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Getting to Know the New Pilot...

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 12:34am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,936 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: USS Astrea, CO'S Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3 / 0830 hours

Once he was finished with his medical evaluation, Jason quarried the computer as to the current location of both the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer. When he was told that they were both in the CO'S ready room, he quickly made his way topside.

A few moments after entering the turbolift, he was standing outside the Ready Room. Reaching up, he pressed the door chime, then waited.

Vila was sitting across from Remy-they were debriefing about the day, and the Bajoran's usual sass was trying to not bubble to the surface. She was ALSO trying to not tell her friend about her escapades with the Assistant CMO, even though she was excited about the prospects. She glanced at the door.

"Are you expecting company?" She asked Remy. "Dr. Jackson, maybe?" She said, with a smirk. She cleared her throat. "Enter," she said.

Remy started to roll her eyes, she hadn't found the opportunity to tell her the latest, and it wouldn't be now. They were interrupted by the entry chime.

Upon hearing the command, the computer unlocked and opened the doors, revealing a handsome young Lieutenant jg, wearing the uniform and colors of the Starfighter Department. Over his right breast, even with the commbadge on his left breast, was the special skills pin that all officers who were recognized as members of Red Squad, were allowed to wear.

Stepping inside smartly, and coming to stop a few steps in front of the Captain's desk, the young officer snapped to attention and spoke clearly. "Good morning, Captain, Commander. Lieutenant Jg Jason Williams III, reporting for duty! My orders and personnel file, Ma'am." He took a step forward, placing the data rod on Remy's desk, before resuming the position of attention.

Remy stood up as the Lieutenant entered. "You can relax, Lieutenant. Have a seat. I'm afraid it might be a couple of months before you have a full compliment, but we are supposed to pick up two more pilots and start swapping out the old Tridents when we report to Starbase 73, in about a week."

Jason dipped his head respectfully, then sat in the empty chair next to the Executive Officer. "I noticed the compliment after I landed, Ma'am." He grinned slightly before adding, "I was curious as to why you had such an older flock of birds. Even the runabout are being phased out." He raised his hands in surrender as he quickly added. "Don't get me wrong, Ma'am, while Danube served well, even she is reaching the end of her main line service life. I was actually thinking of buying a surplus one, for my own use, store it back home, in a friend's private hanger."

Vila simply nodded. "Please, sit down," she said. "We had to launch like YESTERDAY, and we didn't have time for a shakedown," she said. "So it will be slow going, but we're working on it," she said. "Flight control and Engineering have already confirmed delivery of the new Spartan runabouts," she said. "They don't hold a candle to ours," she said, jokingly, "But I suppose they'll do the job."

"This starship was once called the Imperator? Perhaps you've heard of it. It was in storage for who knows how long before the refit, and the new paint job. I think those old guys might have been in storage with her, but they are still running for now," Remy added.

As Jason sat, he nodded, first tonthe XO, then the CO. "Yeah, the Spartans are supposed to be a Quantum leap forward in design and performance." He shrugged. "We'll just have to see." He then replied to the CO. "Yes..I think I've heard of it. It saw some combat back in the Dominion War, didn't it?"

Vila nodded. "Indeed," she said. The Bajoran was a bit bored but faked interest. She had zero interest in planes, shuttles, etc outside of "does it go?"

Jason, with his ocular implants, could see the micoexpressions of the Executive Officer. "I'm sorry Ma'am, did I say something wrong?"

"It seems you know quite a bit. I'm sure the junior officers will be happy to have you around. I hope they don't try your patience too much. Since we haven't picked up our Group Commander yet, and our Chief Flight Control Officer is asking to transfer departments - if you're comfortable I was considering having you go direct with Starbase 76, figure out what's coming in and what we can off load while we are there," Remy suggested, ignoring Jason's inquiry.

Looking back at the Captain, Jason sat up a bit straighter in his seat. "You can count on me, Ma'am." As he looked at her, the focusing lenses in his eyes could be seen shifting.

Vila shot a LOOK at Remy. Vila shook her head. "No. You're fine," she said. "Just...planes don't exactly thrill me, and besides, it was worked out before I was even selected as 2O," she said. "So, even if I did have any input, it is out of my hands," she said. "I have nothing further. Commander?" Vila said, turning to Remy.

"You can be dismissed if that's what you're asking," Remy responded somewhat impatiently. She trusted Vila quite a bit as a friend, but they'd been working together for barely two weeks and her right hand couldn't seem to sit through a meeting - which was an unfortunate part of the job that she was going to have to get on board with.

Jason sat there, quiet, as the two senior officers spoke. He wondered what the issue was, but stayed out of it.

"Not me, I still need to discuss a certain matter," she said. "The Lieutenant here, though, is probably more useful in the Hangars," she said. She shot Remy another look. What was HER problem? She knew that Vila had a firm disdain for the handbook, and a general disgust for the Federation-more specifically, how they made decisions on how and when they intervened. She really shouldn't have been promoted to Second Officer, but in a pinch, she could be serious.. This wasn't that, though. It was more dumb personnel stuff.

"Lieutenant Williams, is there anything that you need, or would like for us to know to help you perform your job here to the best of your ability?" Remy asked.

Suddenly feeling a bit like he has stepped into a minefield, Jason cleared his throat before replying. "I guess the only things i need to know is, who is the Wing and Squadron Commander's. The rest will filter out from there, Ma'am."

Remy smiled. "We don't have our full compliment yet. I'm actually just the first officer, this is a temporary CO position," Remy handed him a PADD. "Here's what I've been told about Starbase 76, but I'll warn you, things changed a lot in the 2 weeks I was at Jupiter Station waiting to leave space dock. Things upstairs have been quiet, and a little secretive. - Oh for say the past 3.5 years if you ask me. But I'm trying to keep everyone as informed as I can."

Vila nodded. Wasn't that the understatement of the century, but now it became crystal clear why Dr. Jackson was also along for the ride. She smirked. Remy was getting some hot pepper on the side, too!! She fought to keep her face looking neutral and professional, though. "It'd be nice if Command would keep US informed," she said, her voice tinged with annoyance. "I also have, somewhere, a duty rota for you, but Lt. Guevara may also have one. I will redo it to recognize your arrival. Let me know as soon as possible your shift preferences and all that," she said. Her task was all that personnel crap, and she HATED it. She'd rather be poked in the eye with a vial of hydrochloric acid.

Taking the PADD from Commander Remy, Jason smirked humorously. "In all fairness, Ma'am, is the Admiralty aways secretive? It's why they wear those special belts, their secret decoder belts." He chuckled softly at his little joke, then continued. "I'll get to work on this, see what kind of birds, how many and what other gear I can squirrel away for us. I happen yo be friends with an Admiral, he might be able to help." Then, looking over at Commander Lorut, he responded to her statement. "It's my experience that whomever the senior starfighter pilot is, they get Alpha shift, then the rest get filtered around the clock, to keep an even mix of experience in each shift. So, with that in mind. I'll go wherever you feel would best serve the ship, Ma'am."

Vila nodded. "Excellent. That would be you," she said. She made a mental note to shift the others up one each. Someone would have to cover weekends, too, but they had plenty of staff.

"Seems reasonable. Hopefully we'll be more squared away once we reach Starbase 76. We may be stuck out here a few days. Feel free to update yourself on the mission logs. There are people on board the vessel that was previously thought abandoned, so we're on a fluid clock at the moment while we begin revival efforts," Remy stated. "If you find something in there that catches your interest, let Commander Vila know and she'll determine if we can get a team put together."

Jason nodded. "Aye, Ma'am. I'll try to have a flight readiness and request report for the both of you by end of business today." He paused a beat before asking, "If there's nothing else...?"

Vila shook her head, she had nothing else. "You're free to go, I think," she said.

Jason looked over at Commander Remy. As she was the senior officer present, it was her choice.

Remy nodded. "That's fine. Let us know what you come up with." She stood up and extended her hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

Jason stood and took hold of the Captain's hand. He was pleased to find that she knew how to give a proper handshake. His father had always told him that if someone tried to overpower or went limp, then they were weak-willed. Commander Remy clearly was not, as her grip was firm enough to be polite. She also looked hom in the eye as they shook hands. He knew then that he was in the right place. "Yes, Ma'am. I'll let you know as soon as I have something for you."

After they released their grips, Jason dipped his head respectfully to Commander Lorut, offering his hand to her as well.

Vila paused a moment-even after all of these years, handshakes were a Human custom she didn't quite understand. Still, she reached out and gripped his hand. At least it wasn't damp. She shook it firmly but not hard, twice, and then let go. "Thank you, Lieutenant," she said. She fought an urge to wipe her hand on her uniform pants-not out of disgust but because she just simply wasn't used to all the touchy stuff that the humans insisted on. Even with Ben, their physical touch had been mostly love-making and even then, it had dwindled rapidly as Vila had discovered the vast amount of microbes that humans possessed.

Satisfied that both senior officers seemed to be good people, Jason gave Remy another dip of his head, then turned and left the ready room. He had a lot of work to do, and he didn't want to let anyone down.


Commander Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Commander Lorut Vila
Executive Officer
USS Astrea


Lieutenant Jg Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Leader
USS Astrea


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