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Look Who's Here Part 2

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 3:47am by Captain Remy Johansen

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 7, Arboretum
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch, After Part 1

[ Part 2 On ]

Rose smiled slightly "I only graduated from the academy a few weeks ago, I wasn't exactly expecting a hurry up and wait situation when I got my assignment."

"We launch in six days. When commissioning a new ship it's important to get the crew on board and accustomed to their department heads and colleagues before jumping into the middle of something," Remy explained. "Not only can we not have everyone showing up at once, but I'm sure Commander McEntyre will want to get everyone acquainted with expectations, crew rotations. Security officers especially need to know they can work together."

Rose said what she was fairly certain everyone else wanted to ask "Any clue on who our Captain is?"

Remy bobbed her head in acknowledgement of the ever looming question. "I'm guessing the new Caption will be making a grand entrance at some point very soon. As soon as we have any information to share, you can count on a shipwide announcement," Remy promised.

Rose smiled, "A little mystery I guess."

Remy smiled, "So it would seem."

"So long as he doesn't try to escape from his checkups." Thivi shrugged. "I'd hate to have to chase him down and bring him in. You'd be surprised by the statistics of how many commanding officers try to skip their checkups. It's... a lot. More than people think."

Remy, guilty of that on more than one occasion simply nodded and put on what she hoped was a sincere face. "That must be frustrating."

"Well, I, for one, hope he hurries," Vila said, her head still bent over her PADD as she catalogued some Jumja plants and some Vissian lilacs. "We need to pop some hoses and get out of here," she said. She was bored. The entrance of a trio caught the woman's interest, though. "Oh, it's that Engineer," she said, to Remy. "Must be his family," she remarked. What a shame. He was cute.

Remy laughed. "I'm certain there are plenty of eligible men on board who are just as attractive if that's what you're after."

Rose giggled, "Save me some of that action!"

Remy didn't hide the amusement from her face. She wasn't going to have a hard time remembering Ensign Wilson's name. She was coming across as quite the character already. "We'll be sure to schedule a single's night in 10-Forward," she quipped.

Vila laughed. "I am afraid that ship has long sailed," she said. "But I would like a little fun," she said. She was content to never remarry, nor have any more children, but she was still in her prime, after all.

"Wonderful! I suppose I'll have to find a dress that doesn't look too odd." Thivi reckoned. "Perhaps a ladies' night out is in order on the starbase before then, hm? See what we can find?" There was a mischievous look in her eyes as she spoke.

Rose chimed in, "There's a couple of reasonable lounges on the station that would be worth a side trip."

"Tonight, ladies? I've got a new red number that could use...breaking in," Vila said.

After a long day in engineering working with the somewhat stubborn and difficult Dr. Hurtz the night before Winters was not quite ready to step foot in engineering and have to deal with the man again. Quite frankly, he thought he'd make more progress on the slipstream after they left spacedock so they could be free of the engineer and his wild ideas. When he was preparing for the morning. His wife had the great idea to grab breakfast in the lounge next to the arboretum, the best way to get some fresh air on a starship.

Sara held onto Nash's hand as the family made their way to the Lounge. Truthfully, she was a tiny bit overwhelmed by the mere size of the ship-the last one they'd all been on together had been smaller. "This ship is quite large," she remarked. "I hope you have a nice sized staff," she said. She knew the ins and outs of her husband's job, and knew he'd need at least a five-person team. At LEAST. She looked to their daughter quickly, to ensure she was ok. She seemed to be. Teenagers were...weird. She sometimes couldn't tell what the young woman was thinking. "Alex, are you ok, honey?" She asked.

“Galaxy-class, darlin’. Or at least a variation of it. Based on my recommendations, the department will have at least 30-40 people. Specialists of every variety. Now with the potential of the slipstream drive, I’ll need skilled engineers and technicians more than ever.
Alex, look, this place is fantastic. We thought you’d enjoy the greenery. Great place to study, right? Or just hang out.” Nash looked to his wife for her reaction.

“What’s bothering you, Alex? I thought you’d want to get out of crew quarters, you know enjoy these open spaces? You two hungry? I’m famished.”

Alex did a slow spin around as she walked and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine guys. Why do you always think something is wrong?" She responded, a hint of exasperation in her voice as she sighed audibly. She was 13 years old, why were her parents always treating her like a kid still.

“We don’t have to keep talking about it, it’s just….you’ve been quiet and keeping to yourself since we got here. Your mom and I thought you would be a little more outgoing, that’s all. I know it’s boring right now, and there aren’t many people around. But believe me, that will change. Really fast. Like warp 9.997 fast. Let’s go say hi to Remy….Commander Johansen.”

"It's not like there are people around to be outgoing with right now. I'm just bored." Alex stated bluntly.

"I know," Sara said, with a nod. "But there's people now," she said.

Remy held her hand high so that Nash could see them, and nodded at him in acknowledgment as she waved. She wasn't going to interrupt their family time, but thought she'd at least wave hello.

Nash waved back and walked over with Sara and Alexandra.

“Good morning, Commander. This is nice. Terrific place to decompress after a day’s work. I believe you know my family.”

Sara smiled. "Hello," she said. "This place is great," she said. "We were hoping that Alex here could be convinced to come here and hang out when were both working, study, that kind of thing," she said. In a lower voice, she said, gently. "Say hello, Alexandra."

Alex looked up at the Commander and with a deadpan expression repeated her mother, "Hello Alexandra."

Alex held her composure for almost a full second, while a smile spread over Remy's face just as Alexandra burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ah, you have jokes," Remy said after a brief chuckle. She lowered her voice slightly. "You can call me Remy. And I think we might have a lot in common." Remy flashed Alexandra a knowing wink.

Nash looked at each Sara with an expression that resembled relief, exasperation, and joy. “See? I knew she was in there. Just needed a little nudge, didn’t you?” Nash smiled at his daughter and tussled her hair.

“I need some coffee. Come on, Sara. Let’s let our First Officer and Alex get acquainted.”

"Sounds like fun!" Sara said with a little too much glee.

>>> To Part 3 >>>


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Imperator

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Imperator

Ensign Rose Wilson
Security Officer
USS Imperator


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