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Vaccination Lab

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2024 @ 1:18pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Thivi & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik & Lieutenant Dr. J.R McEntyre, M.D.

990 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Serenity
Timeline: MD 3, 1600 hours

"So what have you found out? How do our immune systems fare against the pathogens of today?" Mika asked. "I imagine that Starfleet has quite a vaccine regimen with people from so many worlds working together."

Dr. Ta'Feel responded with several blink/speak responses, "At this moment, your immune systems appear to respond will to all major pathogen tests." "Starfleet does have a comprehensive vaccine regimen that we have accumulated from various species." "The tests are currently 99.38% complete." "Have you had any unusual symptoms?"

Mika shrugged. "I don't know what unusual would be after being in cryostasis for so long. We were meant to be under, 50 years at most. The air isn't as stale as I would have expected."

Malada nodded. "Unusual is...everything," she said. Though they were an advanced species, these people still had tech that she could've only dreamt of. She was already enjoying the replicators and turbolifts, and was figuring out how to wheedle her husband into installing one into wherever their future home would be. "I am ready to get started on the vaccines," she said. "Your people explained that they will be necessary for when it is time to relocate," she said.

Sara Winters nodded. "I already have a base finished; you have a similar hydrogen base to other humanoids," she said. "So I started with attenuated versions of some of the more common viruses in the target relocation area. Dr. Ta'Feel?" She said.

Before Dr. Ta'Feel could respond, Officer Foley spoke up.

"We're actually fortunate to have two unrelated individuals on board our ship from one of the ancient races," Officer Foley said, jumping in excitedly. "We will need to run some simulations, but initial scans are showing that they will likely be good matches to start the replication process for an antibody protocol for overall tolerance to daily germs that are benign to most of us. This would only take a few hours, and there is really no risk to the process, but should be a great benefit. With the doctor's approval of course."

Dr. Ta'Feel responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel acknowledges Ms. Winter's process." "Dr. Ta'Feel approves Officer Foley's process." Sei turned toward Malada and spoke, "Dr. Ta'Feel predicts that Malada and her associates will have an easy time with your new location."

Malada blinked once, getting her brain focused on the Doctor's stilted Standard. It was still a learning curve; while the Anterans had Universal translator tech, Standard was still a third language for her. Finally, she had parsed together the man's words, and nodded. "Thank you," she said. "And to the lady, as well," she said, dipping her head graciously. "What will you...require from me?" She asked. "How will it affect me?" She asked. She was a scientist and wanted to know everything.

J.R entered the makeshift lab, carrying equipment and other supplies. He set them down before walking over to Ta'Feel and Malada. "You shouldn't feel anything but a slight bit of pressure as the vaccine is administered. We'll also monitor you to see how it takes."

Malada nodded, and held out her arm. "Ok..." she said. "What will be the side effects I can expect?" J.R reassured Malada with a soft kitty smile.

Sara stepped forward. "I would imagine some injection site soreness, and hopefully, you'll experience nothing else, but there's a small chance of mild illness, like stomach upset and body aches. I tested the vaccines on a holographic model that I programmed with your unique biological makeup. He showed no ill effects," she said, in her gentle mom voice, like she'd used when Alex was young and getting her shots for school.

"Can we see the information on the common viruses that Dr. Winters mentioned? The ones that you are considering exposing us to as part of your vaccination protocol?" Mika asked.

Sara nodded, and smiled. She pulled out her PADD and brought up the information. "Here you go," she said. "Feel free to take as much time as you need," she said. "It won't hurt my feelings if you ask questions and such," she said. "Orkett's is a disease specific only to Bajorans and Cardassians, but they both a more common race here in Federation space," she said. "As well as some humanoid diseases-the common cold, Influenza A, and herpes simplex," she explained. "Finally, I added in a strain of Darnay's disease, and Quazulu III virus," she said.

Dr. Parks spoke up. "It makes sense to me that we go through the antibody protocol before moving toward the vaccines with actual exposure to the viruses themselves. Since the antibodies are being replicated from live donors, there will also naturally be some antibodies to the viral loads, so it should lessen the side effects when we get to that stage." The physician handed a PADD to Thivi with her orders.

Parks turned to the two Atarans, "While you are on your own vessel or the Astrea you will have the benefit of herd immunity. Everyone was screened before boarding, and other than your people, we haven't made contact with outsiders since launch. If you agree, we'll monitor your progress on the antibody protocol, and determine a good time to move forward with the next stage from there."

"The vaccine's ready!" Thivi piped up from just around the corner. She emerged carrying a box of hyposprays, which she put down on a table. "It'll have to be in small-ish batches for now, though. Who's first?"

Malada looked to her husband and nodded. She had always been a bit of an independent woman, and she was a scientist. She trusted science, and had a basic understanding of how vaccines worked, even if they did them differently on Antera. "I trust the Earthicans," she said, still confused on what exactly they would be called otherwise. "I will start," she said. She was one of the tribal elders anyway. Might as well set the example.



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