, I want to look at....something I've found before the others need me," she said. "I will take Lt. T'Lenn with me, she saw it, too, yesterday," Vila explained. She stepped out, calling down for the Lieutenant as she did. After, she called the rest of the Away team to meet her at the transporter in fifteen minutes' time.

=/\=And get your EV suits again!=/\= She sighed, and clicked off, leaning against the hull of the Transporter room. Her mind was on two tracks-Malcolm, and also the strange chair/throne thing she had no idea about. She was going to investigate it further, if it killed her. At least she'd die happy.

For those that remained on the Bridge, Remy looked around. "Lieutenant Mundy, you're dismissed. Get some rest.

"Lieutenant Ghiram and Lieutenant Spello, work together to prioritize some tasks today. Now that we seem to have power, we need to learn as much as we can. You'll leave when I do in one hour."

"Aye, Captain," Maxun replied as he stood up from the briefing table. He then turned to Korin. "Did you have anything in mind to start with?"

"I'll leave you two to it. I'll be in the Ready Room," Remy stated as she made her way off the Bridge.

Being told to take 7 hours off by the captain, Mundy wasn't going to argue. When they were dismissed, he got up, left the room, walked to the turbolift and headed to his quarters. He had the computer put a "do not disturb" notice on his door, unless it was an emergency, or Dani came over.


Translations: batlh qaghojmoHpu' - "It is an honor to serve with you." >


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