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Special Detail

Posted on Mon Apr 15th, 2024 @ 10:40pm by Captain Remy Johansen

1,556 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Serenity
Timeline: Departure Day


Lori brought the Nostromo into the Serenity shuttle bay with ease, like it was second nature to her, all the thanks to her gorgeous wife, Shelly, in whom she loves so much with all of her heart.

"I can't say that I've ever been assigned to a mission quite like this one," Dr. Parks commented. "I'm little curious about their 'hyperdrive' system. I am glad that Captain Johansen sent medical over. I do want to make sure everyone who received our vaccinations is properly monitored for the next couple of weeks."

Shelly and Lori overheard what Dr. Olivia Parks was saying and Shelly asked, "Did you say vaccinations, doc? And, what for and for who?" Both Shelly and Lori quivered at the thought as they hated being vaccinated.

"Oh!" Dr. Parks hadn't realized that the vaccination clinics weren't public knowledge, but then again why would they be. "Well, the Atarans were away from exposure to and anyone for millennia, and had no immunity to many of the most common pathogens that our bodies fight off naturally. We worked with their medical officers to hopefully vaccinate them in a way that will boost their immune system with minimal side effects."

Shelly and Lori did a silent sigh of relief. Lori said, "I am also curious about their Hyperdrive technology. It sounds interesting as I heard of the technology while attending engineering courses at Starfleet Academy."

Shakal and Zetchurl were standing nearby. Shakal had Tem full compliment of weapons on Tem, and was keeping a keen lookout in the area. Tey was prepared to assist in any way Tey could.

Zetchurl had Eir tricorder out, scanning the area as a precautionary move, making sure the environment was stable for all species involved. E was also making notes on Eir PADD.

Shakal and Zetchurl walked over near Dr. Parks. Shakal did a blink/speak (which consisted of Ter speaking in a monotone voice, (which was detected by an implanted auditory detector), while Tem eyes independently cycled through various colors (which was detected by implanted optical detectors) and introduced Terself, "Ensign Shakal Anith, Security Officer, at your command,"

Zetchurl, who was standing nearby, did a blink/speak and introduced Emself, "Ensign Zetchurl Anith, Science Officer, at your command."

"Olivia Parks, physician, obviously. I appreciate that, thank you," Parks replied. She was used to the manner of speaking from passing conversations in Sickbay with Dr. Ta'Feel, though they worked opposite shifts, so she didn't know the doctor well.

After Shakal and Zetchurl had exchanged conversation with Dr. Parks, they turned to Shelly and Lori. Shakal, being the higher rank of the .Chix'alk present, spoke for the two family members. After a blink/speak, Tey announced "Ensign Shakal Anith and Ensign Zetchurl Anith are pleased to see LtJG Shelly Guevera and Ens. Lori Guevera again."

Shelly and Lori looked at Shakal and Zetchurl and smiled and said in unison, "It is an honor to meet you both. And, welcome aboard the Nostromo."

Shakal responded with a blink/speak, "Shakal understood that this was designated the Serenity. Would you explain Nostromo?"

Shelly replied, "It was designated by me and it is my own Shuttle Craft. The name came from an early Earth Cargo shipping vessel that was destroyed Ellen Ripley, the sole surviving officer after an unknown Alien species. It happened prior way to Starfleet being formed or even thought of."

Shakal replied with several blink/speaks, "Ensign Shakal understands now." "This ship is a subset of the Serenity." "Similarly, the Serenity is a subset of ..." Tey paused for a moment, then continued, "Or, possibly, was a subset of an Ataran fleet." "The .Chix'alk designation, for the first shuttle for the first ship from our planet, Chertan I, would be Ship ťķßşẳŋṭŷǧŷǧŷ." "This designates it as the first of the most important sub-ships of the first ship." "What the Federation terms as escape pods are designated as the first of the second most important sub-ships of the main ship, or ship ťķßşẳŋṭŷǧÞǧŷ."

Both Shakal and Zetchurl were actively listening, through their visual and auditory implants, to all conversations aboard the Nostromo, They were also in constant telepathic contact with the other members of their family unit. They had yet experienced an non-family, non-.Chix'alk telepathic communications, although a few rare cases had been documented.

Shelly and Lori were intrigued by how both Ensign's described things in their own and unique ways and they had a curious look on their faces and could sense something from them, but, they had to obey their laws by not even doing a telepathic surface scan or any kind of telepathic scan on any person(s) without their permission as they also felt that it would be an invasion of their privacy. So, Lori and Shelly remained telepathic to each other only.

The notification that the shuttle bay had pressurized came through and the away team was cleared to exit the shuttle. "I have only see a little bit of the ship, I'm curious to see more. What about you guys?" Dr. Parks asked.

Shelly and Lori said, "Yeah, let's do it." They loved speaking in unison big time. Shelly had her phaser on her for safety reasons and Shelly made sure Lori had one as well. Shelly felt extremely protective of Lori big time.

Shakal had Tem phaser in Tem right hand, the hand with the opposable thumb. After a blink/speak, Tey responded, "Ensign Shakal is prepared to proceed."

Zetchurl had Eir tricorder in Eir right hand, and, after a blink/speak, Tey responded, "Ensign Zetchurl is prepared to proceed."

Shelly and Lori said in unison, "Come, let's go and have some fun. Let's see what we got."

Dr. Parks simply strapped her medical kit to her back and picked her bag up and followed the others off the ship. "We really haven't had any problems over here," she offered as they exited the shuttle.

A door to the inside of the ship opened and two of the medical officers that Dr. Parks had worked with entered to greet the team. Olivia walked around the other Starfleet officers she had arrive with to approach the two.

"Mika, Dreke," Olivia said with a smile. "It's good to see familiar faces. I wasn't sure what to expect."

Dreke spoke first, he was a surgeon, and had quickly taken on a leadership role in the Ataran community. "Hello, and welcome to Serenity. We are pleased to host our Starfleet guests on our journey, and we will afford you our utmost hospitality, as you all have been most gracious to us."

Mika added, "We've arranged quarters if you'd like to see them. We weren't sure who would prefer to be housed together, or who would prefer their own quarters, so we have family suites available for everyone, but if some of you are sharing for comfort or security, there should be plenty of room. We can show you."

After exchanging tele/speaks with Zetchurl, Shakal responded with a few blink/speaks, "The Anith family members appreciate your hospitality." "Ensign Zetchurl and Ensign Zetchurl prefer to be housed together." "It is our family standard."

"Of course, right this way," Mika said. She tried her best to smile warmly at the two .Chik'alk, though she still found them to be the most alien of everyone she had met and was somewhat apprehensive.

As Mika and Dreke led the group to the proper corridor Dreke noticed Vestin up ahead speaking to Maxun. He made a subtle gesture for Mika to look, before making a grand gesture of opening the first door.

"As my wife said, hopefully you'll find these satisfactory. At least for a few days journey. Please," he said stepping in to show them the room.

Shelly and Lori looked around and were anxious to see the their guest quarters as they remained extremely close proximity to each other. Their thoughts always remained on each other.

"The rest are much the same, we can show you so you can claim your space and then we can show you where everyone has been taking their meals," Dreke offered.

Shelly and Lori, while holding each other's hand so lovingly, said in unison, "That would be good. Thank you!" Their voices were in a very pleasant tone with respect to their hosts.

Mika and Dreke showed Zetchurl and Shakal the next set of quarters, "Hopefully these are pleasing to you, members of the Anith family," Mika stated trying to pronounce their name as she had heard it on the translator.

Ensign Shakal responded, "This set of quarters is acceptable." "Ensign Shakal is pleased that Mika pronounced Anith correctly."

"Thank you," Mika bowed graciously. "We'll show the doctor to her quarters. Your rooms all have an interface that should help you find your way around the ship. I suggest everyone get some rest tonight. We'll start making plans in the morning."

Lori and Shelly entered their quarters and were happy with the set-up. Once the doors closed, they insured that the doors were locked and they seductively grinned at each other and they very quickly got naked and jumped each other's bones and began to make love to each other.


Lt (JG) Shelly Godfrey Guevera
Chief Security Officer
USS Astrea
Ensign Lori Grimes Guevera
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Astrea


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