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After the Reception

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 7:37pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,432 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Ten-Forward, Paddy's Lounge
Timeline: MD 6, 2130 Hours, After the Reception

After the reception for the Atarans, Remy had had to run off and make sure everyone went to their respective places. A number of Atarans where traveling on the Serenity to Starbase 76, while some of the crew were joining the remaining Atarans on their own vessel to set a direct course for New Sausalito. Once everyone was situated and courses laid in, Remy passed the conn off to one of the evening officers and went to find Samuel. She owed him an apology. She hoped he would accept.

Down in Paddy's Loft, Samuel was in his small office, busy going over some administrative work that he had to file with both the Ops Department, and Starfleet Civilian Operations Command, as they were essentially his employer, while he ran a business aboard a Starship in Starfleet. While Remy, as CO, had final word as to who worked on her ship, he didn't exactly answer to her either.

After consulting with the computer, Remy, still in dress uniform, not having bothered to stop and change, made her way to Ten-Forward and found a server working the floor. She whispered her request to the server who stopped what she was doing and took Remy to Samuel's office.

Remy stood somewhat sheepishly in the doorway and waited to be noticed.

Though he seemed to not notice her, Samuel had sensed Remy's presence from the moment she entered the lounge. "Well?" He asked as he continued his work without looking up. "Are you going to stand over there all night, or are you going to come over here and kiss me?"

"I don't deserve that," Remy commented as she took slow steps over to Samuel's desk. "I feel like that wasn't very nice of me earlier... And that I could have found time to properly thank you for the flowers and for cleaning up my quarters."

Turning his chair to face her, Samuel slowly stood and moved to stand right in front of her. Reaching down, he gently lifted her chin, so he could look in her eyes. She would find no judgement in his, as he had promised her during their first night together. "As I said at the reception, we will take things at the speed you are comfortable with. It's no one else's business whether we are an item or not. Only ours."

Still holding her chin, he leaned down and kissed her, gently at first. But the passion slowly grew.

Remy relaxed into his kiss, some of the anxiousness melting away. She pulled away slightly. "I haven't asked you how you've been or have any idea at all what've you've been up to this week?"

Samuel smiled softly. "Then ask, and I shall answer."

Remy gave Samuel a playful pout. "Don't be difficult. It's been a long week," she protested.

Smiling, Samuel leaned in and kissed Remy, gently sucking on her bottom lip.

Remy closed her eyes, returning the kiss, pushing back with more intensity, her arms wrapped around his back, hand resting against his his shoulder blades. Stopping briefly to catch her breath she whispered, "You don't want to talk."

Samuel shook his head. "You weren't paying attention, my sweet lady. We were just conversing heavily, saying that we both desire the other with every fiber of our beings."

He wasn't wrong. Remy hadn't realized how much she had longed to be in his arms again until she saw him earlier this afternoon, separated first by a bar, then by a wall of people as the reception opened. His words, spoken in her ear as she could sense his desire for her only turned her on even more. She giggled lightly in response pulling with her arms and body to bring them closer, but close wasn't close enough.

"When I saw you today..." she started, but didn't finish her thought.

"You were doing your duty as the Commanding Officer of this vessel, during the weloming ceremony for a first contact species. You had to stay focused. There is no need to apologize."

"I mean..." she started breathlessly. "I hadn't realized how much I missed this," she said finishing her thought. She followed up by kissing Samuel on his neck, her lips trailing up to his ear, as her right hand slipped down around his waist and began tugging at his shirt.

Samuel growled softly as he felt Remy's lips on his skin. When she started to tug at his shirt, he'd reached down to her butt and lifted her to sit atop his desk. He then reached his right hand up and behind his head, grabbed the back of his shirt, and pulled it up off of his body, revealing his toned, built, and tanned torso. He then moved back in between her spread knees and kissed her deeply.

Remy started fidgeting with the fasteners on her dress uniform jacket until she was able to shrug it off, letting it fall on the desk behind her. Once her hands were free again she began exploring Samuel's body with both her lips and and hands. "I do want you," she murmured between kisses.

Samuel's strong hands moved over Remy's back and bottom, as he renewed his kissing of her. "I'm right here," he whispered between kisses. "Take what you want, my love."

Remy tugged at the rest of his clothes, until he was finally free of them, and allowed him to do the same, until their bodies were reunited after several days apart.

Several hours later, Samuel was wrapping a large terrycloth towel around Remy's body, after she stepped out of the shower stall, in the private head that was attached to his office. "I don't think I will ever get used to that," he said with a soft grin.

Remy leaned into Samuel, letting his strong arms hold the towel around her. "Me either," Remy murmured nestling her head into his chest. "We didn't think this through... I have to put my uniform back on," she whimpered playfully as she snuggled in even closer.

Samuel wrapped his arms around Remy and held her close against his chest. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown, my love." He gently kissed her right temple when he finished speaking.

Remy giggled at his joke. "I wonder what it'll be like... when Captain Conroy takes over I mean. Whoever makes second officer won't affect me too much I don't suppose. Unless it's Clay. He's pretty intense. I think he'd have me doing PT every morning and combat drills at night," she said with a light laugh.

Samuel responded as he turned Remy around to face him. "Oh, I think I can attest to you current level of fitness well enough." He smirked playfully as he finished speaking.

"Stop," she teased, hitting him lightly on the chest as she both smiled and blushed at the compliment. She took the towel and pulled away, and started collecting her clothes. "Seriously though. I've only served as XO under one other Captain," she confessed. "I'm a little nervous about it."

Samuel started to get dressed as well as he replied. "You shouldn't. You already know this ship better than anyone else the Admiralty might think to bring in here. I'm telling you, mark my words. After all of this, the center seat will be given to you permanently."

"Mark your words," Remy repeated mockingly giving him an onery grin. She'd put her turtleneck and pants on, but left the jacket for later. "How late are you working tonight?"

"Oh, I think I can hand things off now, if you want me to?" He grinned softly as he asked the question.

Remy walked back over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Of course I want to spend more time with you. Did you think I was just using you for sex?" She teased him, but she said it in a way that was more of a challenge.

"Well " he made a silly face as he said the reply. Then he grinned and interlocked his hands behind the small of her back. "It is certainly the best sex I've had in a very long time. He looked directly into her eyes, a hint of mischief flashed in his features. "I'd certainly be happy to be your boy toy."

"Mmm," Remmy shook her head. "Too bad I don't play with boys." She let go of him and pulled away so that she could grab her jacket.

In a flash of movement, Samuel grabbed hold of Remy's waist and pulled her back into his arms. Looking down into her eyes, he growled slightly as he responded. "Then I'll gladly be your man meat anytime you get hungry."

"And is that all you want from me?" Remy asked in a surprisingly soft voice.

Without missing a beat, Samuel's features softened and he shook his head. "No. I want so much more. I want everything that you want to give me."

"Then let's go for a walk," Remy suggested, swaying back and forth restlessly in his arms.

Samuel nodded and grinned softly in reply. Before he released Remy, however, he gave her a tender, loving kiss on her lips.

Once he released her, he finished getting dressed. "Do you have a destination in mind, or just the journey?"

"Just a walk... the arboretum, or gardens?" Remy suggested. "Don't get me wrong, I've been in tighter spaces, but this isn't exactly a room with a view." Remy winked at Samuel as she said this.

He simply grined at her as they started to walk. ""You sure about that? You certainly are a beautiful sight to view in my opinion."

"Well, I get tired of being the center of attention," she quipped. "Talk to me about something. Something that is revealing, tells me a little about how you became who you are today."

Samuel considered Remy's question for a few beats, then spoke, "You want something revealing that helped shape who I am today." Sadness suddenly filled his face as he continued. "When the Borg destroyed my world, my mother died in my arms. I can still see her face as her eyes lost their shine."

"How old were you?" Remy asked. "And please translate that into human years if you don't mind."

"It was back in 2291, so I was 467 of your years old." He reached up andwipeda tears way as they continued to walk. "I'm sorry, I haven't really talked about that time of my life before, with anyone."

"Do you want to find a quiet place to sit?" Remy asked. "It's okay if you don't want to keep talking about it," she added, sympathy in her voice.

He shook his head and moved his arm around Remy's shoulders, holding her closer to him. "Not right now, thank you. I don't want to ruin this nice evening." He took in a cleansing breath, then added. "Besides, that topic would be better discussed in private, and not our walking the corridors of your ship."

"Hearing about your past, certainly wouldn't ruin the evening," Remy assured him. "What a painful memory to carry alone, and for such a long time."

He gave her a sad smile then gently pulled her into a warm embrace. "Thank you," he replied softly. "My loss is no different than anyone else who has lost their parent." His usual bravado and confidence seemed to melt away with the pain of his memories, and he seemed to need her strength at that moment.

"Yes it is," Remy disagreed. "Everyone's loss is different. Unique to them. The fact that others have lost parents doesn't make the pain of losing yours any less."

Samuel closes his eyes to the pain. A few tears broke free as he did so, and ran down his cheeks. "You're right, of course. It's just...I'm usually the one listening to others. I don't usually have someone who wants to hear about my issues."

"I'm just someone who wants to know the real you, and I'm stubborn enough to kick down some walls if I have to," Remy countered. "Like really stubborn," she added with a bit of a goofy grin hoping to get a smile from him.

Samuel couldn't help but grin and giggle slightly. When he saw Remy's goofy smile. "I love you," he said honestly, without realizing the power that those three little words.

Remy felt the words as Samuel said them. But that was what is was like with him. Sometimes she could just feel him. The first night they met and he was after her attention, even though not much was said, or when he looked at her a certain, and just now when he spoke the words. She knew. Even though her brain was telling her that it was too soon, and even her heart was holding back to keep from getting hurt, in a corner of her mind she couldn't deny that she knew.

Remy matched his gaze. She felt that by doing so she was exposing herself to him, though she held back the words she thought that a reflection of what she was feeling was somehow being mirrored back to him. She traced the back of her fingers along his bicep and broke eye contact briefly to watch her own hand, then looked back up at him.

"If you feel like talking..." she said softly.

"I will," he assured her. "I promised you that I wouldn't hide anything from you." He took a breath, then asked, "For now, though, can we just go do something fun and silly, to take our minds off of anything serious?"

"Silly," Remy repeated. "Did you have something in mind?"

He thought about it for a moment, then asked, "Have you ever been to an amusement water park?"

"Not since I was a kid," Remy admitted.

"Then how about we change that? A little water, a little sun, some mojitos. It'll be fun!" He started to grin some as he spoke about it.

"Sure!" Remy responded, picking up on Samuel's excitement. "What else do we have to do in the middle of the night?"

He chuckled softly, then replied as he pulled her closer. "We could always go back to your cabin, and I could teach you the proper method of mouth to mouth resuscitation."

Remy giggled. "We can stick with the first plan. I do want to get a real swimming suit though. The last thing I need is someone walking in and saying 'end program' on me."

Samuel nodded. "Then a water park it is."



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