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Old Friends

Posted on Fri Apr 26th, 2024 @ 2:39am by Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas & Captain Remy Johansen

1,998 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Starbase 76
Timeline: Astrea's Arrival

Remy scanned the promenade for her old friend, Kas. He was joining the Astrea's crew this week, and the starbase's computer had told her that he was in the area.

The station marketplace was a flurry of activity as a large Klingon walked into a small of Cafe. He was wearing a earth-colored jumpsuit that looked like it was made of some sort of leather. He had a emerald green fur mantle across shoulders. There was a small child with a high forehead and light cranial ridges walking behind the large man. He looked around the room. The establishment had a twentieth century earth ‘Americana Diner’ aesthetic. It was modeled after a dinner in San Francisco down the street from Starfleet Academy. Most of the patrons were Starfleet Officers.

“Can I help you, Friend.” An eemployee of the cafe eyed him warily.

“A booth if there's one available that would be perfect.” The Warrior said in a polite manner, flashing his perfect white teeth in a genuine smile. As he spoke, the fur moved to reveal a Starfleet communicator badge on his chest. “A third person may join us.”

The young employee did a double take, “Sure this way.”

“Phin, seat them in my section and stop staring or you will be back on dishes.” An older woman called out from the kitchen. “It’s been a long time Kas… Wait a minute is that Keena?”

“Yes Molly, she's grown since the time you saw her.” Razka smiled.

I'll come get your orders in a little bit..” The waitress grinned.

Kas nodded and sat down.

“Who are we meeting Papa?” The child asked in Quathteen.

“Speak Standard, Little Star” Kas smiled. “Were meeting my new Commander.”

Remy caught a glimpse of a tall Klingon with a child being seated at the cafe. What had stood out to her was the green fur dressing on the man's attire. She smiled. It had to be Kas. She quickened her step to try to catch up to them, passing the waitress who had just seated Kas and the child.

"Kas!" Remy exclaimed. She held out her arms just barely, inviting her old friend for a hug but waiting for him to accept the gesture.

“Remy!” Kas stood up and embraced his old friend. As he let her go he touched his forehead to hers in greeting of his people. 

“May I present my daughter, Meressa Keena.” Kas turned the little girl in the booth.

"You may," Remy bowed her head slightly. "Hello Meressa Keena. I'm Remira Johansen. My friends call me Remy. What do your friends call you?" Remy asked.

The little girl smiled, brushing one of her braids away from her face. “I'm Keena, my friends call me Key.”

"I'm happy to meet you. Do you care if I sit down with you and your dad?" Remy asked. "I know your dad from a long time ago. Before you were even born."

“You can sit next to me,” The little one smiled. “Are you the Captain?”

"Thank you," Remy said sitting down. "Best seat in the house. And to answer your question, I am the Captain, but they still need to put the fourth pip on my collar yet." Remy showed Keena her three pips. "I haven't decided if we should do that here, or wait until the rest of my senior staff is back together."

“So the Pips are like Papa’s Quatha Marks?” Keena inquired, pointing at the tattoos on her father’s neck.

Kas smiled at his daughter’s question and looked to Remy to see how she would answer.

"Yes, they are quite a bit alike," Remy agreed. "I have not seen your papa in quite some time. It appears as though his position within the clan has changed since we last saw one another."

Remy looked over at Kas. "I can tell that a lot has changed."

“Yes the Shamen Council made a Seeker after Rahl returned to the stars.” Kas explained “Not to worry, my standing will not interfere with my duties.”

Keena look down at the mention of her mother, Kas reacted out tapped ker on the nose. The child let out a giggle.

“As seeker, I am able to perform my peoples wedding and funeral rites.” Kas continued. If we encounter any of my people. I may be asked to better witness to important events. I hope that I will be able keep Keena near as me as often as possible. "

"Worrying about you and your duties would never cross my mind," Remy responded. "As for the young lady, you are going to love this ship. The refit on the old dreadnaughts to turn them back into an explorer class moved quite a few things around, and what they've done with some of the extra space is really incredible. There are a lot of different places for kids to enjoy. The school on Deck 11 is pretty spread out with several playgrounds, game rooms, a park. Really a lot to see."

Molly walked up to the table place menu s and mugs on the table, "coffee for the officers and hot chocolate for the little lady. I'll be back for your orders in a little bit dears."

"Anyway, as I was saying. And that's just one deck. Hopefully, you'll find yourselves at home there," Remy said.

"I like exploring and parks where I can climb trees," Keena smiled . "Papa says I have to have an elder with me."

Remy nodded sternly. "He's correct. We do have a few trees in the arboretum, but it is very important to have an adult with you. Even grown ups, when we climb big things should always bring a buddy with us to be safe."

"I did you have buddy when you hit your last month Papa?"Keena inquired in an Innocent tone.

"Yes I did," Kas answered. "That’s how T'Lura was able to help me so quickly."

"That's why I don't like it when you go away. Papa, you always get hurt." Keena said folding her arms.

"That’s an Exaggeration Little Star" Kas gave her a wery look.

Remy smiled at Kas, and gave him a knowing look. "Well it's good that T'lura was so close by. She's very good at making people better," Remy said still smiling at Kas. Remy turned to Keena. "And the best part about this ship is you're coming with us. So, hopefully, your papa won't be going away much."

"That good." Keena smiled, "Can I have pancakes Papa?"

"Of course," Kas said. "We'll have to make sure that you eat your protein as well."

Remy looked across the table at Kas. "This is different, isn't it."

"Yes," Kas smiled. "If I can find a good babysitter we'll have to go on a bar crawl for old times sake."

"Why would you crawl in a bar," Keena asked. "Wouldn't the floor be dirty?"

"You're right. That's probably a bad idea. We'll have to think of something else to do," Remy responded holding back a laugh.

Kas had a neutral expression on his face, "it an expression Keena, You understand when you're older."

"She does make a fair point, Kas," Remy said. "Lieutenant Williams will be glad to have someone in charge of flight control. I think I scared him last week," Remy said with a mischievous smile.

"You needn't worry about scaring me," Kas chuckled. "If anything it's the other way around."

"Oh, I just think he was a little surprised I put him in charge of requisitions for replacing some of the shuttles and fighters. He did good though. We're swapping out a lot of the old dinosaurs today."

The waitress stepped up to the table, "ready to order?"

"Of course, Molly. " Kas smiled. "I'll have the steak and eggs with a side of cornbeef hash."

"I'll have pancakes with maple syrup." Keena said She looked at Kas and added. "And for scrambled eggs"

Kas nodded.

Molly looked to Remy. "And what would you like Dear?"

"Oatmeal and wheat toast. Brown sugar on the side please?" Remy requested.

"We'll have that out in a few minutes," Molly nodded.

"I'll be bringing my shuttle, the Holana onboard." Kas smiled. The shuttle was given to me after... Well, we can talk about that later."

"The shuttle bay design is amazing," Remy responded. "Your going to love it. It's all one big unit on top of the saucer section. A lot of flexibility with how to organize the space. A little light on crew yet, but you've got a young Andorian who is eager to get more flight experience."

Keena looked at Kas and made a sign gesture, Kas nodded. He flagged waitstaff member down. “Can you show my daughter to your facility?”

Keena’s  went with the woman and Kas turned the Remy. “I can see you trying to do the math. Her Mother was Meressa Rahl. I didn't know she was with child when we parted ways. She passed when Keena was small. I took custody of her as soon as I knew she existed.”

"So how long have you two been together?" Remy asked.

"Almost three years," Kas smiled. "My mother contacted me four years ago to tell me about Keena, Rahl was ill and didn't recover. I got Keena as soon as I could. I never planned to be a father, but that little one has become my world."

Kas looked away, he found himself thinking about how his father had left when he was young. He'd always felt a little bitter and resentful, now that he was a father he couldn't understand how anyone could abandon their young.

"I'm sorry that you had to find out about her the way that you did," Remy said mournfully. "It's all sad. You missed out on early years, she lost her mother."

"We have each other," Kas smiled. "The counselor told me she has severe separation anxiety. It's understandable with what she been through. To be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing. My father left when I was younger than Keena and I had a difficult relationship with my stepfather."

"I'm sure you're doing great," Remy said sincerely. "You turned out well, you know what she needs."

Keena walked back to table holding a plate with a bowl of oatmeal. “meal ma'am”

"Thanks so much, Keena. This looks like just what I need this morning," Remy said taking the bowl from Keena before she tried to climb into the booth with it.

“She wanted to help me,” Molly said with a laugh. As she put the rest of the dishes on the table.

"Thank you, Molly." Kas smiled.

Kas and Keena both made a hand gesture over their food before starting their meals.

"So what was your last posting like?" Remy asked. "Did you get deployed a lot?" Remy was wondering about Keena's comment earlier about Kas going away.

"Yes, I spent a lot of time fairing research team back and forth between the Flecher and potential colony sites," Kas explained.

"Papa took me with him on the long trips," Keena said. "I got to be the copilot when I finished my schoolwork. I think the teacher was mad at papa for taking me, because she didn't think it was safe. Adults are silly, Papa wouldn't let me get hurt."

"Of course he wouldn't," Remy said. "We'll still try to not send him off so much, so you can stay in school with your friends, and still see your Papa everyday."

"We'll try anyway," Remy said looking at Kas. "Civil operations has their own shuttle, and you have a nice nice crew. But our general orders shouldn't have any teams separating from the Astrea on a regular basis outside of civil ops."

"That's good to hear," Kas smiled. "I will be good to work with again."

"It's always good to get the gang back together," Remy said, winking knowingly at Kas.


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