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Temporary Housing

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 2:58am by Ensign Dani Harper & Ensign Charlotte Dawes & Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello & Petty Officer 3rd Class Grexx & Petty Officer 3rd Class Cormus Fletcher

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Serenity
Timeline: Serenity's Departure Day

As their runabout was pulling into the Serenity's shuttlebay, Ensign Dani Harper posed the question to anyone who was listening, "Does anyone else think it's a little weird that we are going to be staying on a ship that is over 2,000 years old for the next few nights?"

Dani had seen some unusual things on board that had spooked her a little bit, but asking the Atarans about the contents of one of their science labs was considered low priority.

Maxun spoke up first. "I'm excited! We are going to be spending time on a ship that predates much of the modern universe. Even as long as I've lived, this ship a new experience!" He was grinning excitedly as he spoke.

Cormus had wished that he and Grexx hadn't been required to bring the amount of gear they had but shrugged. It was their first time on board and they'd do their best to be ready for anything. "It'll be just like camping back home, chances are it'll be over before you know it. And if we get bored enough we can always tell ghost stories."

Charlotte gave Cormus a sideways glance. "We won't exactly be roughing it. I didn't see a holodeck or a movie theater, but some of their technology is more advanced than our own. I don't know that our stasis pods could have kept someone completely unaged for 2 millennia. No maintenance, no monitoring."

They had the all clear to exit the runabout, as the shuttlebay had pressurized. Charlotte grabbed her medical kits and stood up to leave. "We may have better tech in some areas, but not all. I'd love to know their secrets."

"Just remember," Maxun cautioned the entire group. "This is their ship, their home, all that is left of their civilization. Though we are giving them aid and helping them get to their new home, we are still guests on their ship. Do not do anything to damage the new and fragile friendship that our two peoples are forming." It wasn't said as a criticism, only as caution.

Cormus gave a nod and looked over at Grexx. Both of them collected up their packs and slung their rifles. They were set to stun of course, but given the security concerns brought up in the senior meeting, Nevan had ordered both of them to take a standard loadout, even at Grexx's protest. Short lived as it was.

Once the pair had everything together, they each grabbed on side of their foot locker and lifted it, making their way toward the door. Cormus gave Charlotte a wink "Don't worry Ensign Dawes, I'll make sure everything is clear ahead for you."

Charlotte laughed good naturedly. "I wasn't worried, but I'll remember you were there for me," she teased.

Maxun chuckled softly as he collected his things and followed everyone out of the runabout.

Chrysanthe was silently waiting for everyone. She already had her translator ready just in case there was things that the UT could not pick up. She waited for the others to lead the way.

A door to the inside of the ship opened and Vestin, the scientist who had been one of the Atarans involved in the meeting with Civil Operations walked quickly through the doors and straight toward Cormus and Grexx, taking a position near them before addressing the others that had arrived. "Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Grexx, I am pleased that you both are part of the team accompanying us directly to the New Saucelito. It is comforting to have familiar faces."

The two young men smiled back. "We're glad to join you Vestin" Grexx replied.

Vestin smiled and nodded to the rest of the team that had arrived. "How will you all be most comfortable? We've arranged for everyone to have their own quarters. There are plenty available, but we've arranged family suites in case there are any who are more comfortable being housed together?"

"Thank you for your hospitality," Maxun replied politely. "I'm sure whatever accommodations you have set aside will be more than adequate."

"Right this way." Vestin gestured to the corridor. "Deck 7, is where we've prepared quarters. Many of us are staying there as well, myself included." He led them to a turbolift and held his hand out to stop the door from closing until everyone was inside.

Chrys walked with the group and looked around as they moved into the turbolift. She was very curious.

Maxun pulled up the rear, ensuring everyone on the team stayed together. "Perhaps, after we are settled, we could all share a meal together?" He asked Vestin. "I'm sure you are your people still have many questions for us. I know we do of you as well."

Vestin opened the first set of quarters, and held out an arm for any to inspect. "Please," he said.

"I was actually hoping I might find a time to speak with you privately," Vestin admitted to Maxun. "I am not supposed to be sharing this, but I don't believe you've been given a full picture of Ataran society. We kept many secrets."

Maxun arched an eyebrow slightly, then recovered quickly, nodding his head politely. "Of course, at your convenience." After they spoke, he would determine, as the Chiwf Intelligence officer, what the rest of the team would need to know.

"Dreke and Mika will be bringing your colleagues to their rooms here shortly, we should keep moving," Vestin suggested.

The statement caught Cormus's attention as well as that of Grexx whom gave a look back at his roomie but stayed quiet. Considering Vestin had chosen to approach Maxun with this, he wouldn't interject. If there was anything they may want to know later on, they'd speak with the Lieutenant afterwards. There was plenty for the two of them to worry about at the moment as it was.

After waiting a minute and no one quite stepping forward, making note the room had a pair of beds, Fletcher spoke up "We'll take it, it looks like a great spot for us to work and chances are we'll keep some weird hours so there won't be any chance of us keeping anyone else up late." The two young men made their way in and placed the footlocker between the head of the beds and came back out to continue with everyone else.

"Excellent, we'll just keeping moving down the hall," the young scientist said. "I'm actually a few doors down, but the next two are open."

Dani had also heard the comment, and immediately remembered the secret doors and strange technology she had come across when she was lost. "Char, Lieutenant, I can take the couch if you guys want to bunk together?"

Vestin paused. "I can assure your safety, but if you like, if you step back the other direction we can find you quarters situated for families of four or more," Vestin said pointing back toward the other direction.

"I am fine with whatever" The science officer said calmly. She had no preference really about sleeping arrangements. She didn't plan on actually sleeping.

Maxun could hear what wasn't said. He decided to step in and lay some ground rules. "Alright. First and foremost, while we are guests here, we will not bury ourselves in work. Everyone will have at least six hours, in the evening, to unwind and sleep. If I find anyone working during that time, I will both extend it to eight hours and make it an order." He paused to take a breath, then continued. "However, as we are all adults here, I'm sure that won't be necessary, will it?"

Dani shook her head. "No problem, sir."

Charlotte nodded, "Fine by me, Lieutenant. Dani, I'll room with you," Charlotte said picking up on the science officer's uneasiness. Charlotte threw her personal belongings into one of the bedrooms. "All good."

Dani mouthed a quiet thank you to Charlotte. She didn't know the nurse very well, but she was going to make it a point to get to know her better.

Maxun nodded, then looked at their host. "Mister Vestin, if you will give some time to settle in, I'll come find you later to have that talk, while the rest of the team gets to work on helping your people get ready for their new home."

Vestin saw Mika and Dreke heading their way. "Yes, we should all get together for a meal together later. That's a wonderful idea, Mr. Spello."

Maxun turned and saw the two Atarans approach, and could practically hear Vestin's concern for their presence. Dipping his head respectfully, he responded. "I look forward to it, Sir."

Vestin wasn't going to be able to say anything more with Mika and Drestin nearby. While some of the elders had been ambiguous about their plans for the future those two most certainly had not.

"Everyone's quarters has an interface that we've programed to be easily accessible. It should help you find your way around the functioning parts of the ship," Vestin looked at Mika. "We thought everyone should rest tonight since we are getting a late start, and we can begin our plans in the morning."

Grexx liked the idea of being able to familiarize themselves ahead of time. "We'll make sure we're ready first thing then. If anyone needs anything before then feel free to stop by our quarters."

Cormus made a note that they could also setup their interface terminals and it would be nice to secure their rifles for the night.

Maxun spoke up. "Alright. Everyone get settled. Let's have a group dinner tonight, then get some sleep. We start the real work tomorrow."



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