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Posted on Sun Apr 21st, 2024 @ 2:34pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Civillian Samuel Wynters

2,175 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: Holodeck 7
Timeline: MD 7 0800 Hours

After the subspace transmission ended and Remy sat with the news that she was being promoted to Captain for a few minutes. A tidal wave of emotions hit her like a frieght train and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She stood up and looked around the Ready Room. It was about to be hers - for real. They were well on their way to Starbase 76, and other than this news so far the day had been routine.

Remy left the ready room and after acknowledging the conn officer, she went to the turbolift with no real destination in mind. After standing there for a couple of minutes she asked the computer, "Where is Samuel Wynters."

When the computer responded that he was on Holodeck 7, Remy directed the turbolift to Deck 11. When she arrived at the holodeck she hesitated a moment before interrupting. The two had spent a few hours on a holodeck the night before enjoying a water park. She felt a little silly bothering him this early in the morning, but she tapped the panel to at least see if the program was set to private, and was surprised when the doors opened for her.

She stepped into the holodeck somewhat shyly. "Hey, Samuel?" she called out.

Inside the holodeck, the program was of an ancient Asian temple of some kind. The simulated stone work was both exquisite and looked quite old. Down a passageway, lit by torches, she could hear someone moving.

Remy followed the sounds somewhat tentatively. She still felt a little uneasy about barging in on his holodeck program like this.

When Remy entered the chamber, she could see Samuel standing in the center of a raised platform, surrounded by eight strong and dangerous-looking men. No one moved, though they all looked aside they had been moving rapidly a short time ago, as they were all covered in sweat soaked tunics. Samuel however, was shirtless, only wearing a pair of gi pants. His muscles were taught, rippling slightly, as he readied himself.

Suddenly, the attack came. The warriors each took turns trying to gain the advantage on Samuel, one on one. When that didn't seem to work, they increased their assaults, two on one.

Remy watched the battle play out, flinching when she saw Samuel taking the occasional hit and even during some of his wins. He was good. It made Remy wonder even more about his past.

Samuel was focused on his opponents. Though they were getting good hits in, beginning to bruise his skin, he quickly gained the upper hand, dispatching first one, then another, before all eight were on the ground around him.

Remy was brought to attention as the battle ended, and felt guilty for standing there are watching so much without announcing her presence. She turned to try to leave without being noticed.

Samuel spoke aloud, before turning to look at her. "Hello, my love. You don't need to leave."

Remy silently laughed to herself as she turned back around. "I keep forgetting you have spidey senses. I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you."

Turning towards her, Samuel moved over to her, as the sweat that coated his muscles slowly started to dry. As he got closer, she would be able to see his bruises actually starting to fade quickly. "You are never a bother to me, Rem." He leaned in and kissed her tenderly on her lips.

Remy laughed shyly. "Well I'm normally not tracking down boyfriends just a couple of hours after we - not that you're my boyfriend. I just mean, I'm not a needy person. It's just I have news, and I'm not ready to hear the crew's reaction yet. I don't think." The words just sort of blurted out of Remy's mouth all at once.

Hearing Remy speak as she was, like an excited, yet nervous teenager, caused Samuel to smile warmly at her. It was the smile that only she got to see, the one that conveyed the message that she was important to him. Then, hearing the comment about him being or not being her boyfriend, he decided to tease her a little. Pouting playfully, he looked deep into her eyes and responded. "What do you mean I'm not your boyfriend? Are you only using me for my body?"

"Of course not," Remy closed her eyes and shook her head. She opened her eyes again, "It's just that we haven't really defined anything, and that's fine, I'm not assuming. We haven't even known each other a week yet. It's probably best if we don't. Anyway... that's not why I'm here." Remy took a heavy breath, she just came down here to talk and she made things awkward.

Samuel reached up with his right hand and gently caressed Remy's left cheek, turning her eyes towards his. When they were looking at each other, he gave her a soft smile. "I want to be your boyfriend, Rem. No, we haven't know each other long at all. However, I do know this much. While I'm seeing you, I don't want to see anyone else." He kissed her softly, then asked, "What do you have to tell me, that you came down here so full of energy?"

"I was just offered a promotion." Remy made the statement without giving away much emotion. She was still processing the thought.

A slow smile crept across his face. "And...?" He asked for the rest, though he had a feeling that he already knew.

"The ship?" Remy said the answer as if it were a question. She looked around for a place to sit down.

"I accepted," she said looking down at the floor. "I think I thought if I thought about it they might rescind the offer," she said laughing at herself. "I just got off of subspace and I didn't want to talk to anyone from the crew yet."

She looked back up at Samuel. "So I came down here."

Kneeling down in front of her, Samuel was beaming. "I am so happy for you, Rem!" He pulled her into a hug, then kissed her deeply, before coming back up for air. "I knew you were gonna get both the promotion and the ship! Congratulations, my love!!"

Remy found herself swept up into Samuel's energy, happy. That was what she was supposed to be letting herself feel right now. Was that what drew her in to him. He somehow not only gave her permission, but drew out simple emotions like happiness that always seemed just out of reach for her.

"Everyone seems to be having more confidence in me than I do myself," Remy confessed, but she was already feeling better as the trepidation seemed to ease off of her chest.

"I can't celebrate yet." Remy stood up, and took Samuel's hand and walked over to the fighting arena of sorts.

"Dare I ask?"

"I like to keep in shape. Over the centuries, I've studied a few different forms of martial arts, both open hand and with weapons. I've started to create my own form, melding each of them into something new. By this point, I'm confident enough to go up against single, double, triple, up to at least eight separate opponents. My goal is to be able to hold my own against a baker's dozen."

"Do you plan on needing to?" Remy asked. She looked at him seriously.

He shook his head, grinning. "No one ever plans to. It's just safer to be prepared for any eventuality."

Remy leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. "Prepared for that," she challenged.

In a flash of movement, Samuel had his arms around Remy and had dipped her to his left side. As he gazed down into her eyes, his were filled with an unmistakable hunger. A hunger only for her. "I'm always prepared for that." He then leaned in and kissed her deeply, as he held her against his sweaty body.

Remy laughed, completely thrown off by the sudden movement and she was still laughing as his lips met hers, only fading as the kiss deepened into something more passionate. Remy forgot about the fact that he was still covered in sweat, and that she was in uniform still just starting her day.

For a few glorious moments, the pair simply hung there, as they held onto one another. Finally, while he continued to kiss her, Samuel slowly brought Remy back up to her feet. Only then, did he break contact so they could catch their breaths. "You are an amazing woman, Rem!" His voice was barely above a whisper, as if to speak too loud would shatter the world they were in.

"Will I ever understand any of this," Remy whispered back.

"Don't think of it as something to figure out," he whispered lovingly. "Just let yourself be swept up in it. You are safe here. Always."

Remy smiled somewhat coyly. "I'm not very good at that," she said shaking her head. "Being in the moment. Everything is a puzzle. There's always something to solve."

He shook his head gently. "Not with me, Rem. I already told you, I will never lie to you about anything. If you want to know something, all you need do is ask me."

"I never said you would lie... But you are most definitely not as simple as you put on airs to be," Remy said stepping back and looking at him almost as if he were a puzzle. "And I think you've been living up here for so long, that you aren't even sure what might happen if you didn't."

Arching an eyebrow, Samuel extended his arms out from his sides, then did a little spin for Remy. "I am who I claim to be nothing more, nothing less. Do I have more memories and experiences than most on this ship? Absolutely. However, at the end of the day, I am, just as you claim I'm not, I am a plain and simple bartender."

"Okay, if you say so." Remy shrugged, clearly not convinced, but she turned around to walk back the way she came. "I have a ship to go run. Computer, Arch."

Samuel couldn't help but feel that he had done something wrong. "Rem? Have I insulted you in some way?"

Remy turned half-way around, still poised to keep walking. "Would I have made it this far if I could let the words of a plain and simple bartender insult me?" She asked the question in the tone of a person feigning mock innocence.

Hearing her teasing tone, Samuel moved over to her, turning her to face him as he backed her against the nearest wall. "You know me well enough already to know that I was only being silly." He planted his hands on either side of her head, looking down on her as if he was about to devour her.

Remy stood pinned against the wall, and could see Samuel's desire on his face. "I still have that ship to go run," she remindedhim. "And this still isn't over," she added with a wink.

A hungry grin spread across his face. "Then I shall release you, provided you pay the toll of your release with a kiss. But, I caution you, make it a good one, or you shall be punished later."

"A toll?" Remy placed one hand against Samuel's chest and the other around his neck. She leaned in and brushed her nose against his. "This could get expensive, if we keep meeting up like this."

A low, hungry growl vibrated deep in his chest, as Samuel kept his eyes locked on Remy's. "When it comes to you, I have a surplus of wealth." He then kissed her, deeply, passionately. The kind of kiss that curls toes.

Remy's eyes closed as she kissed Samuel back, letting herself be caught up in the moment, but only briefly.

"I really have to go," she told him sternly.

Samuel stepped back and bowed playfully. "My good lady, I therefore release you. Go forth and great things!"

"I'll try," Remy responded stepping back toward the way she came in. "I'll see you later."

Remy smiled and shook her head as she made her way to the arch. The time down here had been a distraction, but it hadn't really quieted the unresolved unrest that was still plaguing her mind. The ship was down too many command staff at the moment for her to really stop and figure it out anyway. Just keep pressing forward, she told herself as she entered the corridor and made her way back to the Bridge.

Samuel watched her leave, a happy grin on his face. The young woman was definitely special, and he was very glad he had met her.

After standing and thinking about her for a few more minutes, he turned back to the training mat and resumed his sparring exercises.


Cmdr Remy Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea


Samuel Wynters
Proprietor, Paddy's Loft
NPC, Spello


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