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Ensign Rose Wilson

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 4:58am by Captain Remy Johansen

1,255 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: The Ready Room
Timeline: MD: -4 Days to launch 0720 hours

"Damnit," Remy said, after just being cut off the comms by Admiral Chapman.

She tapped her communicator. =^=""Commander Johansen to Commander Lorut and Ensign Rose Wilson, meet me in the Ready Room." =^=

Remy stepped out onto the Bridge to wait for their arrival. The security and the ops teams started to turn toward her, more casually this time. She waved them off again. "As you were, standing orders on that. Pass it around," she said. She walked over and took a seat to the right of the command chair. Her seat. While she waited she listed to what the junior officers were talking about while they worked. Realizing she was a distraction, she eventually made her way back to the ready room, and took a seat on the front of the Captain's desk.

Rose's skin crawled, =^="On my way."=^=

She ran down the corridor to the nearest turbolift "Bridge priority one."

As the lift hummed she started to race around in her head about what she could have done, All she could think was the excessive comm time with her brother, or who knew what, the lift started to slow as she exited and turned to her left and stood at the entry too the Ready room, she pressed the door chime.

"Come in," Remy called out.

Vila hurried from the Turbolift to the Bridge. She was headed for the Labs, but Remy sounded kind of serious, so she decided it was in her best interests to forego a check on her molds and the blood serums she was processing for a special side project. She arrived in short time, and rang the chime before entering. "What's the fire drill?" She asked, settling down, placing a cup of steaming Jumja tea on the table. Absently, she fiddled with the earring she wore-hers was gold plated and engraved with her family's crest. She'd only started wearing it again after her divorce.

Rose stood at attention after entering, "Reporting as ordered."

"Relax Ensign, have a seat," Remy said as she jumped down from her perch on the Captain's desk, and went to take a seat behind the desk.

"Okay, so killing two birds with one stone. Ensign Wilson, I'm not sure why, I wasn't given time to ask so I don't know if this was a request you put in for, but I was told this morning by the Powers that Be, to transfer you to Ops, and put you into the Bridge duty rotation," Remy stated. "Was this something you were expecting?" She asked.

"Wait...what?" Rose was confused, "I wasn't even up for a rotation for a few weeks, let alone having done the orientation."

"We'll have to get you up to speed then," Remy said matter-of-factly. "I'll inform Commander McEntyre of the change and not to expect you today. We'll assign the other Ops officers in the rotation to start working with you on what you need to know starting this morning."

Rose was more confused, "Ops? this morning? what the hell?" she had absolutely no clue what was going on.

Vila shrugged. "It happens," she said. "I once was bumped to medical for a few weeks, until the Fleet figured out I was more likely to kill someone on accident than help them, and sent me back to my labs," she said. That had been the wildest month! "My ex-husband laughed about it for years," she said. "Anyway. I've had a peek at your file. You'll do fine," Vila said. "What was the rest, Johansen?"

"We'll be moving to an 8 hour readiness roster effective immediately. We'll be getting that out to the crew shortly. Ensign Wilson, you will be fine, just make sure you stay focused these next few days. You're dismissed. Introduce yourself to the operations team on the Bridge now, and tell them that I told you they need to teach you about what they are doing," Remy ordered. "Understood?"

Remy cast a sideways glance at Vila to let her know there was more later.

Rose looked at the two senior officers, "I guess I should be saying thank you."

Vila understood. She simply nodded at Rose. "Good luck, kid," she said, as the young woman left the room.

As Rose exited the ready room all she could say was "this is going to be a long day."

"Eight hour readiness? What the HELL is going on?" Vila asked.

"I don't even think I have permission to say anything, but I finally got Admiral Chapman to spill that Morgan Conroy is the new CO, should be on his way soon, and we may be bumping up launch by 24 hours," Remy said, looking at Vila. "What the hell, are my sentiments exactly. He wasn't even going to tell me that much. He just got annoyed with me pestering him, and cut off the comms."

Vila sighed. "Well, at least it isn't Ben," she said. "Alright, I'll get ready. And read his file," she said. "Why was it so SECRET? Is he the son of some high ranking Admiral or something?" The name didn't ring a bell, but then, Vila had tried her best to keep to herself, and avoid trouble.

"No flippin' clue, the admiral gave me some BS about his old ship not having a CO assigned yet either. Didn't really make sense," Remy said. "But apparently it was Conroy that wanted Rose out there moved to ops," Remy said gesturing with her head toward the door.

Vila shook her head. "For my last posting before I retire, I am going to demand a ship commanded by a woman. I can't handle this anymore," she said. She sighed. "Alright, well. When does he come aboard?" She asked. Time for her to tighten her belt and step into her role as Second Officer.

"Oh, you know we just need to work with them on this. But probably sometime in the next 36 hours." Remy rolled her eyes. "I'll work on the Ops roster, and get helm officers assigned for Bridge rotation this morning. Department heads will be in charge of assignments for their stations. Can you let Dr. Beckett know I'm going to need him to step up and act as CMO, until we have one assigned. He won't want to do it, but he's more than capable."

"Let's see... what am I forgetting?" Remy asked.

Vila nodded, taking some notes on her PADD. "Yes, I will," she said. "I will have Ghiram step into the Acting Chief role for now; I think he can handle onboarding folks as they arrive if I can't get down there in time. Anything else?" She asked. She was trying her best to juggle both jobs-she had a feeling that soon, she'd not be able to and may have to step back as Chief Science Officer, and step into a formal job as Second Officer, but for now...she was ok.

Remy stood up, "If you think of anything let me know... and vice versa." She used her pointer fingers to gesture back and forth between them. "We got this."

"I think so," she said, taking a large sip of the sweet tea. "Let's go," she said. "Meet back at the bridge hour?" Vila said. It was more or less a suggestion than a question. Vila grabbed her tea and headed off for the labs to find Dr. Beckett and Lt. Ghiram. She sighed deeply, but this time in contentment. Launch day was always fun, but the days leading up to it were even better.


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