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Ghiram's Lab

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 12:48am by Ensign Dani Harper
Edited on on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 12:48am

1,687 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Science Lab 2
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch

Dani rubbed her palms together in excitement, eager to actually do something rather than just wander the corridors of a nearly empty ship. "What would you like me to do first, Sir?"

"First, I'd like you to tone it down a little; we're just setting up lab equipment. It's really nothing to get that excited about," Ghiram huffed, prying open one of his storage crates from the U.S.S. Parnikee . "I like to keep multiple tabletop computers around the lab- my job involves a lot of reading and cross referencing data, so I need more storage than just what a PADD can provide." He reached in and hauled out one of the monitors, the base below it swiveling back and forth. "If you can just place one of these on each of the lab counters, we can start separating these into different work stations. Now remember, you need to match the color of the large isolinear chips to the stripe on the back of the computer. The data needs to match the database, understand? I could lose dozens of files if you mess this up." His brows furrowed. "You're not colorblind, are you, Ensign?"

"No, sir. I can handle it," Dani responded. "So what's all on these computers anyway?" she asked as she took the first monitor to a spot on the far counter.

"All the data we have on the Romulans- their history, their culture, their biology- and all of my research on them." He picked up another monitor and put it next to the particle accelerator.

Dani walked back to pick up another monitor. "You need this many units just for that?" She asked somewhat dubiously.

“Could you condense all of humanity down to a single computer monitor? I doubt you’re that dull.”

Dani took the second monitor over the counter in silence and went back to grab a third. She couldn't help but shoot an icy glare at her new boss as she grabbed the monitor and turned around. What's he going to do, write me up for a look. I'm just trying to be nice... and helpful, she thought to herself.

“This is the first time you’ve been quiet all day.” He snarked, a self satisfied smile across his face. “Something I said?”

"No, sir. Of course not," Dani responded as she checked the colors on the computers and went to retrieve the corresponding isolinear chips. In a professional tone she added, "You have been absolutely a pleasure to work with today. Why would you ask that?"

“Is that your attempt at sarcasm? I know what you Humans think of us Tellarites, and the complete refusal you have to learn about our culture.”

"First of all, only my mother is human. Second of all, I don't know what you are talking about, I have been nothing but nice to you today, and have offered to help you more than once, and you've only been rude and demeaning. And third, do you think it's easy being an Orion? It doesn't matter that I'm half-human, I have green skin," Dani responded, her cheeks flushing to brownish-purple color.

"If you keep making yourself a victim you will be, but I choose to put myself out there and make friends and show them that not all Orions are slave-trading pirates." Dani huffed and then took a deep breath before she began putting the first ship in. She was still going to do this right, dammit even if she was going to get written up for insubordination.

“You’re right, I have been rude, by your standards- which just goes to show you don’t know the first thing about my people! I never said anything about you being a pirate, or denied your help.” He got eye to eye with her- as best he could, being shorter than the ensign- “If you can’t handle it, maybe you need to find another ship to serve aboard. I’m tired of letting other people get in my way just so they can feel comfortable around me.”

Dani stopped what she was doing and scoffed. "Wow. Just wow. You've been telling me to 'tone it down' asking me to change who I am to make you feel more comfortable, and now you have the nerve to say that to me? People have feelings, and if you are hurting them, maybe you should think about that. When someone says something hurtful it's not so easy to just say, 'oh but it's ok, your feelings shouldn't be hurt because he's a Tellarite and that's just how they are.' Mutual respect. Boundaries with what you say. Maybe work some of that into your witty repertoire."

“This is me respecting you- if I didn’t respect you, I wouldn’t bother challenging you at all. So how about you grow a damn backbone and insult me back instead of huffing and puffing?”

Dani stared at Ghiram for a second and then laughed. "I haven't insulted you enough already? I was expecting at least a write up for that."

“A write up? On my planet, that’s the kind of conversation you make over afternoon tea.” He let out a hearty belly laugh.

"Oh geez," Dani responded somewhat sheepishly. "It's just, we spend all this time learning and practicing protocol. You might prefer it, but Commander Lorut could overhear that and confine me to quarters," Dani protested.

“And then I’d be having words with her.” He reached into the crate for another monitor.

Dani walked over to pick up the last monitor selecting what appeared to be the most logical spot for it. "Wouldn't it just be easier to follow protocol? At least on duty. I'd like a promotion someday," she said as she walked back to get the rest of the parts, including the matching isolinear chip.

“If respecting the culture of your superior officer is a violation of protocol, I think Starfleet’s got bigger problems than your next performance review.” He found the box of isolinear chips and started making his way around the room, inserting the appropriate memory drives into each computer.

"But there are rules. Starfleet defines decorum as an officer a very specific way. We took oaths to abide by them," Dani protested. "If I had decided to work for the Orion Space Navy, it would be entirely different. Or somehow got assigned to a Klingon ship in some masochistic officer exchange program where I try to not accidentally challenge someone to the death by stretching my legs." Dani laughed at herself again. "I guess my point is there are different rules whereever you go, and you aren't the only one watching me. I'm low enough on the totem pole, pretty much everyone is."

“And the Tellarites are one of the four founding members of the Federation, even though everyone likes to forget it. You think we would’ve written the rules to leave ourselves out?”

"I don't know how anyone could forget, it's on every Starfleet entrance exam. But why don't more of the founding members join Starfleet? Andorians and Vulcans aren't terribly represented either now that you bring it up," Dani mentioned.

“A couple reasons. First, humans don’t have a second option- the Andorians have the Imperial Guard, and the Vulcans have their own fleet. If you’re a human and you want to serve aboard a starship, it’s Starfleet or nothing. Second, Vulcans and Andorians prefer hot and cold environments, so they tend to group up on ships where they can set the environmental controls to their own comfort. The T’Kumbra, the Intrepid, and the ShiKahr are a few Vulcan-heavy ships I can think of off the top of my head. And lastly, the humans breed like rabbits. I think there’s about as many of them as there are Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians combined- especially with the Andorian population crisis.”

"Well, I feel lucky to be here. My options in the Orion system weren't as pleasing really. I'm glad I got out when I did," Dani confessed. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost my commission. I guess that's why you think I'm too eager."

“What, does your human parent not qualify you for Federation citizenship? You could probably find work at a hundred different civilian research outposts in this quadrant.”

"Oh, it does. My mom chose to live in the Orion system though, and disowned her parents, so I don't really know people here outside of the Academy. I'm really just getting to know my grandparents," Dani said as she helped finish putting all of the memory chips back into the terminals. "And it's just what I always wanted to do. Get away from Orion space, join Starfleet. All my life." She said the last part nostalgically. "Getting here was like a dream come true."

"Well, even if by some twist of fate you lose your commission, you're out of the woods now. I'm sure even a modest Starfleet career could get you a cushy apartment on Earth. Maybe not one of the big cities, but maybe one of the crappier ones, like Cleveland." He rifled through the box, looking for anything he could've left behind. "Well, that's one crate done. Next one?"

Dani shook her head as she walked to the crate. Ghiram really wasn't good at pep talks. She laughed to herself as she got an idea. She turned around and raised her voice, "Why do you have to be all debbie-downer like that, talking about what I could do if I lose my commission. You know well and good that isn't going to happen. Wouldn't kill you to be more optimistic you know," she huffed. Then her mind raced with thoughts about whether she was doing the Tellarite communication thing even remotely right.

“Hmph. I think it might. ” He smiled to himself.


Lieutenant JG Ghiram Korin
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Ensign Dani Harper
Science Officer
USS Imperator


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