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I got it...

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 3:05am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters

1,529 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 7: 1200 hours

Remy walked toward main engineering's open deck. She had come unannounced looking for Nash. She got a few looks as officers straightened their postures and made themselves look more serious as she walked past them toward the computer core. She was positive he'd pop out of somewhere at any second.

Commander Winters found himself leaning over a display monitor when he heard someone enter Main Engineering. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see it was Remy-Commander Johansen.

“Commander! What brings you to engineering? I was just going over the diagnostics of the gyrostabilizers. I take it were en route to Starbase 76?”

"Since 2100 last night, so about 15 hours now. I'm surprised you and your engines weren't have a discussion about it over coffee this morning," Remy quipped.

“Oh, you wouldn’t want to hear what we talk about,” Nash joked. “Not very interesting. There are times when it feels like the warp core does talk to me. The vibrations, the frequency and oscillating lights. It’s like a language of its own, you know? But seriously, Remy….Commander, why did you darken my door? Not that I couldn’t use the company. My staff and I are settling into a routine and it feels good. Not like when I first got here. The shit with the slipstream and all that.”

"Oh, so when I show up, I darken the space?" Remy teased. "I thought I might brighten things up a bit. But to answer your question, can we go in your office?"

“Oh, come on, you know it’s only an expression. My office? Of course. Come on in.”

Nash led Commander Johansen into his spacious office and sat behind his desk, currently cluttered with PADDs and scanning tools.

Making sure the door was closed, Remy took a seat. In a somewhat measured voice to keep from being overheard she told Nash, "I got it. Their promoting me. Giving me the Astrea."

It took a second for it to register, but a smile beamed from Nash’s face upon hearing Remy’s news.

“Captain Johansen? Hot damn!” Nash snapped his fingers and came around to the front of the desk where Remy sat. He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “Congratulations, Remy. I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving. I’m happy for you, my friend. More than that, I’m proud of you. You’ll have my full support as long as I head this department. Count on that.”

"Quiet, okay," Remy said laughing at her friend's enthusiasm. "Thank you. The rest of the crew and senior staff doesn't know yet. Try to keep it down. I'm trying to figure out how to let them know. Do I do it myself? Do I wait on the Admirals to make it official? I'm in an awkward spot right now. I feel like they could take it away any time."

“Alright, I’ll keep my lips sealed. There are two ways to go about it. Just depends on whether you wish to draw attention to yourself or not. And since you came to me first, and I appreciate that, by the way, it appears you don’t . So….you can make a ship wide announcement over comms saying “you’ve been requested and required on this date” so on and so on. Or there’s the more public way with a formal ceremony in Ten Forward. But you would need someone to attach the pip to your uniform. I know it’s a lot to think about; the Admiralty has offered you command, I seriously doubt they would take it away. It’s clear to me they believe you’re the best person for the job.”

"I am NOT doing a big ceremony. That is so not me," Remy shook her head. "I'll take the promotion quietly and we can go about our way."

“I didn’t think so. Pick a good time for you to make the announcement. You do what you feel is right. I would… be honored to pin the pip on your tunic unless you had someone else mind. Who is going to succeed you as First Officer? And-NO, I’m not applying for the position. I’ve got my hands full in Engineering.”

"I don't even know who the candidates might be," Remy said somewhat flustered though not upset. "This all just kind of happened. I don't know if it should be someone here, or if there are candidates elsewhere that they want me to look at. It's a lot right now."

Remy shook her head in disbelief. "Astrea didn't even get a shakedown cruise. Maybe you tell a few people down here, and we just let word trickle?"

“First, let me suggest that I’d be happy to put in my two cents. Do you know what you want in a First Officer? What qualities are important to you? Put together a list and I’d be happy to give it a look. I admit I don’t know the crew as in depth as I’d like but I’m experienced enough to know what makes a good Number One. I don’t want you to worry yourself sick, Remira. With regard to breaking the news, if you would like to plant the seeds of the proverbial grapevine, my team can take care of it. Assuming you’ll have it sorted out before it grows out of control and a level 10 force field is necessary.”

"It'll be public when we hit Starbase 76 tomorrow. I just feel weird making an announcement. Is it bad to let the grapevine do the work?" Remy gave Nash an exaggerated shrug.

“I hate gossip, rumors, innuendo, and all that other bullshit. At the same time, it could get the crew excited about what’s coming. They’ll talk about YOU and possibly improve morale. Anything is possible. Look, come for dinner. I know the girls would love to see you. Have a discussion with Sara, she’s much smarter than I am when it comes to these things. I’ll whip something up.”

Nash took a deep breath and looked Remy in the eye. “I know this is a lot to take in right now and I want to thank you for confiding in me. And trusting me. Is it crossing the line to offer my commanding officer a hug?”

"Oh stop, we'll always go back further than that," Remy answered holding out her arms for the hug.

Nash and Remy met in a warm and friendly embrace. He gently squeezed her close and said, “Captain Johansen has a nice ring to it.”

The friends stood together for a few more seconds and then released each other. “Now that you’re Captain, don’t forget about us Commanders down here on deck 36. Seriously, anything you need, Remira. Anything. I’m sure that goes for everyone. Command can be….lonely and isolating, but you don’t have to be alone.”

"Thanks for that," Remy nodded. "Feel free to nag me about it when I start to get cranky. I hereby give you permission."

“Understood, loud and clear, Captain,” Nash said as he smiled and leisurely started sorting through the PADDs on his desk. “OK, here’s what I think. And I know you didn’t ask, but I’m going to offer it anyway. This reminds me when we used to talk a lot like this. Before we got promoted. You used to call me Nash-Man. Back then I couldn’t tell if you were trying to endear yourself to me or annoy me.”

Nash tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t contain a laugh. “What I was going to say is, go get something to eat. Take a walk somewhere to clear your head. Take everything in, think about all the people that care about you and will support you no matter what. We’re all family now, Remira.”

"Not much time for that. We're on a tight schedule, but I'll try," Remy responded. "We've got a lot of crew onboarding tomorrow, and we still need to coordinate some things with the Atarans. There was a medical event this morning. Alcohol is poison to them. We're trying to figure out any other physiological differences to make sure that New Sausalito is a viable site."

“Really? Poison? That’s a hell of a predicament. Let me know if there’s anything my team can do. Apart from the medical side of things, could there be anything else we can contribute? Keep me in the loop, ok?”

“Listen, I’ve kept you long enough. Go about your business. I’ve got these diagnostics to finish. Don’t forget about dinner tonight or whenever you’re available. Thanks for the visit…..Captain.”

"Thank you. I'll catch ya later," Remy responded, leaving the office and making her way out of main engineering. On her way out she turned back to take a look at computer core briefly. She took a breath before turning to leave.

Next up was Sickbay. The Astrea was receiving a Vulcan medical team tomorrow to assess and hopefully treat Tel'im's condition.


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