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Big Brother...

Posted on Wed May 1st, 2024 @ 10:44pm by Lieutenant Chrysanthe Capulet

487 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Character Backstories
Location: DS9

She was not surprised. Not at all. When she had see two men with phaser pistols aimed at her as she walked along the promenade deck of DS9, she had expected the ambush. So when her eldest brother Apollon Marcus Capulet, known as Triton, reached out, grabbed her around the waist and dragged her into a dark alcove, she let it happen and stood relaxed as he pushed her to the wall.


"Triton. Well, well, first the whore, now the heir. What, Spartan and Romeo couldn't make it?"

"You always had a smart mouth. Father should have smacked it out of you years ago." He placed an arm across her shoulders pushing her face first into the wall. She turned her face so she could look at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Yes well he didn't and you don't have the balls to do it. Triton, you know you can't beat me in a fair or even unfair fight" They had always been even as children, because Chrysanthe was not scared to go for the balls of her opponant and now with her fleet training, he was only pinning her cause she allowed it, and she suspected he knew that.

He sneered. "Just shut that slut mouth for a moment Sailor and listen well."

She rolled her eyes and waited.

"Father wants the data."

"And I told princess whore no. Get Bent. And it stays the same."

"Father didn't like that answer."

"Oh I bet he didn't. How many did she had to service as penence?"


"She'd do that easy enough. All Human or did father bring in the Nausicans and Klingons for his favorite whore?"

"One day Sailor you'll be back on your back for him like Dite and Ace."

"Before or after you, Romeo and Spartan bend over for him as well?"

He jammed his fist into her kidneys and she grunted but refused to cry out.
"Enough smart talk little sister. Get the data and get it to me tonight."

"No. Get bent Triton. I am not going to do it. And you know what? I am not going to let you walk around here without consequences. I am going to report your arse to security!" With that she shoved herself back from the wall, forcing him off balance and he let her go. A swift kick to the nuts had him on the ground and she was striding out into the traffic flow. She did call Security before she had left the area, but knew Triton would be long gone before they got there.

She sent a communique to Starfleet's science division about the research being wanted by illegal elements and that they should destroy it or put it under deep lock and key. Chrysanthe then considered her duy done. She knew they would come for her, and she would have to be prepared. And she would be.


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