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Lieutenant Cyn

Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2024 @ 4:12am by Lieutenant Phaedrae Cyn & Captain Remy Johansen

1,676 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission Interlude Starbase 76 & Serenity
Location: USS Astrea
Timeline: MD 8, Docked at Starbase 76

The Astrea was temporarily docked at Starbase 76 to pick up new crew members and new shuttlecraft before continuing its mission to New Saucelito to rendezvous with a number of her crew who had accompanied the Ataran people to what would be their new home. Of the new crew coming aboard was their new Assistant Chief of Intelligence, Lieutenant Phaedra Cyn. Remy was sitting in the Ready Room going over her service record.

Remy was particularly interested in meeting the Lieutenant, because the commander had just been given official command of the Astrea. He didn't know it yet, but her Chief Intelligence Officer was on her short list of candidates for first officer. If he was interested, and things fell into place it was possible that Cyn wouldn't be sitting in the assistant spot any longer. The potential scenarios that Remy was playing out at least warranted a one on one with the new officer, so she'd asked the lieutenant to stop by the Ready Room once she was settled.


It had been a long time since Phaedrae Cyn had been assigned to a Starship and she was looking forward to a change in venue. After a lengthy journey, which included transferring onto three different transports and a short stay on the USS Phoenix, she was finally aboard the Astrea. A crewman showed her to her quarters when she boarded and assured that her baggage would be soon to follow.

The crewman left and Cyn caught a message arriving from the captain as she set her carry-along down. She took a few minutes to freshen up, then headed out to find her way towards the bridge.

"Commander Johansen," Cyn greeted the new face with a respectful nod once the door of the ready room opened, "it is nice to meet you."

Remy walked around the desk to greet the new lieutenant. "Thank you for coming. Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?"

"I don't need anything, thank you," Cyn answered while locating a chair. "This hasn't been your office for very long?" It was both a statement and a question she asked while looking around the room.

Remy went to take a seat behind the desk. "No, it hasn't - in more ways than one. I was with the ship during the last few weeks of its refit - it was the Imperator during the War. We just launched 9 days ago." Remy took a look around. "But until two days ago, I was still expecting to be Captain Conroy's First Officer."

Remy glanced at Lieutenant Cyn. "Now that I know it's mine to decorate, did you have some interior design suggestions?" She quipped.

Cyn gave a moment of thought. She heard the rhetorical nature of the question, but still offered some advice. "A piece of art which speaks to you over the sofa, a green plant or three near the window, and a trinket on the desk." She smiled, "Stay minimal. Too many distractions make it difficult for people to concentrate when you're meeting with them."

"I agree. Though I can't keep plants alive," Remy admitted. "Every time I think I might try, it never ends up well."

"Anyway, welcome aboard. As I was saying, there's been a few changes in command over the last few days, since you are new, I wanted to make sure to touch base with you and give you fair warning that we will probably see some more shuffling around before everything is settled," Remy explained. "Which is why now is a good time to tell me about your goals for this posting, what you see as some of your strengths and how you see those helping out your department?"

"I have a lot of experience investigating - people and events. I have contacts throughout the quadrant, so if I can't find what I'm looking for right away, I'll find someone who can help. I've been around the block a few times..." Cyn answered.

"I can only imagine the number of contacts you must have made over the years. I don't know if this is appropriate to say, but I feel lucky to have two different officers on my senior staff with memories and experiences that extend beyond just this era," Remy admitted.

Cyn flashed a smile, "I generally don't brag about my age. Is there another Trill aboard? I must admit, I didn't get a copy of the crew roster yet - or much information at all - about the ship and her crew." Her lack of information coming onto the ship was clear now with the explanation that, in effect, this was a new crew being assembled rather than an established ship she was joining in the middle of a five-year mission.

"Not a joined Trill, no. The Chief of your Department is El Aurian, Maxun Spello. He's currently travelling with a group of refugees that our group brought out of cryostasis a few days ago. We'll get you up to speed, but that's why he's not meeting with us today," Remy explained.

"Since you are coming in as a member of the senior staff, I would like to hear more about your goals. I assume you want to keep moving up?" Remy asked.

Cyn tilted her head and considered the questions. "I'll admit that advancing in rank and position was not the reason I joined Starfleet. I don't have any aspirations for command of a starship. Throughout my career, I have worked both in teams and solo missions. With that said, I've never feigned increased responsibilities. In the future, I'd like to retire with minimal handicaps, but I am willing to take risks when and if needed."

Remy nodded slowly as she considered the officer's statements. "I appreciate your answers, Lieutenant. Since you haven't been formally briefed, you may not be aware that we haven't had a shakedown cruise. We were all just thrown into the action a little over a week ago, and two of my senior staff are already split up from the main crew while we try to make the most efficient use of our time. We're going to be starting a new settlement for them on New Sausalito."

“For ‘them?’” Cyn asked, her ears said the new settlement would be for the split-off senior staffers. Her minds said her ears were being silly.

"The Ataran people." Remy passed a PADD over the desk to the lieutenant. "So far, we think they are the last of their kind, but there's something a little off. Two of the younger citizens - a 19 year old girl, and a 13 year old boy don't want to stay with them. They are on board with us now, along with a small delegation."

Cyn scanned the PADD reading over some of the statistics. "Have they said where they want to go instead?"

"With us," Remy answered. "Or rather, Jheva, the 19 year old wants to prepare for Starfleet Academy. Brunel is only 13, so it's a bit more complicated. His parents died before the crew boarded, so he was orphaned even before everyone went into stasis."

"From a legal standing, does the thirteen-year-old have a guardian?" Cyn asked.

"That's an interesting question. No one from the Ataran people have claimed him. Dr. Beckett and the Winters family have been keeping an eye on orphaned kids while they are here, so it doesn't appear so on the surface," Remy answered. "But we haven't passed his request along. We've been ordered to tread lightly."

"In that case, I would recommend that he be interviewed to determine whether his request to leave his people is warranted. If he applied for amnesty, that is one way to work within the rules of the Federation," Cyn considered. "And, actually, the older girl could make a similar request. However, she is legally an adult and so she would basically need a sponsor and an Academy application to work through her request. But starting with interviews would be the first step on my list of recommendations."

"Jheva already has an appointment to come see me," Remy mentioned. "At her request. She has some incentive to do well here, but when she was revived her first response was to be quite combative. The child is tricky," Remy admitted. "We're hoping he'll open up, but we aren't comfortable interviewing him like we would an adult."

"Would you like my help with that?" Cyn asked.

"Sure, if you're up for it," Remy responded, perking at the officer's initiative. "Brunel has been going to school with others his age, and he's already made some friends, so if you're looking to talk to him directly, he's with Commander Winters' daughter quite a bit."

Cyn glanced at the PADD in her hand as she nodded. "I have experience with talking to children. I'll see what I can find out. Do you have anything else which needs to be handled right away?"

"No, just for you to get settled in. Make sure to let me or Commander Winters know if you need anything. We'll have a full staff briefing when we get to New Sausalito and everyone has had a chance to regroup," Remy responded.

"I can do that," she agreed.

Remy stood up and walked around the desk. "If I didn't say it earlier, welcome aboard. Make yourself at home."

Uncomfortable with someone looming so large over her seated position, Cyn also stood. "Thank you, sir. I look forward to seeing what my new family looks like. And I'll make some time to meet with the Ataran child soon."

"Excellent. If there's nothing else, you're dismissed," Remy responded. She kept forgetting that she needed to dismiss people now before they felt they could leave. She was so casual with staff as a First Officer, things were already starting to feel different.

Cyn suppressed her smile. She realized the meeting had come to an end and had been waiting for the dismissal. Watching a captain new to her position was always amusing. She gave a short salute. "Thank you, sir," she said while exiting.


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