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Last day on the job

Posted on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 3:58am by
Edited on on Tue Jan 16th, 2024 @ 3:59am

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: USS Jacksonville -- Tholian disputed zone, Patrol day 6
Timeline: MD -20 to launch 1238hrs (Probably a Tuesday)


After six days the routine of patrolling the disputed zone along Tholian space becomes mind numbing even too the most experienced crew, the Jacksonville had fallen quickly into a routine of waiting for something too happen. As the sixth day passed the midway point it found the Morgan sitting on the bridge basking in what is supposed to be his last watch.

"Okay so you get the big chair to yourself and instead of going to your new ship you agree to one final patrol here on this little ship here along the disputed zone, you are crazy." the helm officer Steven Wilson said.

"Hey, I got to see it in action during that test flight they did with that new drive system, I'm actually excited." Morgan commented.

"I'd love to get a chance to try it out myself, oh whoa whoa...hey three Tholian ships at extreme range." Steven called out

"Confirmed." the tactical station called out.

"Yellow alert, Captain to the bridge." Morgan called out

The low electronic noise of the ship going too yellow alert rang out, "They're on their side of the disputed zone, but they appear to be watching us." the tactical officer called out.

Morgan looked at the tactical display now on the main viewer, "If they move off their current path start punching up the phasers and shields, load torpedoes."

Captain Dato Gakharia emerged from the ready room "Report!"

"Three Tholian ships on their side of the disputed zone, they seem to be interested in us, rolling up phasers, torpedoes to standby, shields are up." Morgan reported

"If they change course we go to red alert..." Captain Gakharia started to say

"There's your course change sir, intercept plot, they've increased speed to warp six." Tactical reported

"Steven hold our course plot, be ready to evade." Morgan said

"sir, they've increased to warp eight, intercept time six minutes." the ops station called out

"Red alert!" Captain Gakharia called out

"Load forward launchers with quantum torpedoes, bring phasers to full, shields up!" Morgan called out.

The trio of tholian ships approached in an attempt to encircle the Jacksonville, the federation ship jinked hard left as the tholians collectively fired. "Lock on the lead ship, and fire!" Gakharia called out

The phaser burst struck the lead ship, a shower of fire and sparks rose up from the impact, Morgan looked at his display "The other two are attempting to flank, fire torpedoes!" Morgan ordered.

The spread of torpedoes moved rapidly toward the two other ships the brunt of the barrage striking the third ship incinerating it in a hail of fire and metallic debris, "One down, the other two are...." disruptor fire struck the Jacksonville.

"Direct hit shield generator damaged, shield number two offline, shield three failing!!" the tactical officer called out

"Fire back!" the Captain called out the ship rocked as the remaining Tholian ships fired at the Jacksonville, striking several heavy blows, one hitting aft of the bridge, the impact caused a couple of bridge stations to explode in a hail of broken and burned components, Morgan called out "Medical and Damage control to the bridge!"

"See if we can get the shields back online, Lock phasers on the closer ship and let'em have it!" Morgan ordered

A medic ran over too the captain who'd been stuck by one of the larger chunks of debris, "Is he okay?"

the medic looked up "He has a concussion and it looks like he's' been impaled by some of the larger debris."

Morgan turned seeing the last Tholian ship, "Lock on his engines, phasers, torpedoes fire!"

The barrage stuck the attacking Tholian ship in several locations, it turned limping away leaving the Jacksonville in equally a bad state. "Damage reports!" Morgan called out

"Main power is out on Deck six, life support is reduced or on reserve, hull breach on deck seven and ten sealed by emergency bulkheads, forcefields offline in those sections." a voiced called out "Sickbay reports eleven injured, one fatality from the power system explosion."

Morgan sat down in the command chair, "Can we move?"

"Engineering reports impulse is largely undamaged, but warp drive is limited due to structural issues, we now have power issues on deck five and eight." someone called out, "Damage control teams are working on it."

Morgan looked to his helm officer "Limp us away at full impulse, send out an emergency signal to any allied ships we're gonna need some help."

So much for a quiet last day on the job Morgan thought as he sat back


Captain Morgan Conoy


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