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Confessions, Part 2 of an evening with Jason and T'lenn

Posted on Tue May 7th, 2024 @ 1:33pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,662 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: T'lenn's Quarters
Timeline: MD 7, 1945 hours, after Progress

Once they were back outside in the corridor, he asked, "What would you like to do later? After we get cleaned up, I mean."

"You are inquiring about spending more time with me yet this evening?" T'lenn clarified as they stepped onto the turbolift. "Deck Six."

"I suppose we had not discussed whether you would wish to spend time together after our meditation practice when we made our plans for today," T'lenn continued. "Since you posed the question, had you thought of an activity that you were hoping to partake in this evening?"

Jason shrugged slightly, as he replied. "Nothing specific really, just wanted to spend more time with you, we could learn more about each other?"

"And that requires us to get cleaned up?" T'lenn asked. "I was not aware that I was dirty. Am I giving off an odor?" She asked curiously.

This made Jason chuckle softly. "No, you are not. However, I am certain that I am, and I didn't want to be offensive. I know your sense of smell is much more sensitive than mine is."

The doors to the turbolift opened, and T'lenn sent a sideways glance toward Jason. "I have been living among humans for 6 years, including a human roommate at the Academy. While it's true that humans have a distinct scent, most races do. And to go even further, even individuals among those races," T'lenn stated.

As they walked T'lenn added, "Federation learning materials suggest that my earlier counterparts may have overstated the noxious qualities that were attributed to the human scent."

"So..." Jason replied cautiously. "You don't find my sweat...repulsive?"

Without turning her head to face him, T'lenn's eyes rolled in his general direction. "If given a choice between touching an object that is covered in sweat versus one that is not, I would prefer to handle the dry object." As they reached T'lenn's door she turned to face him. "Humans and Vulcans have been mating for hundreds of years now. A practice not likely to be so common if Vulcans found human bodily functions such as sweating - repulsive."

Jason blushed slightly. "Sorry...I didn't think about that fact." He took a breath, then decided to reveal a truth about himself. "Truth be told...I wouldn't know anything about that subject, I've...never...." he suddenly felt very bashful in front of this beautiful woman.

T'lenn waved her hand in front of the door's sensor causing the door to open. She stepped into the threshold. "Would you care to finish your thought inside?" She asked, not sympathetically.

Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat, Jason nodded as he replied. "I would, thank you." He then followed her into her cabin, the door sliding shut behind him.

"You may have a seat," T'lenn stated gesturing to the simple couch and chair that was situated near the entry way. "Can I get you a beverage?" She asked, remembering the human custom that required the host to offer guests beverages and sometimes food. She had not yet picked up on his discomfort, preoccupied with the fact that she had invited Jason inside and that there were social protocols to follow.

Jason stepped inside, seeing the flower he had given T'lenn the other night, displayed prominently. As he moved to sit on the couch, he nodded. "Altair water, please?"

T'lenn nodded and went to the replicator and came back with the water for Jason. She did not bring anything for herself, still satisfied from the meal they had just eaten.

T'lenn handed Jason the water and sat next to him on the couch. "Were you saying something earlier?" She asked.

After taking the water, Jason took several large sips of the cool,bubbly fluid. Then, he too in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Finally, he looked at T'lenn. "I know it may seem odd, for someone of age to say this....but...." His cheeks flushed with renewed embarrassment. "Aside from some kissing..I've never...had sex."

T'lenn's eyebrows raised curiously. "I was not aware that there was an age by which humans were expected to have had sexual intercourse," she stated sincerely. "I'm also observing signs of ... unease. Is this an uncomfortable subject matter for you to discuss?"

"It's not so much that there's an expected age, per say..." He replied quietly, clearly feeling shy about the topic. "However, it is almost an unspoken cultural idea, that boys and girls, once they reach sexual maturity, will begin...experimenting. It's not unheard of for someone to's just...awkward." He took another sip of his drink, then continued. "And it's not so much an uncomfortable topic to's just...I'm a little embarrassed to admit my position to a woman as highly intelligent and, quite frankly, absolutely gorgeous, as you are."

"You are also speaking to a native Vulcan, who you should know by now would find embarrassment to be an illogical emotional reaction. What you call an 'admission of your position,' I refer to as a simple statement of fact," T'lenn replied. "The concept of abstention is not uncommon in my culture," she offered.

Jason was silent for a few beats, merely looking into T'lenn's eyes. Finally, he asked, his voice steady and sure again. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" T'lenn asked.

"No matter how twisted I feel inside, just gazing into your beautiful eyes centers me."

"One's emotional presence is often not isolated to oneself. Everyone projects an energy, some project and/or receive that energy more readily. It is my understanding that even among humans, when one is grieving or upset, being around a peacefull supportive presence would have a calming effect, whereas the presence of another who is grieving equally, or is also upset may increase the grief or anger," T'lenn responded. "This phenemon is noted to be true in many studies despite the fact that the human brain has not yet evolved to exhibit any measurable telepathic capabilities."

"How familiar are you with Vulcan telepathy?" T'lenn asked.

He grinned at first, hearing her speak. Then shrugged slightly. "I've heard about it, but never witnessed or experienced it."

"When a Vulcan looses control of his or her emotions, it can impact many others within a varying proximity of that person's presence. A telepathic projection. It is one reason that it is important that we dedicate our lives to learning how to control, and even suppress our emotions," T'lenn explained. "Most Vulcans actively choose not to telepathically read the presence of others, and it becomes natural for us to not use that sense unless called upon."

T'lenn took a breath, looking at Jason carefully. "However, physical touch enhances our telepathic abilities." She looked down at Jason's hands as she continued, "When you take my hand, for example, you tend to stir an emotional response, and it takes more effort to keep our minds separate. I must confess, that this is an experience that I have not encountered before. The feeling that I am having -- difficulty with control."

Listening to T'lenn speak, then watching her look down at his hands, Jason had a suddenly strong desire to touch her. Lifting his right hand slowly, he placed the side of his index finger under her chin and gently lifted her face up until their eyes met. "Perhaps, it's healthy to relax your control some?" He slowly did his hand up a bit more and softly cupped her left cheek. "I am drawn to you, T'lenn. If you feel the same way, please tell me now. If you do not, then I will cease my pursuit of you."

T'lenn shifted her head downward, slightly into Jason's hand. "Have I not been obvious?" She asked, thinking of how many evenings she had spent with him over the past several days, kissing him in the turbolift the night of their dinner, the ways in which they did touch, and Jason's knowledge that casual physical contact was not common among her people.

T'lenn reached her left hand up and placed it gently on Jason's wrist. She pulled his hand into her lap and held into hers. "I am also drawn to you, Jason. When I arrived inside my quarters after our dinner the other evening, the emotions that I spoke of were still resonating strongly for some time after. When I have spent time with you since, the same emotional reactions threaten to take over. It is not a feeling that I have experienced with another person."

Jason had a warm glow about him, as he looked down at T'lenn's hands holding his. Gently raising them to his lips, he softly kissed her knuckles. "You honor me with your words, T'lenn. I give you my word that I will not abuse what you have shared with me." He took a breath, to steady his nerves, the carefully asked, "Knowing how I feel about you....and after hearing you tell me how you feel about me...if I may be forgiven my boldness...and when you are ready....would you also honor me, by being my first?" As he finished speaking, he was looking up into her eyes.

"I am not an easily offended, but since you have never suggested that you were interested in a casual encounter, at this stage in our ... courtship, would it not be appropriate for me to be offended should you choose to be with another?" T'lenn asked.

"It would absolutely be appropriate," Jason replied, noticing that she didn't reply to his question.

"Then the logical conclusion is that I would be your "first" as you phrased it," T'lenn responded.

A surge of excitement seemed to explode across his face, then, he quickly composed himself. "Thank you, T'lenn. While I will admit I am excited ar the idea of being even more intimate with you, as I said, we will only go there when you are ready."

> > > To Part 3, Vulcan Bond > > >


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