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Incoming Message

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 3:29am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Maxun Spello

2,204 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Astrea - Serenity [subspace comm]
Timeline: MD 8 1006 hours (local)

====USS Astrea====

After meeting with the new Assistant Chief of Intelligence, Remy decided to send a message to Spello on the Serenity.

[Outgoing Transmission Commander Johansen - Lieutenant (j.g.) Spello]

"Lieutenant Spello,

We've arrived at Starbase 76. I'm not sure what communication you or the others have had with the ship, but command of the Astrea has been officially handed over to me. We'll discuss more when the senior staff is all in one place.

I'm speeding up our rendezvous with the Serenity. We're just staying long enough to pick up crew and change out a few shuttlecraft. We will be there inside of 72 hours.

I know the trip is just getting started, but if there is anything we need to know before departing from the Starbase, you have about 20 hours to get the message to me.

Johansen out.

[Send Transmission]


As Maxun was reading over a status report, the message from Commander Johansen came in. He quickly read the message, then composed a reply.

[Outgoing Message, Lt(jg) Maxun Spello - Commander Remy Johansen]


I have recieved your message. First of all, please allow me to offer you my heatlrrfelt congratulations, Ma'am! I know the Astrea is in great and capable hands, with you in the center seat. I hope you are able to find an Executive Officer who is worth being your number one.

Secondly, regarding the Atarans. If I may be blunt, there is something nagging the corners of my mind about these people. While most of them seem welcoming, I am starting to hear something more. My gut is starting to tell me that they are not exactly who they claim to be. For now, however, it is simply a feeling I'm having. I haven't shared this with the rest of the team yet, as I don't want to cause any issues, especially as we are alone on this ship, with them.

We will see you when you arrive, Ma'am. I will keep the team safe until you arrive.

Faithfully Yours,

Lt(jg) Maxun Spello"

[Send Transmission]

Maxun was still signing off when he heard a light rapping at his door. Dani was standing outside by herself. She'd elected to not use the chime announcing her presence, and she was watching the hallway carefully rather than the door itself.

Looking over at the closed door of his cabin with an arched eyebrow, he stood and moved over to it. Pressing the controls, the door slid open. "Dani!" He said in surprise. Then his senses picked up her concern as if she were shouting about it. "Come in," he he said quietly, ushering her inside. He then stole a glance down both directions of the corridor outside his cabin, before stepping back inside and shutting the door, locking it as a precaution. He then looked back at his guest and shipmate. "What's wrong?" His voice had changed from friendly surprise, to official in its tone.

"I'm sorry, for just showing up like this, but we all heard what Vestin said the other night. Have you heard any more?" Dani asked.

"And I'm not just trying to be nosy, it's just I spent a lot of time over here last week, and I worked on those bracelets that the Captain and Lorut had stuck to them." Dani continued trying to explain. "And when we were looking for the computer core I found a secret lab full of more tech like that. It really freaked me out - the lab. I made a report, and Mundy said he was going to have it looked into, but I'm afraid in the interest of diplomacy the questions were never really asked."

Maxun indicated the couch. "Please, have a seat." After they both sat, he continued. "I haven't seen the report that you are referring to. Can you tell exactly what you saw? As detailed as possible, please."

Dani took a seat, thankful that the Intelligence Chief hadn't thrown her out for being crazy.

"It's about 20 decks down from Engineering, so maybe Deck 25, 28? Their numbering system isn't as clear as ours. We took something like a jeffries tube down from the generator in engineering hoping it might lead to the computer core and ended up in an area with hallways that didn't seem to have doors," Dani explained.

"While we were looking for another way out, or up, I was scanning the walls, and manually feeling them with my hands and I triggered something and fell through the wall, but it closed up, and Lieutenant Mundy was stuck on the other side and the door didn't open again. He had my tricorder on the other side, so I just had a flashlight, but it was entire, large lab of exactly the same kind of tech." Dani looked at the floor in concentration as she remembered what she saw.

"I saw similar bracelets, paired with the control device mounted on their stations or whatever. Other things that I couldn't say what they were for - but the same metal alloy, I'm sure of it. Flat pieces of metal maybe 20 centimeters long, lined up likes PADDS on a charging station, pieces that might go over your ears and around your head. This was a quick look. It was the second day of Dr. Beckett waking people up, and I just wanted out of there." Dani shook her head, upset at herself for letting fear get in the way of science. "The plan was to go back with a proper team, but that didn't happen with everything else."

Maxun nodded as he listened intently. "What does your gut tell you about the lab and its contents?"

Dani took a breath and thought about his question for a moment. "I knew if they saw us in there it would be bad and my gut told me to get out of there as quickly as possible and leave no trace. I stopped Mundy from blowing a hole in the wall to find another way out. We've seen hints at what their tech can do. They have more... to assert than they've been letting on. If there's some kind of internal beef among them - I think that might be how they take care of things."

Maxun nodded some more. "Since I came aboard this ship, I've been feeling that there was something familiar about these people. I sent off a coded message to my people's new homeworld, asking for information. My gut is usually not wrong. I really hope it is this time."

"Aren't there some kids that don't want to relocate with them?" Dani asked. She wouldn't reveal her source, but Charlotte had mentioned it before they went to bed the night before.

This bit of news was new to Maxun. "Oh? Who? If something is going on here, which the Ataran's are keeping from us, would look very poorly upon the Council decision as to whether e continue giving them aid."

"The ones I know about are still back on Astrea," Dani said. "But that's an interesting question. There could be more that we don't know about."

Maxun nodded as he considered the issue at hand. Looking back into Dani's eyes, he spoke. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Dani. If you see or hear anything more that seems off, let me know as soon as it is safe enough to do so. Spread the word to the rest of the team as well."

"Yes, sir," Dani said as she stood to leave. "Thanks for listening."

Maxun nodded, standing as well. "If you ever need anything, my door is always open to you."

Dani smiled at Maxun and nodded. "Thanks again," she added before leaving Maxun's temporary quarters on the Serenity. The hallway was clear when she stepped out, and she quickly made her way back to the quarters she was sharing with Charlotte.

While Max was talking to Dani, the light had started flashing on his portable subspace communication system indicating another incoming message. After she left, he relayed that he needed a moment to clear his head. Dani's smile and her eyes stayed at the forefront of his mind though. "Easy, you old fool," he chastised himself. "I'm sure someone as intelligent and attractive as she is, already has so.eone to spend her time with."

Exhaling heavily, he then moved to the communications device and pulled up the message log. There was a single video message from the Captainand he opened it immediately.

Remy's face appeared on the screen again, the message short. "I'd hoped you might consider putting in for the position." Johansen out.

Maxun was suprised by the message, not even thinking that it could be a possibility.

Instead of simply composing a reply to send back, he activated the unit's encrypted transmitter and requested an open channel with Remy.

====USS Astrea====

Remy was on her way out of the Ready Room, when the ops officer on duty let her know there was an incoming message from Spello. "Put him through," Remy responded, and walked back to her desk and had a seat.

When the channel was opened on the other end, Maxun dipped his head respectfully. "Captain. Congratulations again on your promotion." He then paused a beat, before continuing. "While I am both surprised and honored by your message, how exactly would that work, Ma'am. With you being a captain, as your XO, I'd need to be a lieutenant commander or a commander, instead of a junior lieutenant."

"With 19 years of prior active service under your belt, promoting you to a proper rank isn't going to be an issue," Remy responded almost dismissively. "Since I was told the news yesterday morning, I've been pouring through crew files, candidate lists from other assignments. Of course, I know the requirements. And I was told from above to select someone that I can trust."

Remy leaned into the camera. "It's a wild world out there." Remy was talking about within Starfleet, but she wouldn't say say it out loud even in the most cautious of circumstances. "I'm not okay with just bringing in someone I don't know. And I know we haven't known one another for very long, but your record goes back a long way. And you took some chances when you trusted me. My gut is telling me this is a good fit."

Maxun couldn't help but be touched by his Captain's words. "You humble me, Ma'am. It would be my honor to serve as your number one."

Remy's face softened at Maxun's acceptance. "I'm glad to hear it. I told Nash I intended to ask you, and he agreed you'd be an excellent first officer. Consider your application a formality. You already have an endorsement from Commander Winters. Things will probably move pretty quickly once we get to New Sauselito."

Remy paused a beat. "Oh, and thank you. How are things over there?"

Upon hearing his CO ask about the mission, Maxun turned to business. "Honestly, Captain? Things are...starting to seem less optimal that we first thought. While we don't have any solid proof yet, the general feel we are starting to have, is that the Atarans are hiding something about themselves."

Remy tensed. "Are you safe?" she asked. "We have your location. With the slipstream drive, we can intercept you in a few hours, maybe less."

Maxun nodded. "For now, there doesn't seem to be any danger to us. Again, so far, it's just a feeling. I'm still waiting to hear from my people about any information they may have on the Atarans. As soon as I know something, I'll contact you."

"We should both be at New Sausalito in a under 48 hours. I'm moving up our departure time up as much as I can get away with and still get most of our shuttle compliment replaced, and our newest crewmembers on board," Remy explained. "Until then, we'll see what we can learn from our end as well. Lieutenant Cyn is eager to get out and start talking to our guests."

Nodding, Maxun replied. "Understood, Ma'am. Do you have any new orders for myself or the rest of the team?"

Remy shook her head. "No. The flag officers are still eager for this enterprise be a success, so proceed as planned. We'll be able to talk more in a few days."

He nodded. "Aye, Captain." Then, a bemused look flashed behind his eyes. "And now that title means even more now. Congratulations again, Ma'am."

"Thanks, I appreciate that. We should get back to work. See you soon, Lieutenant."

"Aye, Captain. Spello out." He then deactivated the comm unit. Once he was alone again, he moved to sit down on the overstuffed chair, that was in the lavishly appointed guest room that he had been given. Knowing that the rest of the team had not been given equally plush accommodations caused Maxun to consider the Atarans' motives again. Something definitely wasn't adding up. That much he knew for certain. However, what that deficiency was, he had yet to discover. He decided to close his eyes and clear his mind. Perhaps afterwards, he'd be able to find what was gnawing at the back of his mind.



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