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Fly Boy Physical

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2024 @ 2:58am by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: USS Astrea, Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD (TBD) / 0900 Hours

After waking up at 0400, Jason got up, did almost all of his normal workout regimen - as he was still activating to the current time difference, he was too exhausted to go all out. He then showered had some breakfast, then got dressed. Once he was ready, or as ready as he could be, to meet the day, he left his quarters and made his way up to Main Sickbay. He had to complete his inprocessing physical, in order for him to retain his flight status aboard the Astrea.

A few moments after leaving his quarters, he was stepping through the open doors to Main Sickbay. "Hello?" He called out, not seeing anyone right away.

Ta'Feel was sitting in Hir office, reviewing some of the medical records, when Sei heard the doors open, followed by a voice that seemed to be humanoid. Sei stood up from Hir desk, walked outside the office, and was greeted by a male that was slightly shorter than Hir 6'1" stature. After a quick blink/speak, Sei responded, "Welcome to Sickbay, LtJG Williams, the 4th generation to consecutively use the same name." "How may I assist you today?"

At first, Jason was startled by the individual who has responded to his call, then by how they spoke. "Uh...hi," he replied, his tired mind trying to catch up. "I was looking for the CMO, so I could take care of my flight physical. Also, to see if I could get something to help with my space-lag."

Ta'Feel responded with a few blink/speaks, (where Hir eyes changed from their "standby" aqua color, to each eye changing colors rapidly, independent of each other, and Hir barely audible, monotone voice spoke, seemingly to no one in particular),and responded, "I am Dr. Ta'Feel, of the Anith family, of the Usskik tribe, Chief Medical Officer." "Greetings to you, LtJG Williams the 3rd." "I will take care of your flight physical." "Dr. Ta'Feel would like to inquire about the cause of your space-lag?"

Jason grinned and nodded. "My apologies, Doc. As I just arrived yesterday, I didn't who the CMO was." Ge handed Ta'Feel a small datarod. "My medical file to date and my current flight readiness physical from my last posting. As for the space lag," he suddenly yawned, covering his mouth out of good manners. "Excuse me! As I was saying, I've got space lag because I just arrived yesterday, after flying through space for three days, and I'm still operating on the time of my last posting, which is," he looked at his chronometer. "About 11 hours behind Astrea."

Dr. Ta'Feel took the datarod with Hir right hand, which had an opposable thumb, and replied, "Thank you for this information." "I will update your records as necessary." Sei turned and placed the datarod on a nearby table, then picked up a medical tricorder and scanned LtJG Williams. After a moment, Sei responded "As far as your space-lag, the best thing to counteract the symptoms is for your body to acclimate quickly." Dr. Ta'Feel went to a cabinet and took out two capsules, then returned to Jason. "Return to your quarters, take these two capsules, and your body will recover in 3 hours." "Dr. Ta'Feel is pleased that you appear to follow a good exercise routine."

Jason took the capsules and nodded. "Thanks, Doc." Then he nodded, grinning softly. "As a starfighter pilot, I gotta stay in peak physical condition, to be able to withstand the high-gee maneuvers that I do in my bird."

Dr. Ta'Feel responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel appreciates that you take the initiative to maintain your health." "Unless you have any other concerns, I will update your medical records with this latest information."

"The only other thing of note in my current file, are my implants." He blinked and his eyes changed from normal-looking blue eyes, to white, with focusing reticles in each one."

Ta'Feel responded with a few blink/speaks, followed by "Dr. Ta'Feel had noted that fact in your files, but Sei is pleased that Sei could see a demonstration. If you ever have any problems, please inform this department." "I will also request any specialized equipment to accommodate your implants." "Thank you for being prompt with your assessment."

Jason nodded, giving the Chief Medical Officer a polite grin as he responded. "Sure thing, Doc. Last thing I need is for these to short out on me." He blinked again and his implants changed back to looking more like normal human eyes. He then stood up and, after putting his uniform jacket back on, he picked up the prescription that Doctor Ta'Feel had given him.

Giving Ta'Feel another grin, he asked, "Forgive me if this is a personal question, does your species accept handshakes?" The last thing he wanted to do was inadvertently insult someone because of a simple (by Human standards at least) gesture.

Ta'Feel extended Hir right hand (consisting of 3 fingers and an opposable thumb) and replied, "The .Chix'alk species is well versed in the customs of many species. Dr. Ta'Feel also appreciates your consideration regarding our customs."

This illicit another warm grin from the young Human. Reaching out, he shook Ta'Feel's hand politely, then released his grip. "Hey, my mom always raised me to be polite. It's a pleasure meeting you, Doc." He paused again, then asked, "Would I refer to you as Sir, Ma'am, or just Doc?"

Ta'Feel responded "Formally, it would be Dr. Ta'Feel. Informally, it would be Mx Ta'Feel." The Universal Translator pronounced Mx as "mix', the term that was agreed upon when pronouns were first established for their species, indicating that the doctor was bi-gendered.

Jason nodded as he listened. When Ta'Feel finished speaking, he responded. "Well, Doctor Ta'Feel, it was a pleasure to meet you.' He stifled a yawn, then added, "Now. If you'll excuse me, I hear my new bed calling to me." He dipped his head respectfully again, then turned and left sickbay.

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Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant Jg Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea


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