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Remy's Corner of the World

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Captain Remy Johansen

618 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Remy's Quarters
Timeline: MD 3, Almost Midnight

Remy stumbled back to her quarters after what felt like 17 full hours of standing and talking. The Atarans who had managed to survive their millennia in cryostasis were all awake now and the Ataran medical officers had been working with those on board the Astrea about ensuring their health and safety as integration with modern society was unavoidable at this point.

Then there were the talks with Command. The Admirals breathing down her neck about First Contact. To their credit, and Remy's surprise they weren't here yet and right now the plan was to rendezvous at both Starbase 76, and possibly a relocation site. Sam had mentioned First Contact this morning. She hadn't had much time to think about last night.

She unzipped her uniform overshirt and threw it over the couch, where there was usually a collection of at least two or three from the days prior, but she noticed that there weren't any. No extra shoes littering the floor either. It was then that she looked up and saw the face of wildflowers on her table. It brought a smile to her face and she walked over and and found the note. She placed her face into the bouquet and inhaled the scent. She closed her eyes for a moment and imagined a place where she might have walked and come across a beautiful array alongside a well beaten path.

Then she sat down to read the note.

My Dear Remy,

Last night was wonderful, in every way imaginable. I'm very glad that we met, and I hope you feel the same. While it is too soon to put any labels on things, I am curious to see where things go between us. If you are as well, then you know where to find me. As I recognize you are very busy, I won't pester you for attention. Please feel free to reach out to me, anytime you want company. (I might even start to stock extra bottles of Chianti, just for you ;-) ).

Until I see you again, my love, you will be in my thoughts.



Remy smiled as she read over the words again before setting the note aside. In a mementary lapse of character she picked up her uniform overshirt to put in the refresher instead of just leaving it tossed over a piece of furniture, as she walked to the bedroom. A freshly made bed and clean sheets awaited her. She changed into her night clothes, almost always cotton pants and a t-shirt, and went to sit on the side of the bed. She was tired. Samuel would probably be serving patrons well into the morning hours, but she couldn't do it tonight. And she wasn't sure if she wanted to run into something so fast and furious anyway. Still, there had been something hypnotic about her evening with him.

When Remy's head finally hit the pillow she fell asleep quickly. Again, something that wasn't typical for her. She dreamed that she was flying through space blind - no navigation, no viewscreen, no windows. Somehow she was navigating a field of space debris, she knew where she needed to turn, but didn't know how she knew. Then in her own dream, she fell asleep again, yet still in control of the ship. The dream was still with her when the cruel sound of the alarm woke her up in the morning.

It was time to make some progress with the Atarans. If they were going to influence Starfleet's decision about where they should go, they needed to move quickly with their report. And Samuel... She supposed she owed him a note or a visit soon as well.


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