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Stranger in Sickbay

Posted on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 4:27am by Lieutenant JG Malcom Beckett M.D. & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Joey #640 & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Edited on on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 5:39pm

2,588 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Deck 12, Sickbay, USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 2, 1500 hours

Dr. Beckett had received word ahead of time that the CMO would be bringing an entire stasis unit back to the Astrea with him and to prepare a quarantine room in which they could work. He did so dutifully despite quietly questioning the wisdom in the decision. With the room prepared and ready to go, Malcolm sent word over to Dr. Ta'Feel and within a few minutes Ta'Feel, Thivi and Joey had beamed directly into the room with the stasis unit.

Dr. Ta'Feel stood to the side, making way for LtJG Thivi to take charge of the situation. Sei looked around, noticing the small crowd that was observing the cryostasis unit, and was quietly taking mental notes of everyone, preparing to initiate one-on-ones, and using the current events to prioritize Hir list.

"Right! Let's get to work." Thivi wasted no time bustling over to her duty station and retrieving a PADD and tricorder. She seemed remarkably cool for someone who'd just come back from watching her crewmates convulse and twitch in semi consciousness - but right now there was a larger task ahead of her, of course.

"Taufiq, if you'll please prepare biobed 3A for the individual that emerges from the cryostasis unit?" Thivi nodded at the young human male technician who dashed off immediately. "I believe we ought to start with basic bodily scans." She waved her tricorder over the pod.

From the back of Medical, Feeva was watching quietly. Her boss had it handled, but she was on standby-both for counseling and for triage. She was currently finishing up a final check on Lt. Spello before he was released back to duty. He seemed to be not too injured-a nice side effect of holoprograms was that the injuries were usually pretty mild.

Joey clocked his officer Feeva lurking in the shadows and waved her over, she was the psychiatrist on-call so maybe she was called in. "Feeva," Joey said placing his hand on her shoulder "Code: Cryo." He bluntly said the code was literally ancient but it was still used to refer to the days of United Earth sleeper ships where people were frozen and awoken to colonize worlds far from the reachers of the Sol System. "Can you fetch Robert House from bed?" A dinosaur, a Psychoanalyst, someone who should have retired on their legacy before it was ruined by a scandal. "And Onev", an Andorian girl, fresh out of the academy who was serving as a social worker aboard the ship.

"Aye, sir," she said, stepping out into the main room to make the call. She crossed to the computer and checked the database, making the appropriate calls. She opened her comms after that. "Onev, this is Counselor Drylo. Please report to sickbay," she said. The small redhead returned quietly to the exam room. "They're both on the way, sir," she said. "I will be nearby if you need me," she said, stepping back out into the main room. She could do triage while she waited.

Ta'Feel walked over to Hir desk, tapped on the terminal, did a quick blink/speak, which was followed by several phrases that Sei entered into individual files. It was Hir intent to become intimately familiar with each crew member, and not have just medical record knowledge of every one. Sei had started with command on Ser last assignment, and, although things seemed to go rather well, Ta'Feel wanted to start at the other end of the ranks this time.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves uh Counselor Joey, Stand down the troop you called in. This isn't a circus," Beckett called out in irritation as he scrubbed in. Nurse Dawes was ready with a sterile gown and gloves. "She's not even out of stasis yet, and we don't need a lot of people around here, breathing out a lot of bloody germs that this young woman likely has zero immunity too. Counselor Drylo is actually the perfect person to be here on standby should she wake up in a panic. And Nurse Dawes here has quite the bedside charm too."

Feeva hid a smile but nodded. "Aye, sir, I am here," she said. "I am prepared to assist. Indeed, I fear she may be panicked, as well." She said. "A female face may be more welcomed than a male one," she said.

Joey shot him a look of annoyance, this wasn't his area and yet he was changing him? "No Dr Beckett, Dr Drylo is not the best candidate, if she was she would be in charge of the department." He quickly turned to her and gave his best smile trying to show he didn't mean it before turning around with a face of thunder. "Dr House will be able to tell us if there's anything in her subconscious, Dr Onev zh'Nooria will be able to trace her roots possibly back to her homeworld, and I will be able to successfully assist in their transition. There is a protocol to challenge Doctors, please use it." Joey said firmly ending the debate about his abilities

Having finished Hir initial work, Dr. Ta'Feel exited Hir office and walked back into the main area and entered the quarantine chamber. Sei stood near Thivi, listening to the verbal interchange between the group.

Dr. Beckett entered the quarantine chamber. "Nurse Thivi, we can only tell so much before bringin' her out of stasis, but what can ye tell me about the woman's condition? Have you been able to detect any viruses, medical defects, or long term side effects from the cryostasis itself yet?"

"You'd be surprised, sir. The person in here seems to be quite humanoid - two front-facing eyes, two arms with five fingers on each hand, two legs with plantigrade feet - what appears to be mammary glands." Thivi noted. "No sign of degradation to the body or any kind of affliction we presently know of - they're in excellent shape! Whoever designed this cryostasis technology has outdone themself." Thivi smiled. "The skin seems to be thicker than a human's, with more muscular tissue than a human. Quite a bit sturdier than an average human, at any rate. And..." She waved her tricorder over the region where the woman's chest was. "Ah! Good. Their respiratory system seems to have evolved for an oxygen rich environment..."

With a quick blink/speak, Dr. Ta'Feel announced, "Excellent observations, LtJG Thivi."

"Computer, sterilize Quarantine Room 1," Malcolm ordered. The crew had beamed in with her before scrubbing in and there had been a lot of in and out in the meantime and wanted to take precautions before waking the woman up. The medical could hear sounds of the room venting as the sterilization lights passed over the room.

"Okay, Dr. Ta'Feel," Dr. Beckett stated after the room was prepared. "Are we ready to proceed?"

Ta'Feel looked around from being to being, quickly assessing each one's roll in the upcoming procedure.

Feeva stepped back, knowing that too many hands could be disastrous. "Dr. Joey, let's see if we can be useful somewhere else," she said, in her "mom voice." He might be her supervisor, but she also understood that surgery was no place for a counselor. Until it was. "We'll be just outside the door, prepping," she said. Joey could do his notes and paperwork, and she'd scrub in. She also needed to find a stool or something-how could she reach the biobed? She could barely reach the top of the counters. Sighing, she began to wash her hands and arms carefully, then gloved up before stepping into a surgical suit and covering her hair.

Joey didn't reply but went with her, Doctors were and always will be the most competitive and challenging environment.

After the Vissian and Android left the area, Ta'Feel did a few quick blink/speaks, and responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel thinks Sei would also be an unusual distraction." "Dr. Ta'Feel will step outside the quarantine chamber, just out of sight, until I am notified otherwise." "Please proceed." With that, the .Chix'alk stepped outside the chamber, but stayed within earshot.

Feeva smiled at the Doctor. "Dr. Ta'Feel, why aren't you inside?" She asked. "Do you feel that your presence would be unwelcome?" She asked, concernedly, "Let me assure you that that is not the case," she said, looking up at him. She didn't know him-in fact, this was their first meeting, but she tried to sound as reassuring as possible. She went into the surgical suite. "I will remain 'ere," she said, noticing that she and Beckett had similar accents-like Sol, Vissia had various regional dialects. She watched carefully as the pod person was woken, gently, prepared to step in at a moment's notice.

Ta'Feel did an extended blink/speak, then replied, "Dr, Ta'Feel is of the opinion that the being would be more comfortable in viewing other beings similar to herself. Once it has been established that she is ready to accept beings very dissimilar to herself, then Dr, Ta'Feel will present Hirself to her." Another short blink/speak, then "I will re-enter when it appears I will not cause too much commotion."

Inside the quarantine chamber, Dr. Beckett stood one side of the female, while Charlotte stood next to home. "Hello there, lass. Can you understand me? We have these devices called a universal translator. We think they work with you language. You are in a Sickbay. A hospital. I am a doctor."

By human standards, the woman appeared to be early 20's. She startled, her face darting around looking at her surroundings. "Where is everyone else?" She asked? "Who do you work for?" She was somewhat frightened, but she was outnumbered and didn't know where to go if she decided to run, so she stayed where she was and listened.

Thivi remained out of sight - at least, for the time being. Some part of her felt that these people might feel more at ease seeing someone closer in appearance to them for a start, considering they were awakening from a very long slumber in a wholly new and unfamiliar world. She stood behind a wall, monitoring the woman's vital signs on the biobed monitor.

Ta'Feel noticed Thivi standing nearby, and walked over next to her. A quick blink/speak, then "It appears the humanoid is experiencing some stress, which is to be anticipated."

"We work for Starfleet," Charlotte responded. "It's part of a United Federation of Planets. No one is going to hurt you. We're here to help. We found your ship adrift and thought it was abandoned. But we found you and a few others in stasis. We think you've been that way for a long time."

"You said there are others?" The woman asked. "Can I see them? Where are they?"

"They're still in stasis, miss," Dr. Beckett responded. "We had to make sure it would work. And we need to make sure you can take vaccines for immunity against the germs that are around today. We only have so much quarantine space and don't want to make anyone sick."

Feeva spoke up, her soft voice soothing and she used her "mom" persona. "You are quite alright, dear. My name is Feeva. I am a counselor. How are you feeling? Can I get you something?" She asked. "Dr Beckett here promises to take good care of you, and I will be here to watch," she said, reassuring the woman that she wouldn't be alone. She patted the woman's arm gently. "Dr. Ta'Feel, perhaps it is time for the hyposprays? I have asked our chief doctor to give you a medication for the shock, is that ok?" She asked.

Before Dr, Ta'Feel could respond from behind the wall, Sei heard the woman reply.

The woman narrowed her eyes. "No, that's not okay. I want to see the rest of my people. Most of us went into stasis to conserve resources and power while the Captain looked for a suitable world for us. I want to know where she is. What happened to her?"

Feeva simply nodded, remaining calm and serene. "She hasn't been found yet," Feeva said. "But, as soon as she is, I will tell you immediately. You have my word on that," she said. The redhead looked at the young woman with soft brown eyes. "Now, can we talk? I can have the men leave, if you'd like," she offered. "Just to get some information, I promise I won't be poking or prodding you. I am just a counselor, not a doctor," Fee explained. She was hoping to gain the woman's trust, even if it took her awhile. But maybe they could at least build a rapport enough that Fee could gather some indication of what the hell happened.

"I want to see that the others are okay first," the woman responded. She had been rather meek, but she was growing frustrated that she didn't have anyone of her kind with her.

Feeva nodded. "I know. They have not been found yet," she said. "Could you tell me where they might be so we can find them and ensure their safety?" Feeva tried a different tactic. "I can ask the docs to withhold any further treatment unless it's lifesaving, until then," she said. "It shouldn't take long after we know where to look," she cast a hopeful glance at Drs. Beckett and Ta'Feel.

The woman began massaging the muscles in her legs, preparing to walk. "Take me to my ship. I've had enough. I'll find them myself."

Feeva sighed, and with a quick movement, she quietly administered a sedative. It would, ideally, help the woman to relax and even sleep. She hated to do it, but they NEEDED to examine her. "Dr. Beckett, she's all yours," Fee said, dropping the hypospray gun with a sad look. She hated this part.

Dr. Ta'Feel had followed Thivi from behind the wall, and stood by listening.

"I love your initiative, counsellor, but next time let's hold off on the medications unless we have to?" Thivi joked as she emerged from behind the wall with a tricorder in hand. "I'm sure she's just panicked. Hopefully she'll be calmer when she wakes. Perhaps we should be keeping a somewhat closer eye on those we awaken here on out?"

Feeva nodded. "She'll sleep and hopefully wake up calmer," she replied. She didn't regret it-it's what she hoped someone would do to her.

"Or we rethink waking them up on strange ship," Beckett commented. He'd predicted this one. "Nurse Thivi, we'll need to run some samples to see how she'd fare against being out in public. Also we need to know if she's carrying anythin' that may not be harmful to her, but could blow back on us."

Dr. Ta'Feel spoke to Beckett, "If there are any repercussions, to the recent activities, as CMO, I take responsibility."

"Indeed. For now, though, let's shift her back to an environment she's familiar with. I think that might get her to calm down." Thivi reasoned. After a brief tricorder sweep of her body she closed the cover of the device with a nod. "She doesn't seem to be carrying any form of disease that might be harmful to us, at any rate. I believe we're quite safe."


Lieutenant J.G. Malcolm Beckett, M.D. (& Charlotte)
Medical Officer
USS Astrea
Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Astrea
Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
Asst. Counselor
USS Astrea
Lieutenant J.G. Ta'Feel Anith Usskik
Chief Medical Officer
USS Astrea
Lieutenant J.G. Joey #640
Chief Counselor
USS Astrea


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