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An Offer

Posted on Wed Apr 17th, 2024 @ 11:00pm by Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Ensign Dani Harper

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Science Lab 1 / Chief Science Officer's Office
Timeline: MD 4, 1600 Hours

Commander Remira Johansen stepped into Science Lab 1 with news. The ship's second officer who also happened to be the chief science officer was taking another position, leaving a few vacancies to be filled. Second officer would have to wait until they reached Starbase 76 unless they heard from the Captain before then. But the Science Department needed direction now.

When Remy walked into the lab she saw several officers at work, most of whom where officers who had been instrumental in the work on the Serenity over the last several days. Spotting who she was there to see, Remy walked over to Lieutenant Capulet.

"If you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about something. The chief's office?" Remy suggested.

"yes Ma'am" Chrysanthe nodded and let the Commander lead the way. She wondered what was going on but she knew better than to ask before a commanding officer was ready.

Once they were inside Remy took a seat in one of the guest chairs, "Make yourself comfortable. Nothing's wrong, the science department is going to be going through some changes, and I just wanted to touch base with you on a few things if you don't mind."

Chrys sat down opposite the Commander. "it would be nice to have some clarity, the team is pretty nervous."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm trying to stay ahead of what I can to avoid that. I take it word has gotten around that your department head is taking a new position, then?" Remy asked for clarification.

"Rumour runs wild on starships." Chrysanthe replied. "We are happy for them obviously but know such things can lead to bad changes as well as good."

"What about you?" Remy asked, redirecting the subject. "Where do you see your career taking you. What sort of goals do you have with Starfleet?"

Chrys looked slightly put off as she had not expected it. "oh one day I was looking to get a post at Daystrom." She admitted. "But thats many years away." she added.

"Well, many years is relative," Remy responded almost casually. "In Starfleet, you never quite know when opportunity might knock. For Daystrom, I'll tell you that a lot of it is political right now - at least if you're looking to get your own work up and running there they like for the research to fit their agenda. If you're here for a while and I like your work, I can put you in touch with someone," Remy offered.

Chrys nodded at that. "Have you any news of when our new chief will be assigned?" She asked curiously.

"That's actually what I came to talk to you about," Remy revealed. "I've been reviewing your service record and I'm seriously considering you for the role - if it's something you'd be interested in."

Chrys didn't immediately jump to accept. She considered it. The fact that she had been raised in an environment where every move was calculated meant that she often was slower to react to good things as she was looking for the catch. After about a minute of silence, she gave a slow nod. "Yes, it is something I am interested in, that said, I have not much training in it,"

Remy was expecting the calculated response. It was one reason why she taking the conversation one step at a time.

"There are a few training modules you could take if you think you'd find them helpful. The rosters are mostly made out for the next few weeks, but we do have some new officers joining us that will need to be put on projects. a lot of that starts taking care of itself once the department gets into a rhythm," Remy started. "I think you'd probably catch on pretty quickly, and some of the busy work to it can be delegated once you know the crew a little better."

Remy sat patiently and waited for the science officer's other questions to come.

Chrysanthe needed and considered things a bit more. "I will with your permission, start reviewing the incoming crew files and those training modules Commander"

"Of course, you'll have the clearance needed shortly after this meeting," Remy promised. "There is one more thing."

Ah the Shoe. There it was. What would it be, Chrys wondered. "Yes?" she asked her tone was neutral but her eyes were watchful.

"Feel free to dig into my background as well, and you should understand why I came to you for this position," Remy stated. "We're in a strange time right now. Starfleet. If you decide to take this position, I want to make sure you and I can trust one another. Look at whatever you need to in order make that decision."

"Your file was open when I joined the crew Commander, I have done what checks I needed to when I came here." Chrys said calmly. "I accept the position."

Remy smiled. "I'm glad to hear it." Remy stood up. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. Let me know if you need anything."

"Yes Commander, Thank you commander." Chrys said and stood as well. "Ah.. as chief do I have permission to put crew forth for advancement?"

Remy nodded, "Promotions have to be approved by command, but recommendations from Department Heads go a long way. As far as staffing within the Department, you have a lot of leeway with how you want to structure things internally."

"That is good. I want to assign an assistant chief." Chrys said calmly. " Lieutenant JG T'lenn would make an excellent Assistant Chief of Science"

Remy nodded. "I'd agree with that. She's an excellent officer with multiple talents in the field."

"I shall let her know. I am sure she will succeed Commander." Chrys took a breath. "I guess I better look to move my desk...."

"Rearrange however you like. I'm sure maintenance would be happy to help," Remy said as she walked toward the office door. As the doors opened Remy paused in the threshold as if she just thought something. "I'm sure you just got settled. But you can put in for senior officers' quarters as well if you like," she added before stepping away.

Chrys watched her go and paused. It was true that she would be able to ask for bigger quarters... she would consider it. Once the commander had left she exited the office to spread the news.



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