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Civil Chaos

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 1:14am by Chief Petty Officer Nevan Kayto & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx & Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

2,191 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Civil Operation Planning Room, Deck 2
Timeline: MD3 1600 Hrs

The 3 NCO's sat around the table, each with a stack of PADDs. Nevan had broken down assignments and was looking at the slew of work that he knew would be before the trio. It would also be the first real test for his team and was something that he was and wasn't looking forward to.

Grexx found himself excited with the aspect of going through the logs of the vital signs recorded and considering the medical needs of those they had revived as well as the environmental considerations of New Sausalito and the Muratas Star Cluster. Most of his focus would be scientific study which he was more than okay with, and owning the piece for their current medical needs and requests to Sick Bay.

Cormus on the other hand would be covering more of the study of the local governments and handling any security considerations along with logistical needs while on board. While they didn't want to exactly corral up to what could be 400 people like animals, keeping them contained for their safety and for the operations of the ship was imperative, but also giving them enough room to be comfortable was also vital.

Nevan on the other hand would be working on overseeing the operation as a whole, handling the diplomatic communications with their representatives and the command team, and deciding the layout for billeting areas once these people were revived. Single women had to be billeted separately as well as families to look after their children, and the single men would be separated by age ranges as necessary to help reduce the likelihood of any disturbances. They'd also establish hygiene areas for each and a common area for them to eat. There would be quite a bit of planning and research they'd be doing.

However there was one thing they didn't have access to, which was a deeper level of analysis for these planetary areas. And considering Lieutenant Spello had recommended New Sausalito, Nevan had invited him to the meeting. Leveraging your assets was one of the greatest advantages that a Civil Operations Specialist could use.

Cormus leaned back in his chair "So I need to try and find a place for these people to settle in one of these places? We don't even know if the universal translator can allow us to communicate yet."

Nevan let out a sigh "Yes, and regardless we'll find a way to communicate one way or another. Find somewhere they can have some privacy and get settled but be part of a society if they so choose. We have no clue what they've faced that's led the to their current situation."

"And stuffing them into a cargo bay right after we wake them up isn't going to help either" Fletcher quipped back.

Grexx chimed in before his roomie could could continue "It's the safest place for them. We don't have space for the projected number on a whim, you know as well as I do that emergency shelter rules apply in situations like this. None of us like it but it's our job. I've got to help medical figure out what vaccinations they may need because sickness will spread like wildfire and that would be a crappy way to go after being saved, to die from a common cold after being woken up from an 80 year nap...."

"Twenty-five hundred year nap, Mister Grexx," Maxun interjected with a soft grin. "But the idea is the same nonetheless." As the only officer present, he had made the decision that for the duration of the work, the briefing room they were using would be a no-salute zone. If they still wanted to refer to him as Sir, he wouldn't stop them, traditions being what they were. However, he wanted them to speak freely around him.

Working around Officers was par for the course for the enlisted men so having Maxun around didn't give them any real discomfort. To them it was just another day in their workspace. The Bolian's eyes widened "2500 years? That's almost even worse. They're going to need full containment, who knows what we have floating around that could take them out...." His enthusiasm drained from his face, causing Cormus to grin knowing that his friend had now joined him in his misery. He gave his buddy a slap on the back. "Cheer up man, we're all in this together."

Nevan, having had enough of the banter between his two juniors go on long enough, made a change of subject and focus. "I appreciate you joining us Sir. Earlier you had mentioned New Sausalito, I hadn't considered it based on the proximity, but obviously something with it caught your eye. Would you mind sharing with us your considerations for it?"

Looking over at Nevan, Maxun replied. "While it is a few systems away from Vulcan, it is also close to Earth, where the lion's share of the assistance will be run from there for them. I also know that Sausalito's soil is extremely fertile, so, they'd be able to begin growing their native crops, to help them gain a foot hold on self-reliance. It would also benefit the UFP as a whole, to have another race adding to the flavor of things."

"A good point. Honestly I'm not very aware of their history with the Vulcans but I get the feeling there may be some contention. The star cluster had come to mind for kind of the opposite reason on my end, the Federation would have to less directly take care of them and the other planets nearby could help be a resource for them and they would be forced to incorporate and become of the local system, lending to build a more symbiotic relationship and hopefully five them a foothold in this new start. But I suppose there could be a host of other reasons for keeping them so close that I'm not aware of. I admit they would be an interesting people to study further if we were given the time." Kayto took a sip of his water and looked over at the two younger men waiting for them to give an opinion as well.

Cormus didn't have much of an opinion at the moment considering he was more worried about the shorter term and how he'd handle things on the ship for these people.

Grexx spoke next however. "Well, maybe we could pick the system based on which one they fulfill more of a need for. Once we wake everyone up, we learn what their strengths and weaknesses are as a people and recommend based on that. If they are more healers and New Sausalito needs doctors more than the cluster, they go there. But say they are farmers and more agricultural or inventors and scientists, and there are more opportunities in the cluster, then they go there."

"Are there any sort of special considerations we should have in play when considering New Sausailito for them Mr. Spello?" Nevan asked

Maxun had been listening to each person give their thoughts on the matter. It was one of the things he loved the most about Starfleet and the Federation. Many people, coming from many different backgrounds ad beliefs, coming in together to help each other solve a new mystery. If only the rest of the galaxy behaved this way, there would be peace unlike anything seen before.

"From what I saw of the personnel files of the survivors, while they did, obviously, have space flight technology, at their core, they seem to be the kind of people that enjoyed working the land. And, with food shortages still a concern in the galaxy, farmers are definitely needed." He pressed a control and a holographic image of New Sausalito appeared above the center of the table. "New Sausalito has some of the most fertile land around, but not enough farmers to cultivate it. I think it would be best for everyone, if they made their new home there."

"If there is enough space for them to farm then it could end up being a much better option. Plus they'll be closer to help in the event they need it. If they aren't very big in the way of economics then this could very well be the better option. I still don't like the idea of the Romulans being so close to the situation however." Nevan looked over at Cormus "Get a handle on the tactical situation of the Romulans so we can put together a threat assessment. They are after all the closest one and it's likely they'll come up in conversation at some point."

Grexx was genuinely curious about the people and wanted to know more about their healers, so he spoke up next and asked Maxun "Sir, do they have much in the way of medical personnel? Doctors, nurses, and the like? I'm a bit concerned about how much training we may have to plan for them versus how much time we may have."

Maxun nodded to Grexx. "Yes, they do have an adequate number of doctors and nurses for their current population." He then looked at Nevan. "The few Romulan refugees that are in our space, are being held close to Vulcan, and I will be making a recommendation to the Vulcan council to keep them as far from New Sausalito as possible. And regarding a space for them to grow, they will have the entire southern hemisphere, as the local human population is located up in the northern hemisphere."

The Bolian smiled "I do like the idea helping them setup their medical centers and having the staff already in place for it. That'll make my job easier."

Cormus looked over at his friend "Ya just make sure they have what they need in the event there's some sort of mass casualty incident. Hopefully those Romulan refugees don't get too froggy. Hopefully there aren't any kind of sleeper agents or the like in there. One can never be too careful."

Nevan wanted to roll his eyes at the comment but he also knew that Cormus was right "And that's part of the reason why Mr. Spello is wearing that grey uniform, Mr. Fletcher. Remember, we're counter insurgency, he's counter intelligence." The man returned his attention to the officer "I appreciate that, I'm sure the Atarans will too. I suppose we'll just have to see how comfortable they are having neighbors and how much support they may end up wanting. We've been doing our best to help manage the shock of everything but unfortunately I've gotten a few reports of anxiety attacks so we'll see how it continues to go. Grexx has been doing his best to manage some of their information intake but we're also not trying to hide anything from them either. It's a balancing act."

Maxun nodded, as he replied. "They do have a lot of information to learn, to get up-to-date on the state of the current universe. Remember, when they were traveling the stars, most of the powers in existence now, were still only on their homeworlds."

"True" Cormus replied. "They certainly can't seem to get enough of what's changed around them either. But who can blame them? I can't even imagine what it would be like waking up in a can after that long with everything being completely different after. I wonder if they have anything in their database on the Romulans or Klingons by chance. It could be an interesting read, and could give us some insights on the cultural evolutions we see now."

Nevan smiled at the genuine insight shown by his subordinate "I think that's the first real part of your job I've actually heard you engage in so far. That's a great point. I'll make sure we have a copy set aside for us if we have anything like that translated. I'm sure there are a few Star Fleet Admirals that would find it intriguing as well. And maybe Intel here."

Grexx decided to return to the focus at hand "So then really at this point we have two recommendations for these people. The cluster or New Sausalito. One where they'll be part of a mesh government and more likely to part of an economy and have local support, or somewhere they'll be more independent but vulnerable. An interesting set of risks for them to calculate. Did you have any other thoughts on it that you may like to add Mr. Spello?"

Taking a few beats to go over his mental notes, Maxun finally shook his head and replied. "No, I think everything has pretty much been covered so far."

Nevan looked over at the other two before looking back at Maxun "I think we have everything laid out for the moment then. As usual we'll make sure copies of our reports get sent over to your section just in case there's anything your team ends up finding useful from them. If there's nothing else I'd say we're done for the moment."

Maxun nodded in agreement. "Let's go ahead and get things in motion. There is a lot of work for us to accomplish even before we get to the planet."


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