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Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 2:42am by Captain Remy Johansen

734 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 7, 0730 Hours

Remy walked into the Ready Room shortly before her regularly scheduled morning meeting with Starfleet Admiralty and grabbed a refill of coffee from the replicator and made herself comfortable behind the desk as she waited for the subspace communication to come in. The Astrea was now at cruising speed with a course laid in for Starbase 76. They had with them a decent sized delegation of Atarans, including some of the younger citizens who had asked to come along so that they could see the Starbase.

The plan at Starbase 76 was currently for some of the esteemed flag officers to be able to meet and greet the Atarans, and show their own goodwill. They were also scheduled to swap out some of the older shuttlecraft for newer models, and receive some upgraded equipment requisitioned by Commander Winters for the engineering department.

At 0730 the alert for the subspace communication came through. Remy answered, sitting at attention noting both Admiral Downing and Admiral Hannon were on the view screen. Hannon she wasn't as familiar with. Despite already sitting up straight, Remy attempted to square herself up even more.

"Good morning, Admirals. Commander Johansen reporting as directed."

Hannon spoke first, "Good morning, Commander. As you know, we've been following your mission as Commanding Officer of the Astrea closely."

Remy kept her expression neutral and professional. "I am aware. Hopefully, you are finding that our work is meeting your standards. I know that no one was expecting for this to turn into a First Contact mission, and there are some decisions I might have made differently if given a second chance. But the crew really stepped up. Words can't even explain the professionalism and the work ethic that I have seen from them, Admiral."

"Yes, and your crew has been speaking just as highly of you as their Acting Captain when in their reports," Hannon responded.

Remy noticed Downing start to smile, and she relaxed a bit. "Thank you for passing that along, Admiral. That is good to hear."

Hannon continued, "One of the most important traits a commanding officer can have is a willingness to learn from their mistakes and to listen to their crew. When you were given orders to take the Astrea out with the last minute changes in leadership we knew we were giving you a difficult task. But you not only managed to instill crew confidence - especially from the senior staff on board, but the work you've done in scientific discovery, and making first contact in such a way that we may soon be welcoming a new society into the Federation has been exemplary."

Remy felt herself beaming at the compliments, though she tried to keep her expressions as neutral and as professional as possible. She kept her response to a simple, "Thank you, sir."

Hannon turned to Downing, which was apparently her cue to talk. Remy had been on friendly terms with Admiral Carmen Downing for a few years now. Downing was still smiling when she began to speak.

"Commander Remira Johansen, we are officially offering the position of Commanding Officer of the USS Astrea, with the full rank of Captain. Should you accept, we will make it official after your arrival at Starbase 76."

Remy felt at that moment as though she had had the wind taken out of her as she fought to find the words to respond to an offer that she wasn't expecting to get. Not anytime in the near future.

"Are you sure?" Were the first words that to mind, and Remy immediately regretting saying them. "I mean, I'm, I wasn't expecting this. Of course I am interested... I accept. I just thought we had someone else already slated..."

"Captain Conroy is in the middle of an assignment, and he'll have a command waiting for him when that's completed," Hannon responded. "But Astrea is yours, Captain Johansen. Congratulations."

Admiral Downing's eyes lit up with warmth across the viewscreen. "We're happy to hear that you've accepted. Congratulations, Captain. You'll hear from staff at Starbase 76 about the official ceremony."

"Thank you, I'm honored," Remy responded. It was all she could think to say.

"We will see you at Starbase 76 in 36 hours. Safe travels. Admiral Hannon out."


Remy took in a couple a couple of deep breaths, and then she felt the smile that she had been holding back fill her face.

When to tell the crew?


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