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Posted on Tue Feb 20th, 2024 @ 7:27pm by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D.
Edited on on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:41am

1,722 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Vila's Quarters
Timeline: MD: 2

While Vila was away checking out the alien vessel, Dr. Beckett had a bouquet of Bajoran lilies delivered to her quarters with a note that read, "Thinking of you today. Remember to be safe when you're out there. ~Malcolm.

Vila had arrived back to the Astrea late in the evening, exhausted, dirty, and otherwise verklempt. After a quick debrief and a cup of coffee, she made her way back to her quarters to shower and sleep and get ready to do it again the next day. Being the XO was more than she was used to, and while she felt like she was doing an OK job, she still felt pretty wet behind the ears.

She could spot..something outside her door, but as she got closer, she smiled. Bajoran lilies! How pretty. She read the note as she let herself in. She smiled, and then spoke.

"Computer, send a message to Dr. Malcolm Beckett. Hi!! Loved the lilies, thank you!! If you're still awake and would fancy a drink, meet me at my quarters in ten minutes. Deliver."

She crossed to the sink, and then put the flowers in a vase, and set them on her table. She slipped into something a bit more appealing, and replicated herself a cup of tea while she waited.

Malcolm was awake and hoping that he might hear from Vila when she received the flowers. He responded immediately, "Computer, send a message to Commander Lorut Vila. It's good to hear from you. Just finishing up some light reading. I'll see you in ten. .

Malcolm was dressed in a pair of light blue silk pants and a fitted black t-shirt that highlighted his biceps - though over that he wore a light weight bomber jacket. At almost eleven minutes exactly after receiving Vila's message he activated the sensor on her door signaling he had arrived.

Vila smiled, and had the computer open the door.

"HI!" she said, standing just inside. "You look good. You read in fancy clothes often?" She asked. "Tea? Something a little stronger? Feel free to make yourself comfortable," she said. "Thank you for the lilies, they're beautiful," she said, beaming.

"Oh these? Some of the most comfortable pants I own," Malcolm responded and then immediately wondered why he was talking about his pants. "You on the other hand. You look quite lovely. I'll take whatever you're having," he said as he took off his jacket. "First day on the weird ship go okay then?" Malcolm asked.

Vila laughed. "Comfortable is good!!" She said. "Jumja tea. I don't know if you can handle it; a lot of humans find it too cloyingly sweet," she explained. "But if you add a bit of salt, it kills the sweet. Want to try it?" She asked. She crossed to the replicator. "I take mine plain usually," she said. "Uh...define "ok..." She said. "We got sucked into a hologram and had to think quickly."

"Sure, I'll try it."

Malcolm crossed the floor to where she was standing. "What do you mean sucked into a hologram? Are you okay? You didn't come by Sickbay tonight."

Vila laughed. "Well. It WAS a hologram," she said. "But I am ok. We...opened a portal of some kind into the past via the Personnel files on the alien ship, and it was a bit hairy but I think we are going to all be ok," she said. "It's part of the job," she said, turning to hand him the drink. "I left yours plain," she said. "What do you think?" She smiled. "Truthfully, I don't really understand HOW it happened...technically, it's not possible. I have studied physics for years and...well. It's a first, for sure," she said.

"Well from what I've been hearing from the crew, most of the technology shouldn't be technically possible. Even those bracelets are still a mystery," Malcolm pointed out. "Even more of a reason to get checked out when you come into contact with something like that." Inadvertently Malcolm found himself checking her eyes for signs of distress or brain injury.

Vila chuckled, but settled down next to him. "That's true. Would you feel better if I let you scan me?" She asked, partly kidding. "I've survived much worse things, I think I am ok. If I don't feel well in the morning, I'll come by. Deal?" She asked. Still, it was nice to know that he cared. It had been a long time since someone had in that way. "I promise." She smiled again. "Do you like it? Jumja is a Bajoran delicacy," she said. "I actually hated it for a long time. It was far too cloyingly sweet. As children, we're given Jumja sticks as candies," she said. "At school and such."

"It reminds me of fruit juice actually," Malcolm said as he placed the tea down and reached for Vila's waist. "What would make me feel better though is if you kissed me right now," he said as his other hand found the small of her back and he stepped closer to her.

Vila nodded. “I suppose it is a bit fruity, she said. She set her cup down, as well, but moved a little closer to Malcolm. She giggled a bit but leaned forward and kissed him softly. “It definitely feels better!” She joked. “Maybe a check up is a good idea after all,” she said.

"Aye," Malcom whispered back. He returned her kiss, softly at first, but then he leaned further in for a deeper, more longing kiss. He stopped and pulled his head back, taking in her beauty. His hands caressed the curve of her waist, he let his eyes briefly gaze over the rest of her body before he locked eyes with her again. "I've missed seeing you around," he said with a smile, his eyes shining from being in the moment. "It's been a few days. What else have I missed?"

“I‘ve missed you, actually… Remy is great but, you know, I don’t want to kiss her,” Vila said. “It’s been a bit of an adjustment, I’ll admit… having to consider what is right for the entire crew, and not just one department. And being an example… nearly lost my cool today, and I had to tap into my therapy work. It’s just… a lot. Rumor has it that Remy and I will end up in command and, frankly… I don’t know if I’m cut out for it,” she said. “We didn’t even have time for a shakedown cruise,” she said. She moved some hair out of his face. “I’ll figure it out. I always do,” she said. “Anyway, enough about me. How are things with your new CMO? Lt. La’Feel? I need to introduce myself officially,” she said.

"I still hafta figure out if I'm pronouncing the pronouns correctly, I'm not sure there is a direct translation - well for much of the language actually. Bit of a frustrating first day, neither the Chief or the A-Chief took over the paperwork like I expected. I'm gonna have to figure out how to extricate myself from that," Malcolm complained. "If I wanted to do all that, I'd have done the chief job myself."

Malcolm changed his tone once again focusing on Vila. "But that's not really here nor there. I don't want to waste my time driveling about work when I have you here with me." Malcolm leaned in and kissed the spot where her cheek met her ear, then trailed his lips down to her neck, just under her earlobe, the air from his breath warm on her neck. He slowly let his hands begin to wander, letting Vila set the pace for how far she'd let him go.

Vila chuckled. "Paperwork is the bane of the job, isn't it?" She asked. She sighed. She smiled, though. "We'll both figure it out, I suppose," she said. She moved her body a bit, so as to fit her body against his, nearly straddling his lap. She could feel his warm breath on her ear, and she shivered in anticipation. Her hands found their way to his head, where she held it steadily, kissing him deeply. His hands were moving, and she let him explore for awhile, as she moved her hands along the curves of his body. "Do you mind if we don't really talk about our day anymore?" She asked, pulling away a moment to catch her breath, and to slowly unbutton his shirt.

"Mmmhmm" Malcolm moaned, "You read my mind." Malcolm kissed Vila deeply as his hands slid under her shirt. He pulled his mouth away from hers only long enough to get her top off and over the top of her head before he brought his lips back to hers pulling her body even closer toward his.

Vila chuckled lightly, but moved a bit to let him undress her. A bit later, both were undressed, from the waist up and Vila was feeling good. "We should move this to the bedroom, maybe? It'll be far more comfortable. I am not a teenager anymore, making out on a couch," she joked.

Malcolm stood up bringing Vila with him, "I thought you'd never ask." He walked backwards to the bedroom, pulling her along with him, kissing her when he could, drinking in every inch of her body with his eyes when he couldn't.

They made their way to the bedroom, slowly, sharing kisses along the way. They tumbled into bed, and began their dance. She was...slowly falling for this man. It wasn't love-not yet-but maybe like. She liked him, for sure. She let him start, and then she followed.

After the two had collapsed onto the bed Malcolm drew Vila toward his chest. "I've been thinking about you a lot, Vila. Maybe next time we get together I could take you on a proper date."

Vila smiled as he pulled her closer and she moved her hands over his naked chest. "That would be lovely," she said, and then kissed him, moving her body over his.

Malcolm closed his eyes for a minute, enjoying the feel of Vila's body before he switched positions, gently laying her on her back. "Ladies first," he murmured, the kisses starting with her neck.


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