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Group Therapy Part 3

Posted on Fri Mar 22nd, 2024 @ 10:13pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Lieutenant JG Thivi
Edited on on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 1:56am

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: USS Astrea, Deck 12
Timeline: MD 5, After Part 2

Feeva watched the other counselor leave and turned back to the teenager. "You're free to go if you wish," she said. "Sorry about him. He's trying," she said. "He hasn't been trained like I have," she said. "Would you like me to arrange a meet up with some of the children for you? Jheva said no, but maybe you'd like to," she said, encouragingly. "Our Chief Engineer has a daughter about your age that seems interested in fashion," she said. She had only met the family once, in passing, but that had been her first impression.

"Fashion? I doubt we'd have much in common then," Muriel responded. "That was one of the last things on our minds when we boarded, much less before they started putting people in stasis. Is it true our ship's computer kept us alive because it was choosing who would be fertile, good genetics for mating?"

Feeva shrugged. "I have no idea what teenagers are into these days, so I took a stab in the dark," she explained. "But that's fair. And yes, you're correct. The computer made the decisions. I don't know who programmed the decisions beforehand, but that's what I was told," she said. "I assume they were thinking forwardly; having to repopulate a planet or a race of people, you'll want to have the most fertile amongst you survive," she said. Feeva didn't like the other implications.

Brunel looked at Jheva and asked her to translate his words to Feeva. Do you know where we will live? What will happen to us?

"Brunel wants to know where we'll live from now on and what's going to happen to us." Jheva stated plainly to the Vissian. "You people will drop us somewhere safe, right? Not with another group of pointy-ears who'll take away everything we have all over again?" She narrowed her eyes at Fee. "Because I assure you damn well that I speak for every single one of my people when I say that we don't ever want that ever again. And you can be sure that if you do, you will pay."

Feeva nodded. "Your elders are in talks with our command team about that. We have two planets in mind-New Sausalito, which is in the Milky Way Galaxy, near to Sol. Nowhere close to Romulan space. And the other is the Mutarus Cluster, perhaps Campor-again, far from Romulan space, though on the other side of the Quadrant. The Romulans are all but gone, though-their star went Supernova awhile ago..." she explained. "We are in talks with representatives from both places to ensure that both will be safe. Nothing has been set in stone yet, but as soon as it is, I will tell you." She said, honestly, and simply. "My preferences would be New Sausalito, as I have heard that there's a small colony of Romulans in the Muturas Sector, and I am sure that my opinions will be considered," she said.

At her mention if Romulans near one of the two worlds being desed for them to settle on, Brunel signed furiously. No!!! I don't want to leave near them!! I won't!!! Please don't make me!!!

Muriel watched Brunel signing, and listened to Jheva's threats, but she didn't bother voicing her own option, she just stood by with a sad expression. Like the woman had said, the elders would decide. No one would care about their opinions.

"He doesn't want to live near them. The Romulans." Jheva deadpanned. "What a surprise. You people better keep that in mind - I hope you're not the kind of people who go the 'the kids don't matter' route. Are you?" She narrowed her eyes at Jheva. "Because you can be assured that if you are, and you decide to let us have the chance to have everything we have taken away again, you will make an enemy of us - all of us." She spat before turning around and laying her hand on Muriel's shoulder. "These people are so non confrontational. You can just see it. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure they'll cave." She said softly to the younger girl.

Feeva sighed. She shouldn't have said anything. But she didn't believe in lying to children, either. "I will do my best to ensure that it doesn't come down to that," she said. "I can't promise, but I will do everything in my power. I value your opinions. I would assume that New Sausalito would be your choice, then?" She asked the children.

Brunel calmed a bit, hearing Feeva's words. He then seemed thoughtful for a bit, before he signed, What is a S-a-u-s-a-l-i-t-o? And what happened to the old one?. He spelled out the word, as he couldn't think of a translation, as it was unfamiliar to him.

"You're one of those people that works with people. You know being bad and wanting to push out cultures that you feel are less than yours or better than yours is universal. You know moving to somewhere new
does not guarantee safety. We know nothing about this New Soflito-" Whether Jheva was mispronouncing the name of the planet on purpose was unclear. "-or what the people that live on it, if there are any, are like. What if they too decide to come and push and kick us around?" She narrowed her eyes at Fee. "What's the difference between them and the pointy-ears then? We need more information."

Feeva nodded, and sat down on the floor. "New Sausalito is the name of the planet. It's an outpost for Sol," she said. "Earth. The old one is there," she said. "It is a city in California, on the Sol continent of North America. Wine is made there," she said. "It is near to the Headquarters of Starfleet." She explained. "It has been a cultural and naval significant place for a millennia," she said. Feeva then took a breath and added, "I know you'll be safe on New Sausalito, at least from the Romulans, because it's protected Federation Space and they're not allowed there," she said. "The few that are left," she said. "Do you know what it means when a star goes Super Nova?"

"It blows up, of course, and takes the planets around with it. You mean they're dead? Except some stragglers? Good for them." Jheva rolled her eyes. "So now they know what it's like to be so completely destroyed you have nothing left. The elders will be pleased!"

Brugel nodded as he listened. He then signed to Jheva. I feel we can trust her, Jhev. Be kind to her, please?

Muriel looked at the other two. "Do you want to take a walk and get out of here?" She signed to them. We can go read about these places on our own.

"Agreed. See you weird people. You've been very helpful." Jheva's tone was so neutral it was hard to tell if she were joking or not. She rose to her feet and shuffled out of the room with the two younger children following behind her.

NPC of Johansen

NPC of Thivi


(Npc of Spello)


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