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Crew Placement

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 2:45am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 6, 1030 Hours

Remy Johansen sat in the Ready room reviewing Nallee Anith Usskik's files one last time before ve and Dr. Ta'feel's scheduled meeting with her this morning. Remy was still practicing the pronouns. She had not known much of anything about the .Chix'alk race before Dr. Ta'Feel's assignment here, only passingly of their existence. Ta'Feel's assignment and arrival had also came the day they launched for a complicated - and what turned out to be a First Contact mission, and so her brain had been somewhat on overload for the past week.

The commander had several ideas for a potential placement for Mr. Nallee, all subject to the Captain's approval once an official request had been put in.

Dr. Ta'Feel and Nallee stepped out of the turbolift and walked onto the Bridge, greeted the conn officer, and proceeded to the Ready room. Once at the entrance, Ta'Feel paused while Nallee tapped the annunciator panel. Nallee then stepped back, according to .Chix'alk protocol, to allow Ta'Feel to enter first.

The doors opened and Remy stood up and walked around the table. "Welcome, Dr. Ta'Feel, Mr. Nallee. Please have a seat. Can I get either of you something to drink?" She asked.

Dr. Ta'Feel responded with a few blink/speaks, "Dr. Ta'Feel thanks you for the welcome." "I would like a warm mielcelovo nectar." Sei then took a seat at an open chair at the table.

Nallee waited until Ta'Feel had been seated, as was the custom of the .Chix'alk protocol, then responded with a few blink/speaks, "Mr. Nallee thanks you for the welcome." "I would also like a warm mielcelovo nectar." Ve then took a seat to the left of Ta'Feel.

"Two mielcelovo nectars, coming right up," Remy responded walking over to the replicator and placing the order. She brought the special mugs back to the pair and placed them on a side table between the two chairs.

"Whatever you decide you might be interested in will have to be approved by the Captain first, but I doubt that will be an issue," Remy said as she sat down. "Mr. Nallee, you really could slide into a number of positions with your background, but I was wondering if you had much familiarity with our civil operations division? They really look for people who have a wide rang of skillsets like yourself."

Mr. Nallee paused for a few seconds, then appeared to do a tele/speak. Dr. Ta'Feel followed this by also doing a tele/speak. Nallee then did a few blink/speaks, directing them toward Remy. "Mr. Nallee has graduated from the Academy, in the Engineering field, with a đ grade." Ve paused for a moment while Ta'Feel communicated a tele/speak, then continued, "With a 97% grade." "I have studied Security and Science courses, but have not taken the final tests." "Ta'Feel is agreeable to me being assigned to the Civil Operations division." "Sei knows my capabilities well."

"Well that is just one idea," Remy continued. "If you are planning to take the final exams, then I know that Commander Winters could use the additional help in engineering. The Academy exams can be proctored from here," Remy offered.

"Civil Operations gives more to do for enlisted personnel than engineering. But if you do go the route of finishing up your last bit at the Academy, then our engineering department would have a lot of offer," Remy offered.

After a few quick tele/speaks, Mr. Nallee replied, "Mr. Nallee would accept an engineering position."

"I'm sure it won't take but a few hours to get... vers records from the academy sent over and added to vers file. Assuming everything checks out, Mr. Nallee could request to get on the engineering roster right away under cadet status," Remy stated.

She slid the PADD over to Mr. Nallee. "Mr. Nallee, if you could sign, and let the PADD do a retinal scan, this is the request for the Academy to send over your records."

Mr. Nallee picked up the PADD with vis right hand (which has an opposable thumb), and used vis left hand to enter vis abbreviated signature (in the .Chix'alk language: Given name, Family name, Tribal Name: ṭŋʉʉßß ŋṭčɨķ Ẫẓẓğɨğ ), then held the PADD up to vis face for the retinal scan. After the scan was complete, Nallee stood and handed the PADD back to Remy, and stated, " Mr. Nallee looks forward to changing my status to cadet." "I am trained in all areas of Engineering." "Commander Johansen may assign me to any area."

"I'll trust Commander Winters' decision on engineering assignments," Remy said with a short nod.

Remy continued, "The Academy extension program is located on Deck 11, Section E. Officer Barai Jemah, a Bajoran, so Officer Barai is in charge of scheduling exams and registering for coursework, so that is who you should contact about getting signed up for your final exams!" Remy said excitedly.

Mr. Nallee replied, "Mr. Nallee will contact Officer Barai Jemah to register and schedule the exams."


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