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A Unique Conversation

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2024 @ 7:29pm by Lieutenant JG Ta'Feel Anith Usskik

934 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Senior Officer's Lounge (AKA - Ten Forward)
Timeline: Current - During The Party


Shelly and Andrea were enjoying the conversation with Dr. Ta'Feel and hir family and began to feel a strong bonding with them. Then, a wonderful surprise happened and Lori Grimes Guevera entered the room and approached them and Shelly saw Lori and had tears of joy streaming down her cheeks and stood up and said, "Lori, my love?" Lori smiled with tears and said, "It's me, sweetie." The two embraced and passionately kissed each other. Then, Shelly said, "Lori, I want to introduce you to Dr. Ta'Feel and hir family and, also, to our future wife Andrea." Lori said, "Greetings to all." And, as Shelly and Lori sat down, Shelly said, "Dr and Andrea, this is my wife Lori Grimes Guevera." Andrea said, "It is a pleasure to meet you sweetie."

Ta'Feel , being the highest rank in hir family, replied with a series of blink/speaks, "Dr. Ta'Feel is Mx. Ta'Feel." Sei introduced hirself with hir salutation, Mx., to indicate hir family rank. "I am pleased to meet Lori." Sei then pointed to each of the other family members in order of their rank, and continued, "To my right is Mr. Nallee Anith." "To the right of Mr. Nallee Anith is Ms Shakal Anith." "To the right of Ms Shakal Anith is Mm Zetchurl Anith." "Would Lori care to have a mug of alkomedo?"

Ta'Feel was pleased that hir family unit was in the company of the family of Shelly and Andrea, and the future family member Lori.

Lori smiled and said, "Certainly. I would love some." And, Lori also said, "I am pleased to meet all of you." Lori felt so happy being with her wife, Shelly and her future wife, Andrea.

After a few tele/speaks between Ta'Feel and her family members, Sei communicated to Shelly, Andrea, Lori, "The Anith family is interested in learning more about your family." "Your family is like our family, in that it is unique from most of the other families abord the USS Astrea." Sei raised her mug and continued, in an interrogatory manner, "To a continuing friendship?"

They raised their mugs and said, "To continuing friendship." Then, they took a sip of their drinks. Then, all three said in unison, "We were trained in a military like base, but, stricter and tougher than any Federation compound. The training is 500-times tougher than Starfleet's training and we started training at the young age of 5 years old all they way up until our 18th birthdays. We trained 7 days a week for at least 14 hours a day."

Ta'Feel and Hir family exchanged tele/speak, then Sei responded, "The Anith family understands that your family endured extensive training." "Our family trained according to our family rank." "We appreciate having friends like you with your training." "What other aspects of your species can you share?"

Shelly, Lori and Andrea replied, "We three thank you. We appreciate having friends like you as well." Then, they paused for a moment and continued, "We are the last three of our kind and the three of us are going to have children of our own as we have the ability to get each other pregnant at the right time. But, there is just one difference between us and others who get pregnant. We lay eggs and we will require an extremely huge amount of space and, of course, privacy, just the three of us in the same huge room."

Dr. Ta'Feel responded with a series of blink/speaks, "That is indeed unique to your species." "We appreciate that you are continuing your species." "Our procreation process is unique to our species." "First, the Virtrempi and the Hermoncipi mate to determine which of the four genders will be produced." "Next, after 10 Standard days, the Hermoncipi and Inestado mate, to allow the Kistadio to develop into the Brionoida." " Finally, after 60 Standard days, the Inestado and Posento mate, to allow the Brionoida to develop into the Novnavigo." " After 6 Standard months, the Novnavigo has developed into a fully developed 'Chix'alk, and emerges to be raised by the family unit until it is time for it to join a family unit of it's own."

Shelly replied, "That is amazing and quite unique. We have never heard of your species process." Lori replied, "That is a beautiful method on how you and your species mates." Andrea also said, "We appreciate hearing unique differences in mating, etc." Then, they poured themselves their whiskey in separate whiskey glasses and they raised their glasses and said in unison, "We wish to make a toast to you and your family, Ta'Feel."

Ta'Feel ordered 4 more mugs of Alkomedo. When they arrived, Sei responded, "Dr. Ta'Feel and the Anith family appreciate your toasting." All 4 of the Anith family raised their mugs toward the 3 friends.

Shelly, Lori and Andrea took a sip of their drinks and felt so happy to have 4 wonderful friends and they said in unison, "Just to let all of you know, all three of us are now extremely protective of all 4 of you which is permanent now. And, all 3 of us Trust you all with our lives as well."

Dr. Ta'Feel and Hir family exchanged a few tele/speaks, then Sei replied, "The Anith family appreciates your family being protective of us." "We also trust you with our lives."

Shelly, Andrea and Lori said, "We are Honored."


LtJG Ta'Feel Anith
(NPC- Cadet Sr Nallee Anith)
(NPC- Ens. Shakal Anith)
(NPC- Ens. Zetchurl Anith)
USS Astrea

Lt(JG) Shelly Guevera
Chief Security Officer
(NPC - Ensign Lori Guevera)
(NPC - Ensign Andrea Mitchell)


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