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Good Drink, Better Company...

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 7:19pm by Civillian Samuel Wynters & Captain Remy Johansen

1,533 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Ten Forward "Paddy's Loft"
Timeline: MD 2 / 2200

Sam stood behind his bar, serving his new customers and getting to know each of them as they made their orders. He had only just reopened the ten forward lounge, renaming it, Paddy's Loft, in honor of an old Irish pub he used to enjoy, back on Earth. So far. The crew seemed to enjoy the new decorations and the updated menu as well.

As he was wiping down the bar, the port side doors slide open, and the ship's commanding officer walked in, greeting her crew as she passed them. Samuel had of course seen her when he came aboard, but they had yet to be officially introduced. As she stepped up to the bar, he leaned over and smiled. "Evening, Ma'am. Welcome to Paddy's Loft. My name is Samuel, but you can call me Sam. What can I get for you?"

"Nothing strong at all, too many long days and short nights ahead," Remy answered. "Chianti, a light pour if you don't mind," she said a tired smile on her face.

Sam gave her a handsome grin and nodded. "Coming right up. Would you care for something to eat as well?" He moved off a bit to pour her drink, though his eyes stayed on her, to let her know she still has his full attention.

"I don't know, maybe like a fruit and cheese plate? Something light might be nice." Remy realized she hadn't eaten much in the wildness of the day.

Nodding, Samuel moved to the replicator and ordered up what she requested. Then, once he had the food and drink ready, he placed them both in front of her. "Here you are, my lady." He dipped his head respectfully. "Enjoy," he gave her another charming grin, before being called to the other end of the bar by another patron.

Remy tried to sit up straight and put up a face - look less tired for the crew. Five years ago she would have been the one stirring up some sort of trouble somewhere on the ship. She remembered exactly when and why she made the change, but she often wondered if it was worth it. If she was cut out for it. Remy picked at the plate, she liked the balance of flavors the savory against the sweet.

A short while later, Samuel came back and leaned against the bar opposite her. "So, a penny for your thoughts?" He gave a handsome grin, and his eyes seemed to focus solely on her, as if she was the only other person alive.

"Sometimes there's just so much going on at once, it almost feels like nothing," she said somewhat wistfully.

Nodding in understanding, Samuel replied. "So, focus on one thing at a time. That way, less chance of getting overwhelmed." He poured her another glass of Chianti as they spoke. "What do you like to do for fun?"

Remy looked at the bartender curiously. "What did you say your name was again?" She asked, avoiding the question.

His smile grew to show off his perfectly, ivory-white teeth. "Sam. But you still haven't answered the question, Captain, or..may I call you Remy?" When he said her name, UT seemed to flow off his tongue as if it were musical.

"Well, Sam," Remy replied. "I don't believe you are in my chain of command, so Remy is fine - though most wouldn't be so bold to even ask."

His grin grew even warmer. "I'm not like most men. Besides," he straightened up and wiped his bar with a clean rag. "You looked like you could use a friend, and not a fellow starfleet officer." Another patron signaled him from the opposite end of the bar. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." He then moved away to see to his next customer, though he kept stealing looks back down to Remy.

Remy slid the extra wine off to the side and dug deeper into the fruit and cheese plate she had asked for. Life did seem to get more isolating the higher in the ranks you climbed - at least aboard a Starship. Vila was always good company, but she'd been keeping busy with something else lately.

A few minutes later, Samuel returned. This time, he placed a port glass in front of Remy. He had one as well. "Try this. It's a nectar port, from my people's new home. It is sweet at first, but then mellows quickly as it slides of your tongue. Then, as is goes down your throught, it gives of a warming feeling. But, just sip it. If you drink it too fast, it will will cause you to feel very bloated." He then sipped his, to show her it was safe.

Remy held her palm up to indicate she was passing. "Perhaps you haven't heard, but we're short one Captain, and I'm the Commanding Officer and we're in the middle of a mission right now. I don't think it's a good time to try something new." Remy noticed Daniel walk into the bar with some of the officers he'd been working with over on the Serenity. She stiffened and angled away from him. "Besides, I think I just got my cue to leave."

Looking over to the arrivals, Samuel caught whom Remy was talking about. Nodding as he turned back to her, he lowered his voice so only she heard him. "I'm sorry to see you leave, Remy, but I understand. Come back anytime, the lounge is always open. Or, if you would feel more comfortable, we can continue our conversation and drink somewhere else of your choosing." He gave her that honest smile again. "No pressure, you have my word."

"Why am I getting all of your attention tonight? Don't you have a bar to run?" Remy asked, always slightly suspicious at too much attention.

He smiled softly. "A good bartender always knows which of their customers need to most service." He paused, then added, "And a smart man always knows which lady deserves the most attention." He kept his eyes locked on hers, though not in a creepy way. He was being honest with her, honest and open.

Remy smirked. "Am I giving off desperate vibes or something? I thought I left those behind when I stopped doing body shots and playing Intrepid Bingo."

The smile on Samuel's face seemed to glow with confidence. "Not at all," he remarked. "However, the look in your very pretty eyes tells me that you are the most interesting woman in this room. And, if you'll forgive my boldness, I'd really like to get to know you better."

"You're laying it on a little thick, but I'll bite. What do you propose?" Remy asked as she leaned her elbows on the counter.

Samuel dipped his head towards Remy, as he replied. "Have dinner with me. Time and place totally up to you. You've been hurt before, I understand. I give you my word of honor, that I won't try anything, the pace of things will go as fast or as slow as you are most comfortable with."

Remy stood up and let out a sigh with a huff. "I never said I've been hurt before. Why do you think you know so much about me."

Samuel was undisturbed by Remy's sudden change in demeanor. "I listen to everything, both what is and isn't said." He paused briefly, before revealing, "I'm El Aurian."

Remy closed her eyes for a moment, and took a breath. An El Aurian who seemed to hitting on her at first meeting. Or maybe this was just his way of being nice. Either way she was feeling conspicuous, and the large lounge was feeling smaller and smaller the longer she stood there. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't mind talking with you. It's just... there's a temporary passenger on board, and I'm trying to keep our contact to a minimum. So, I really should be going."

Dipping his head respectfully, Samuel responded. "Of course, Remy. I don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable." He gave her a very nice grin as he added, "You know where you can find me, when you're ready to continue our conversation."

"You're welcome to join me for a walk. Or another time if you're short staffed tonight. Somewhere that's a bit less of a showcase." Remy winked at him playfully as she took a courtesy sip of the second class of wine she had barely touched.

This elicited a roguishly handsome, lop-sided grin from Samuel. "It would be my honor to walk with you, young lady." He looked over at one of his employees, indicating that he needed them to take over.

Once the changeover was done, Samuel stepped over next to Remy and offered her his left elbow. "Shall we, m'lady?"

Remy looked down at his arm. She felt conspicuous taking it, but did so anyway. She was somewhat thrown still by the formal way Sam had been addressing her. "Tell me, how did you get assigned here?" She asked as she urged him toward the nearest exit.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Samuel Wynters
Proprietor, Paddy's Loft Bar and Lounge
USS Astrea


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