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Late Lunch

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2024 @ 3:47am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher & Ensign Charlotte Dawes

1,590 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Crew Mess
Timeline: MD 2, 1300 Hours

Charlotte had a late in today which meant a late lunch. She stepped into the crew mess wearing her blue Starfleet uniform, her blonde hair pulled back into a neat twist, her usual style for work. It was simple, easy to do, and kept her hair out of her way when working on patients. She walked to one of the replicators and ordered a grilled cheese and butternut squash soup with a large water to drink and glanced around the room to pick out a spot to sit.

Cormus had already been sitting at a table along the wall by himself, reviewing data on a PADD with notes on the Romulan government. Truth be told he was quite bored but at the same time had been enjoying his cheeseburger and fries. It was comfort food and some much needed calories after the additional early morning gym session. As he leaned back him his chair for a moment to stretch, he saw Charlotte across the way and waved to her "Hey, over here."

Charlotte lifted her head and smiled at the familiar face and made her way over to where Cormus was sitting. "Hey there. How have you been? Working lunch?" She asked as she sat down.

"I've been alright, we've been working double shifts between physical fitness training and studying what they've found on this ship. So far it seems like it's just a bunch of symbols and patterns. Nevan's a lot more interested in in than I am at the moment to be honest, looking for a connection in everything. I'm just trying to keep up on the memorization. How have you been doing since the other night? I'm sure sick bay has kept busy as usual." Cormus set down his PADD and took a drink of water before having a few more fries.

"I've been well, thanks for asking," Charlotte said with a sweet smile. She leaned in and lowered her voice. "It's actually about to get pretty interesting around here, especially in medical. They've found some people in cryostasis and are talking about bringing the first one out of stasis later this afternoon."

He raised an eyebrow " I think Grexx is helping out with some of that. Or will be at least. Other than all of these wild markings, have you heard much about them? I didn't get a chance to make it over to the ship so I really don't know anything about them. Things around the chambers have been kept pretty quiet, even Nevan who got to take a look at them didn't say much in his debrief to the team after. He said he'll tell us more later but I don't like being kept in the dark. We're supposed to be a team. Are you going to be there when they wake them up?"

"Dr. Beckett asked me to be around when they revive the first person in a couple of hours." Charlotte shrugged. "I don't know how involved I'll get to be. Beckett didn't seem to be too happy they were doing it here. He was grumbling about it being risky to move them, and waking them up in a strange environment." There was a bit more to the story, but Charlotte didn't want to ramble about drama in sickbay and sound boring. "I can keep you posted, except for confidential stuff you know," she offered.

"So what have you been up to?" Charlotte asked.

"Alot of extensive training, physical and educational. Also I've been conducting room inspections so that's been quite an experience in itself. I've been working on getting out more when I have the energy. I'm supposed to be partaking in a guys night here soon, so that should be fun. One of them seems to need some experience in what a wingman can do for him so I'm sure I'll have some stories afterwards. But what about you? Other than being stuck in that Sick Bay have you managed to do anything exciting aside from the party the other night?" He took another bite of his burger and made a quick note on his PADD for something that came to mind.

"Sometimes a few of us will grab dinner after a shift, nothing too exciting. Still figuring out who everyone is really," Charlotte answered. "I know everyone is new here, but I was with the last group to arrive before launch, so I still feel like I'm settling in. A wing man night, though... I've always heard the endings to those can be quite precarious at times. Here or when we get to Starbase 76?" Charlotte asked teasingly. Though she kept it lighthearted, she couldn't help but feel a little tinge of jealousy. Cormus had been quite charming, she was sure he wouldn't have any trouble finding someone to hang out with - wingman or not.

"For me the main goal will be just to blow off some steam and relax, enjoy time away from my roommate, although he's been making time for himself too which is good. We're looking at checking out one of the lounges here on the ship, rumor has it one of them turns into a dance club later in the evening so we'll probably go there. But between the 3 of us going I doubt there'll be much in the way of debauchery, I think the focus will be on setting up Taylon. He isn't quite up to speed on that particular human ritual. On top of it they're officers and I don't have much in the way of personal friendships with any so having a few guy friends in that realm would be nice. And one of them is a pilot so maybe I'll get some more time zipping around. Is there anyone you feel you'd like to figure out more yet? I can understand getting settled in, I arrived only a couple groups before you so it's been an adjustment still." Finishing his water, Cormus took a moment to pay particular attention to Charlotte and appreciate her beauty, thinking about how much he'd enjoyed their conversation and the prospect of more going forward.

Charlotte smiled, her eyes brightening as Cormus seemed to focus on her briefly. She looked back, making eye contact as she responded. "Anyone in particular... probably, yes," she responded coyly. Though by not breaking eye contact she felt like she was being too obvious.

He returned a smile in feeling as if he'd been caught. "You uncle gave me this really cool mini holoprojector before I came on board, I haven't had a chance to use it yet. He also recommended an old Earth hobby of watching movies and gave me a list of recommendations that I was going to go though and find something to check out. I can easily set it up just about anywhere so if you know somewhere we'd be comfortable I can make it happen, otherwise my quarters are an option too. Although I can't promise the enlisted quarters being as comfortable as what you're likely used to" he teased back.

"I'm sure your quarters are fine, though I don't have a roommate to worry about. I just saw him for that brief moment, but he seems the type to talk a lot during movies," Charlotte responded in all mock seriousness.

"Sometimes that guy never shuts up" he joked back. "I'm sure he'll make himself scarce, I think he's been trying to spend more time with the Klingon lately so he may be busying himself out with her as it is. It'll give us more of a chance for deeper conversations. If you think you can handle all of this." His tone was coy as he wanted to continue the lightheartedness.

Charlotte laughed. "I guess I'll be taking my chances." She narrowed her eyes as if examining him more deeply. "You don't seem all that scary though. You're up to date on your physicals? Not a changeling or anything, right?"

"Allegedly, at least that's what the current records say. But one can never be too sure. Rumor has it they are coming up with new ways to trick scans all the time and I am due for one. So you'll have to make sure, to my understanding you're ethically bound to ensure a patients health all around. I could be a really smart changeling so your examination will have to be thorough." His smile flashed once more as he leaned back in his chair some.

Charlotte did a poor job of hiding her smile as she shook her head in mock disapproval. "You are bad..." she said playfully.

She sighed as she checked the time. "I better be getting back soon. Don't want to miss the excitement this afternoon," she checked her tray and made sure she had everything. "I'm glad I ran into you."

"Likewise, I should probably get back before Nevan decides to add more to my workload without me there. I'll send you a message later to see when you're free and hopefully everything goes well for you, Ensign Dawes." Cormus snuck in a wink as he began to place things back onto his tray.

"I look forward to it," Charlotte replied as she stood up. "Movie night? I can't wait to see what you pick out. Good luck with the boss," she added before starting her walk toward the recycler. She smiled to herself as she off loaded her tray. She was still smiling when she found her way back to Sickbay to start the second half of her shift.


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