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Splashy splashy

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 1:27am by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

1,969 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD 6, After the Reception

After they made their way to the holodeck, Samuel typed in a few different commands. "I'm going to put the settings on private. That way, unless there's an emergency, no one will be able to disturb us."

Once the program was ready, the doors slid open, revealing a water park on a nice sunny day. There were various types of slides and pools, there was even a slow-moving river pool, that wrapped around the center of the park. After stepping inside, the doors slid shut and the scene came to life.

"Ladies changing room is in there," he said with a soft grin, as he indicated the appropriate door. "I programmed in that you can pick whatever kind of bathing suit you want. I'll meet you back out here."

"I'll be right back," Remy responded over her shoulder as she breezed through the door.

After watching Remy go through the door, Samuel made his way into the men's changing room. A few moments later, he was back outside, wearing a pair of hunter green trunks, that looked very nice on him. After hanging his towel around the back of his beck, he waited do Remy to return.

Remy stepped out in a simple and practical blue one-piece suit. "All right, tallest slide first?" She asked, scanning the park.

Samuel took a moment to admire how Remy looked in the suit, then he nodded. "Sounds good. We'll start over there, at the atomic bomb drop. It's supposed to be the highest and fastest waterslide in the entire Federation." He started to lead her towards the slide in question, which was nearly ten stories tall.

Remy moved with a sort of half-skip to her step that set her off at faster than a walk. She took Samuel by the hand as she smiled playfully, "Let's do it then, we have a lot of park to cover, and unlike you, I do need to get some sleep tonight."

Samuel chuckled as he let Remy pull him along. "Alright then, we'll have some fun, then I'll tuck you into bed."

When they were at the top of the slide Remy looked down and despite holodeck safeties her nerves kicked in. Still smiling with the excitement of a child she stepped back to the railing and looked at Samuel. Taking a big breath in she said, "Okay you first."

He couldn't help but grin at her reluctance. "Big, strong starship captain afraid of a little height?" He clicked his tongue at her playfully, as he moved to get in position to slide next. "I guess I'll just have to read you bedtime stories instead." Hr gave her a flirty wink, then pulled himself over the edge, careening down to the bottom in less that five seconds.

Once he got to the bottom and stepped clear, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. "Let's go, Captain!"

Remy whispered a little pep talk to herself before closing her eyes and letting herself go off the edge. She let out an unintentional scream when gravity took hold and she felt herself fall splashing to safety at the bottom. Remy popped up from out of the slide breathless.

"Whew," Remy laughed. "Oh my gosh, okay..." she said checking herself over. "That was a lot."

Samuel wrapped a large towel around Remy, pulling her to him. "I knew you could do it, sweetheart." He leaned in a gently kissed her.

"Okay, okay. Don't baby me. Don't you get even a little bit scared?" Remy asked. "What's next?"

He shrugged and grinned. "It takes a lot to scare me, Rem."

"Then what's the fun, if not the rush of being a little scared?" Remy asked, looking up at the slide.

"Oh, I still feel the rush. I just know that it would take a lot to kill me." He almost explained how, but decided to wait, until they were further along in their relationship.

"We're on a holodeck. I know I'm not going to get hurt, but, it still feels real enough to be scary." Remy was smiling as she talking, walking backwards, holding Samuel's hand and pulling him toward the next slide.

"Is that how El Aurians live? Not really in fear? Or is that just you?" She prodded.

He shrugged then replied. "I guess it's just me. I've seen so much horror in my life, I guess I just look at life now as something to be enjoyed to the fullest."

"So what's next?" Remy asked, pausing on the walkway. It could have been a loaded question if he wanted it to be. But they were also at a crosspath to another large slide or a simulated surfing ride. There was also the ever present lazy river winding around them.

Samuel considered the choices, then spoke. "How about....a little surfing, then the lazy river to wind down, followed up by drinks in your cabin." He deliberately phrased it as a statement, knowing that Remy was looking for some direction from him.

"Surfing, this should be hilarious," Remy respnded good naturedly. "Though I suppose you're probably an expert at it, aren't you?"

"An expert?" He asked with a grin. "No, I'm just an avid fan of the sport. I may have surfed some over the years, here and there."

"Mmmhmmm," Remy said, stepping up to the side of the ride. She hadn't picked up a board. "Is there anything that you haven't done, or that you aren't good at?"

He paused, then took a beat to think, before he replied. "Well, I never have done an overhaul on a 1957 Chevy." He gave her a playful wink after he was done speaking.

"I don't even know what that is," Remy commented rolling her eyes playfully. She walked over to where the surfboards were lined up. "You might as well go first. Unless you want to hang back so you can catch me when I fall," she teased as she picked up a board.

"It was a beautiful piece of Human engineering. I've always wanted one, but never got around to replicating the pieces to build one." He grinned as he replied happily. Then, he dipped in a polite bow. "As always, ladies first." He then straightened up and continued. "So long as I'm not laughing too hard, I'll catch you if you fall." He gave her a cheshire cat grin as he finished speaking.

"I'm really more of a skier," Remy said as she held the board as still as she could against the rushing water. "You know I've tried surfing on Earth and Risa, but never on a ride like this, I feel like this is going to be weird."

Remy was already on the verge of laughing at herself when she stepped on the board and tried to maintain her balance and maneuver herself away from the wall. She squealed a little when she first took off, and felt herself wobbling on the board. "I don't think I'm doing this right," she yelled as she felt ger body weight pitching back and forth way to much and kept overcompensating.

From the edge, Samuel called out. "Relax your knees, lower your center of balance some. Leas with your non-dominant foot. Your dominant foot should be in the rear, acting as the steering."

"That's too many things to think about," Remy started to answer, but the distraction of the back and forth was enough to make her lose her balance and the waves carried her to artificial shore.

Remy stood up, her hair dripping. "How on Earth was I supposed to pay attention to all of those instructions," she said accusingly, though her tone was of mock seriousness.

"Because if you don't, you wind up wiping out." Samuel grabbed a board and moved into the water. As the next wave was generated, he quickly hopped up and started manuvering his surf board like he did this all the time. As the wave grew larger, he started shoot the tube, his right hand dragging through the leading surface of the wave.

He finally settled down into calm water and dropped back down. Riding the breaking wave back in, he stood up when the bottom was close enough, tucking the board under his left arm, as he moved out of the water towards where Remy was standing. "See? Nothing to it."

"Right, nothing to it," Remy repeated ironically, looking at him wide-eyed as she half-nodded, half-shook her head. "Piece of cake," she continued in the same tone.

Samuel chuckled softly as he returned his surfboard. "Do you wanna try again?"

"I've shown the extent of my skills," Remy said, giving a dramatic bow. "But you - don't stop on my account." Remy returned her own board, then took exaggerated steps back toward the walkway. "I'll sit and watch you ride the waves with no shirt on for a little while if I must."

Samuel chuckled, then bowed formally to Remy. "Far be it from me to disappoint a lady of your fine standing." He straightened up and gave her a playful wink, before turning back to the pool to ride a couple more waves, ensuring he put on as enjoyable a viewing for her as he could.

Remy laughed as Samuel showed off on the surfboard, enjoying the heat of the holographic sun. "Looking good there, Stud!" She called out.

When he finished the last wave, Samuel exited the pool and returned his surfboard. After he moved back to where Remy stood waiting, he replied. "Glad you liked what you saw, Sexy Lady."

Remy wrapped her arms around Samuel's waist and grinned. ""Lazy river, or was there another slide you wanted to show me??

Returning the embrace, Samuel interlocked his fingers behind the small of Remy's back. Leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on her lips, he the straightened up and smiled softly as he looked down into her beautiful face. "Oh, while there is certainly a ride I'd like to show you later, we could go relax in the lazy river for now. Unless you'd like to get out of here for now that is?"

"Is that all you think about," Remy teased. "You wanted a water park, we should get the most out of the water park. I changed my clothes and everything."

With that said, he quickly scooped her up in his arms. As he turned and carried her to the lazy river, he replied softly. "With you? I will always have those thoughts. And I do appreciate you changing your clothing. Though, perhaps next time, when we are alone on a beach, you'll were something....sexier."

"You wear a bikini and try going down a water slide," Remy countered playfully. "Well don't. I actually don't want to see that. But you get the point."

A suggestive grin suddenly crossed Samuel's face as they reached the lazy river. Setting her down gently, he responded. "Oh, I am definitely interested in relaxing waterside with you again."

"If I ever retire from space, it'll definitely be on a lake or a beach somewhere," Remy responded. "There's something about the water," she said as grabbed an innertube and stepped into the lazy river.

"That sounds perfect," Samuel replied ashe grabbed an inner tube and joined Remy. As they started to float around the park, he offered, "Perhaps, next time we get back to Earth, I'll take you to my home in Bora Bora."

"You have a home in Bora Bora? Somehow, I don't feel like I'll ever learn all there is to know about you," Remy commented.

Reaching out, Samuel gently took hold of Remy's left hand with his right. He gave it a gentle squeeze as he replied, "We will take it day by day, my love. I'm not going anywhere."



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