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The First Dinner, Part 2

Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2024 @ 3:33am by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

3,136 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: Eclipse Bistro
Timeline: Day 5, 2000 hours, After Part 1

"Here we go," the Bolian stated cheerfully as he approached the table with their food. "A blue leaf salad for the lady," he placed T'lenn's dish before her, then reached for Jason's. "And for the gentleman, a shrimp salad." He placed the dish in front of Jason. Straightening up again, he asked, "is there anything else I can get for you right now?"

T'lenn looked up at the waiter and down at her food, before looking up again. "No, thank you. Jason?" She turned to him for an answer. Her eyes wide as she looked at him and nothing else.

If Jason caught the look, he didn't indicate it. Instead, he gave the Bolian a friend grin and shook his head as he replied. "No thank you."

The waiter smiled cheerfully and dipped his head respectfully. "Great! Enjoy your meal." He then turned and left the two alone to eat and enjoy the evening.

Jason turned his head slightly and grinned at T'lenn. "I saw that look, by the way," he spoke softly, so that only she could hear him.

T'lenn's attention had been broken by Jason's answer and the Bolian's bubbly response. She was reaching for her wine glass when she heard Jason's softly spoken words in her ear.

T'lenn stopped reaching for her glass and rested her hand on the table and angled her head toward him just slightly. "Was there something about my look that amused you?" she asked.

The corners of Jason's mouth cruled upwards slightly. "Only that it could be seen as being based in a desire to have the waiter leave, so that we can continue to enjoy ourselves in relative privacy." He turned his face more towards her, then leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Careful, my lovely lady, desire is an emotion."

T'lenn inadvertently turned her head even more toward Jason as he whispered in her ear. She contemplated his words, and what she was doing - sitting at this table with him. T'lenn finished her earlier reach for her wine glass and lifted the glass so that she held it in the air between them.

"Perhaps. But if the purpose of this evening is for us to learn more about one another, is it not also logical to desire the waiter to leave so that our conversations can continue." T'lenn's response was her attempt to convince herself that logic was still in control of her emotions.

Jason didn't reply at first, instead, his ocular implants seemed to look directly into her soul as he continued to grin. "Logical, sure. However, it is undeniable that desire is still an emotion." This close, and he could really appreciate both her stunning beauty, and her perfectly paired perfume.

T'lenn took a careful sip of wine, and turned toward her plate as she picked up her fork. "I never claimed to not have emotions. There is just a danger when Vulcans permit themselves to experience theirs as freely as humans are able to experience their own." T'lenn did not look at Jason when she said this part. "Our past is violent, and most attempts at V'tosh ka'tu eventually do not end well."

Realizing that he may have gone too far with his playfulness, Jason's smile fell as he reached out and gently took T'lenn's right hand into both of his, turning to face her fully. "T'lenn, if I caused any insult with my playful and innocent teasing, I humbly apologize. And as far as violent pasts go, I understand what you are saying. My people nearly wiped ourselves out several times, before we finally came together as one unified people."

He paused, then gently positioned T'lenn's hand over his heart. "You feel that? On my honor, all I want to for us to grow closer together. I may tease from time to time, but please trust me, that is only coming from a place of affection."

"I was not insulted," T'lenn protested. The rest of her thought broken when Jason took her hand again. When he placed her hand on his chest, she could feel her own heart rate begin to elevate. she took a moment to gather herself before slowly withdrawing her hand.

"Your comment about desire being an emotion was a form of teasing?" T'lenn sought to clarify. "And you mean to say that teasing is a way to express affection?"

Jason nodded slightly, then replied. "It can be, but only when it comes from a place of innocence and kindness. If the subject of the teasing feels belittled in any way, then the playful teasing changes to hurtful insults. It's a very fine line between the two."

"You made a fair point about desire being an emotion. I did not realize that you were not attempting to make a point. I have much to learn about how affectionate teasing works," T'lenn confessed. "On Vulcan teasing is associated with ridicule and shame. Something usually done by children. I would not have categorized any of your comments to me during any of our interactions as teasing."

T'lenn turned her attention back to her plate, picking up her knife and fork to prepare a bite of her salad. "Perhaps I have been missing more social cues than I realize," she added before taking her first bite.

Jason gave T'lenn a soft, warm grin. "I will never say or do anything to deliberately hurt you, T'lenn. Playful teasing however, well...I hope it's something that we can enjoy together." He reached out a picked up his wine, taking a sip. He then added. "And as for missing social cues, please don't beat yourself up about it. I'm sure I've missed quite a few myself." He lifted his wine glass to her in a toast. "To learning our way together."

T'lenn reached for her glass and lifted it towards Jason's. "Learning is always a worthwhile endeavor," she added. As they touched glasses and she took another sip of wine, the significance of the moment dawned on her. Not just the moment, but the entire evening.

Seeking to break away from the emotion that threatened to surface, T'lenn turned her attention to a more menial topic. "You haven't touched your food. Is it not satisfactory?"

Jason shook his head. "No, we've just been talking and I am finding it very enjoyable."

"I had researched some appropriate first date conversation topics while I was preparing for the evening," T'lenn told him. "Human dating customs are are quite different than those of Vulcans."

He nodded slightly as he started to dig into his meal. "I imagine that they are. And which topics would you care to discuss?"

"The article took note that some individuals may not have positive relationships with family or have had a pleasant childhood experience, so in order to keep the conversation light, while still getting to know one another it suggested talking about people who you have the closest relationships with, or you speak with most frequently," T'lenn responded.

Jason nodded slightly, then wiped his mouth clean, before replying. "Well, while I do keep in touch with my parents regularly, Lizzy, my older sister, talk via subspace nearly every other day."

"Are your parents or sister also in Starfleet?" T'lenn asked.

He shook his head as he replied. "No. Mom and Dad run a tourism company, taking visitors to Earth around the globe to experience what we have to offer. Lizzy, on the other hand, is a pediatrician." He took another sip of his drink. "What about you?"

"My brother is a physician with the Vulcan Medical Institute, serving on exchange at Starfleet Medical. We do tend to converse more frequently since he accepted that position," T'lenn responded. "On board, the Romulan attaché, Tel'im and I quickly found that we had much in common and spoke frequently until she was injured on the Serenity. Hopefully we will resume our friendship upon her recovery."

"Why does it need to wait until she is in recovery? I'm sure she'd enjoy a visit from her friend." He took another bite of his dinner, then asked, "And your parents? What did they do?"

"I have visited her," T'lenn responded. "She just has not been responsive. The alien technology disrupted neural pathways in her brain and there has been little improvement thus far." T'lenn didn't mention that she was monitoring the technology when the incident occurred. It was not relevant.

"My parents reside on Vulcan. My father is a structural engineer and my mother is a language instructor at a regional primary school. Both maintain ongoing academic research in their fields, as is expected by all Vulcan professionals. They are traditionalists," she explained.

Hearing the status of her friend, a pained look filled his features. "Oh, T'lenn, I am so sorry! I didn't know her condition was that serious." He reached out with his left hand and gave hee right hand a gentle touch. "If there is anything I can do to help you, it would be my honor to do so."

Hearing her speak of her parents, warmed his features. "That is very interesting, I've always been curious about how things are built. Had I not become a pilot, I might have gone into engineering." He took another sip of his wine. "That is also very cool about your mom. Being a teacher is hard work. I respect her for that."

"My brother believes that Vulcan medical practices may be of benefit to Tel'im should she not show improvement. He's arranged for a vessel to rendezvous with us at Starbase 76 and their physicians to examine her," T'lenn further explained. "Dr. Beckett is optimistic."

"As for my mother, we were pushed at a young age to determine our future careers. She stated our minds were more malleable and adept at learning in our youth. Our studies were strict.

He nodded as he listened. "I hope they're right. I know, more than most, what it feels like to be struck down just as I'm getting my feet under me." He then grinned as he responded about her mother. "Sounds like your mother and mine would get along like two peas in a pod. She was always pushing and encouraging Lizzy and me to do the absolute best we could in our schooling. Heck," he chuckled softly, a lop-sided grin spreading over the left side of his face. "My sister is working on her doctorate on interplanetary relations. She's a junior ambassador with her eyes set on being the Federation Ambassador one day."

"A noble and worthwhile goal. Your sister sounds as if she is dedicated to the profession and willing to put in efforts toward coursework. Those particular positions rarely always come to those who are the most academic, it would seem," T'lenn opined. "There is much to be said about networking with the appropriate people. Though, I am sure your sister is well aware of the pathways toward success."

Jason nodded and grinned. "Oh, yeah! Lizzy has always been the smarter one, of the two of us. She is one of the smartest, most patient people I have ever known."

"And if she were here, what would she say about you?" T'lenn asked. She placed her fork down, nearly finished with her salad and reached for another drink of wine.

Jason had to smile. "Well, first of all, she playfully tell me not to mess things up with you." He shook his head slightly, his smile growing. "And then, she'd probably pull you off to the side to tell you all my embarrassing moments growing up." He chuckled softly as he thought about his big sister.

"She would not reciprocate in her admiration for you?" T'lenn asked curiously. "Why would she want to tell of incidents from your childhood that make you uncomfortable?"

Jason laughed, though, not too loudly. He then explained that it would have fallen under the playful teasing he had described earlier. He went on to tell T'lenn just how much he and his sister cared for each other, and that they would do anything for the other.

=a short while later=

After dinner had been concluded and they each had one or two more glasses of wine, they left the café and started walking towards T'lenn's quarters. When they were alone in the turbolift, Jason said, "I had a really nice night, T'lenn. I hope you did as well?"

"I did find our time together this evening... surprisingly enjoyable," T'lenn responded.

He turned to her, with and arched eyebrow and a grin. "Suprising? Were you expecting it not to be?"

T'lenn looked down to the floor for a brief moment before speaking. "Pardon me. I did not mean to suggest I expected the evening would not go well." T'lenn took a short breath. "I just meant that I did not expect..." T'lenn trailed off as the turbolift doors opened, stealing away their moment of privacy.

Jason was about to ask her to finish her sentence, but realized that they were no longer alone. Two enlisted crewmen gave each of them a polite smile. Then the lift doors closed again. Two decks deeper into the ship, and the doors slid open again. The two crew men stepped out, leaving T'lenn and Jason alone again when the doors closed and resumed its journey.

"Computer, hold lift." Jason said aloud, causing the lift car to slow to a gentle stop. He turned fully to T'lenn, reaching out and gently took her hands in to his. "Please finish your sentence, T'lenn." He spoke softly to her.

T'lenn looked up at Jason, her lips parted as she went to form the words again, "I did not expect to..."

T'lenn stepped forward quickly closing the space between them before she could change her mind, her lips meeting his as if she could show him rather than try to find the correct words. She felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. The entire evening testing every boundary that she had put into place for herself.

The force of her advance caught Jason off guard briefly. After he quickly regained his wits, he wrapped his arms around T'lenn's waist and lifted her easily off her feet as he returned her kiss, heat for heat.

As T'lenn's feet lifted from the floor, she wrapped her arms around Jason's shoulder blades, lost momentarily in the passion that she had told herself was impossible. She pulled away momentarily, and Jason gently lowered her to her feet.

"I did not expect to experience a connection such as this one with a human," T'lenn confessed. She seemed to suddenly realize that her hands were still resting on his upper back, and she withdrew them, dropping her arms to her sides.

"We go through life. thinking we know what we want...then the Fates suprise us by giving us what we need." His voice was heavy with desire as he gazed down into T'lenn's beautifully dark eyes. "I never thought I'd find someone like you. While you get my blood boiling with desire, you also calm my spirit just by your presence." He lifted his right hand and gently caressed the left side of her face. "I am finding it more and more difficult to leave your side."

"Regardless of your desire to not leave my side, we cannot remain in the turbolift indefinitely," T'lenn responded.

She didn't have the words, or even a grasp of her own emotions yet to try to match Jason's sentiment in earnest. T'lenn was caught somewhere between her own self-grounding, and the connection that she was surprised to even be feeling. To her, Jason did not seem to recognize any potential conflicts, as he continued to share his feelings openly. It was still somewhat puzzling.

T'lenn's statement brought a grin to Jason's face. "We can't?" He asked playfully as he looked around the liftcar. "I dunno, seems pretty cozy to me." He looked back down into her hypnotic eyes, then nodded. "However, I meant what I said." He then lowered his hand from her face and moved, reluctantly, a half pace back, to give her the respect of public appearance. "Computer, resume." The lift continued on its way, finally reaching their destination.

After the doors parted, Jason indicated that T'lenn should exit first. He then moved to walk on her right side. After a few beats of silence, they reached her cabin. Though he very much wanted to kiss her again, he refused to do anything to cause her discomfort.

"Thank you," T'lenn stated once they had reached her quarters. "I would not have agreed to tonight, were it not for your persistence. The evening was pleasant, and I enjoyed our time together."

Smiling warmly, Jason replied. "I'm glad, you did. I did as well. I am hopeful and looking forward to spending more time with you." If she could read his thoughts then and there, she'd see just how badly he wanted to take her into his arms again and never let go.

"Then we shall make plans to do so in the future," T'lenn agreed. She placed her right hand gently on his forearm as she kissed him chastely on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Jason. Until next time," she said as she stepped away.

Jason reached out and gently took hold of T'lenn's right hand. "Good night, T'lenn. Pleasant dreams." He then brought her hand up to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles, while keeping his eyes locked on hers. He then allowed her to head inside to her cabin.

T'lenn stepped inside her quarters and let the doors close behind her.
She began walking to her room to change out of her dress and make time for focused meditation. On the way she noticed the potted lily that Jason had brought her at the beginning of the night. She had not been eager for her time with Jason to end, but she knew she needed to step away from him if she were to quiet her emotions and not lose sight of the necessity of logic. Still, as she recalled moments from the evening, she was tempted to hold on to these... feelings... a bit longer.

Jason watched and waited until T'lenn was safely in her cabin and the doors slid shut, before deflating some. The night was going so well! He hated that it had had to end. However, his father's words of wisdom suddenly rang through his thoughts, If the woman is a lady, then she is worth courting properly.

In his mind, T'lenn was definitely a lady, so he stood a bit straighter, confident that he had done his best, during their first date. After taking one last look at her doors, he turned and started towards his cabin, located on the other side of the deck.



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