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Life's little Lessons

Posted on Mon Apr 15th, 2024 @ 11:26pm by Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: DS9
Timeline: a few years ago

**Authors Note**

There are a couple of low level swear words in this post.

**End note**

Chrysanthe sat alone in a booth within QUARKS on DS9, sipping an ice water. She was waiting for a contact. And she was not impressed. She had been quite happy with her life, no family entaglements, and enjoying her work. But the call had come and she had tried to avoid it without success.

Now she sat and waited for Persephone Capulet, otherwise known as Dite to those in the game, to appear. Her eldest sister was always late and Chrysanthe was sure even now she had several snipers focusing on her through the tubes.

She was no longer Sailor. She was a traitor. One who had turned the Federation police onto her own brother. So her sister would not be taking any chances.

A glance at the chrono showed that Persephone was now ten minutes late. She would give another 5 then split. She didn't owe them anything. In fact she owed herself more than she owed her so called family.

Where she had broken free of her father's selling her out, her sisters had not. She had made more money then they had before her departure. Now, Persephone all but ran her own space roaming brothel, while Andromeda, the middle sister spent her days, in a drug induced haze while whoring herself out for the next hit, a true disappointment for the family.

Her sisters, resented the fact that Chrysanthe had gotten out, and this had been made clear in their meetings since her departure. Sighing she drained her glass and placed it in the centre of the table. A quick side glance showed a tall woman worn hard by a life of horrible events, but expertly covered by make up, standing in the door to the bar.

Chrysanthe leaned back and put both hands on the table. Palms up.

The woman strode over and took the seat opposite Chrysanthe. "Sailor."


"You actually came. I am... surprised."

Chrysanthe shrugged. "What do you want Dite? I have things to do."

Dite/Persephone smirked. "Jackal wants not me."

Rolling her eyes Chrys waved a hand in a 'come on' motion.

Dite studied her youngest sister. Pretty, blond and fresh. Typical. "You just stopped a major project. Jackal wants the project's data files."

"Get bent" Came Chrys' replied and stood. "Tell Jackal that he is dreaming. I don't have the data and even if I did, I would not just hand it over."

"He is willing to pay."

Chrys snorted. "uh huh. NO. Tell him No."

"Sit Sailor. "

"Oh go suck a dick Dite, its what you are good at. I am not playing this game with you. Or with Jackal. I left and I owe you nothing." Chrys tossed credits to pay for her drink onto the table. "You want to stay as his whore for sale, thats your issue, But I am not getting dragged back in."

Dite scowled. "What makes you think you have a choice."

Chrys smirked. "So kill me Dite. Have your lackies shoot me now."

Dite studied her.

"No? All out murder too much for you?" Chrys asked with a raised eyebrow. "Guess you are more suited for being a whore. Jackal probably should have sent Triton or Ace. Not Spartan though, he would end up with broken teeth from me. Maybe Romeo? Oh well Jackal picked the wrong child to speak with me." She patted her sister's cheek insultingly. "Go back to laying on your back Dite."

With that she swept out of the bar, leaving Dite behind seething about the situation.



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