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Progress, Part 1 of an evening with Jason and T'lenn

Posted on Tue May 7th, 2024 @ 1:26pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,723 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: USS Astrea, Crew Lounge
Timeline: MD 7, 1900 hours

"Based on my observations, you seem to making progress with your meditation practice. You appeared to be much more focused today than during our past sessions. Do you agree?" T'lenn asked as the two exited the holodeck after completing their first session since they had gone out on an official date two days prior.

As Jason exited the holodeck next to T'lenn, he nodded and replied. "I do. Though we have only had a few lessons, I feel like I've learned a great deal from you already." As they reached the nearest turbolift, Jason held the door open, and allowed T'lenn to enter first.

"As your focus improves, we can move into more advanced methods," T'emm responded. "I intend to stop at one of the lounges for something to eat. Would you like to join me?" She asked.

"I'm looking forward to learning all you can teach me," he replied with a grin. After the turbolift doors closed and they were alone, he reached out and gently took her left hand into his right one. "I'd love to. Did you have a specific place in mind?"

"My intention was to stop at a crew lounge on the way back to quarters. But if you have a preference for somewhere else, I am willing to dine elsewhere," T'lenn responded.

Jason shook his head, giving T'lenn a soft grin. "No, it doesn't matter where we go, so long as we're spending time together." He lifted her hand up to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles. Then, as the turbolift started to slow, he released her hand, to help prevent her from becoming uncomfortable, should someone be on the other side of the doors when they opened.

As the door opened T'lenn stepped forward almost as if nothing had had happened, but Jason's physical affections always stirred something inside of her. One of very few emotions she has encountered since reaching maturity that she has difficulty controlling.

"My brother should be arriving to Starbase 76 in the next few hours with a medical unit," T'lenn mentioned as they walked toward the Crew Louge. "They will be there when we arrive to assess and hopefully treat Tel'im's condition. The friend I mentioned to you the other night."

As they walked, Jason nodded, and replied. "I remember you telling me. You said that she was nonresponsive, but that your brother might be able to help her." He let out a breath, then added, "I really hope he can save her. I know what it feels like to lose a friend," Shaking his head sadly. "It stays with you."

T'lenn stopped walking and turned slightly enough to look at Jason. "Indeed. I apologize if I have brought up a painful memory. Are you alright?"

Jason smiled warmly at T'lenn as he replied. "I'm fine, I just don't want you to lose your friend."

"Thank you," T'lenn responded, as she turned to resume walking. "Vulcan medicine does have technology that Starfleet medicine is not yet implementing. The medical team already has a treatment plan prepared based on Tel'im's medical records."

She paused again in front of the crew lounge. "Is this acceptable?"

He nodded, then opened the door for her. "Well, it sounds like she is in good hands then." When they reached the table they were going to sit, he pulled her chair out for her to sit.

"Should we go to the replicators for our meals before we sit?" T'lenn asked, looking at Jason quizzically.

"I'll get them," he said with a soft grin. "What would you like?" He held her chair out for her, clearly indicating that he wanted to serve her.

T'lenn raised her eyebrows curiously at Jason as she reluctantly sat down. "A red leaf salad and white tea."

Dipping his head in acknowledgement, Jason made his way over to the replicator to place their food orders.

When Jason returned with their meals, T'lenn waited for him to sit down. "Thank you," she said politely arranging her plate and cup. "If I may make an observation. In our interactions, you seem to position yourself in a place of service to me - preparing my chair, opening doors, just now getting my food. I was under the belief that this method of human courtship has not been in practice for several centuries now."

Grinning slightly, Jason placed the tray he was carrying on their table, then sat down across from T'lenn. "I hadn't thought of it as courtship behavior honestly. I was just being polite and a gentleman, like my parents raised me to be."

"It's still being a gentleman. The male serves to take care of the female, correct? In Vulcan culture the nature and location of the event dictate who is to serve who, rather than gender," T'lenn stated.

Jason nodded. "It's the same for Humans. Growing up, I'd see my dad doing things for my mom, then I'd see my mom doing the same for my dad. There was never any rhyme or reason to it that I saw, just that they loved each other."

"On Vulcan there is almost always reason," T'lenn countered. "The reason could be gleaned from the logic of the situation, or quite often it is a product of tradition. Vulcans fashioned many rules for themselves when they came out of what has been referred to as their savage years. What is fascinating to me is how many of rules that have developed seem to be almost in opposition to human rules."

"For example, on Vulcan it is customary for the guest in a home to prepare the hosts a meal. I believe this would be quite unusual on Earth."

Jason nodded as he replied. "Yeah, growing up, when we would have a guest over, we did all we could so they would feel welcome in our home." He took a sip of his milk, then asked, "So, by your traditions, if we went back to your cabin, I'd have to prepare and serve you meals. How long would that be the case? As long as I'm there, or is there a limit?"

T'lenn was in the middle of bite when Jason asked his questions. She looked at him apologetically as she finished chewing and swallowed. "If guests are to stay the night or for a few days, it is expected that they will at least prepare through the first morning's meal, after which the obligation would be considered fulfulled," T'lenn answered.

Jason nodded thoughtfully as he listened to T'lenn speak. When she was finished, he lowered his voice so only she could hear him. "Forgive me for being presumptive, but, I hope to one day make you breakfast."

T'lenn tilted her head somewhat coyly as she responded, "Perhaps someday you will."

Smiling softly, Jason dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I look forward to that day, T'lenn."

"You'll keep such thoughts to yourself when you're around my brother this week?" T'lenn stated. "While I am sure he would be pleased to learn of your enthusiasm for Vulcan culture, he might question your intentions."

"Of course," he replied honestly. "No matter what, I will never do anything to bring dishonor to you in any way. I give you my word, T'lenn."

"I have no doubt," T'lenn responded. "I was attempting to tease you. Did I not do it correctly?" She asked.

It took Jason's brain a few beats to recognize what had just happened. Then, a warm, humor-filled grin spread across his face. "Yes," he said, nodding as he tried not to laugh. "Yes you did. That was very well done, T'lenn." There was a twinkle in his eye as he praised her.

T'lenn's reaction to the praise was subtle, though she was pleased with herself that Jason seemed amused at her attempt at humor. "I suppose I am a quick study," she quipped, giving Jason a brief look before returning her attention to her food.

Jason reached out slightly, and gently rubbed the back of her hand with his first two fingers. "And you are doing great at it!"

"Now you are just humoring me," T'lenn responded with the cool air for which Vulcans are known.

Without pause T'lenn continued, "Since we will be at Starbase 76 for less than 48 hours, should you wish to meet my brother, we are planning to have evening tea together tomorrow once he's relieved by one of the other physicians."

"I give you my word," he said soberly. "I will never lie to you about anything, especially in my praises to you." He then took a beat before adding, "If it wouldn't be an invasion of your time with your brother, then I would be very honored to meet him."

"I do not understand how your presence could be considered an invasion of time with my brother," T'lenn responded. "I would not have have suggested you join us if you were not welcome."

Jason smiled softly again. "Forgive me, sometimes, when Lizzy and I haven't seen each other in a while, we like to spend some time together before we hang out with others." He dipped his head slightly. "I'm honored by the invitation."

"My brother and I do not share a relationship such as that," T'lenn responded. "I will most likely see the medical team when we dock with the station in the morning, as I am most familiar with the technology that caused the harm they are seeking to correct. The Ataran people have been less than forthcoming when they learned that the impaired crew member was Romulan."

"Well, hopefully a treatment or cure can be found in time. Is your friend in critical condition, or is it more of a coma situation?"

"Her cerebral cortex appears to be functioning as if having active conscious and sleep cycles - though somewhat sporadic. However, she is nonresponsive to stimuli surrounding her, whether that be a visitor or medical attempts to restore awareness," T'lenn explained.

T'lenn noticed Jason had finished his meal as had she. "Shall we?" She said gesturing that they could take their plates to the recycler and leave the lounge.

Jason nodded and stood. He then gathered their dishes back onto the tray he brought them over on and deposited all of it in the recycler as they made their way out of the small Cafe.

> > > To Part 2, Confessions > > >


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