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Vulcan Bond, Part 3 of an evening with Jason and T'lenn

Posted on Tue May 7th, 2024 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III

1,891 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Menagerie: side stories & mischief making
Location: T'lenn's Quarters
Timeline: MD 7, 2015 hours, after Confessions

T'lenn leaned forward. "There are risks associated with sharing physical intimacy with a Vulcan. It is you, who should be certain that you are ready," T'lenn stated with some concern. "Telepathic bonds are intentionally formed with with almost all betrothed couples. But one could be formed unintentionally during... more impassioned intimate encounters."

Taking in a deep breath, Jason let it out and nodded. "I understand. I'm ready. Just tell me how to proceed? I want whatever happens next to be as pleasureful for both of us as possible."

T'lenn's lips turned up in what was almost a smile. "You do not even know what that entails. In times of extreme emotional distress one person's thoughts can invade the other's, intrusively. You have not have the mental practice to close my mind out should that happen. You could accidentally show me something that you don't want me to see. You are very open with your thoughts."

T'lenn was trying to caution Jason about the dangers of what could go wrong. She would not admit to herself that it was fear. Her explanation was that it was logical to properly inform a potential lover of what may lie ahead. But it was fear, deep down, that prompted her words. Fear that if the worst happened he would be angry with her.

Jason took in a deep cleansing breath and let it our slowly. He then replied. "Growing up, my parents taught Lizzy and me that the secret to a successful relationship, especially an intimate one, is honesty. For two individuals to grow a strong and lasting bond, they must be open and honest with each other. I have nothing in my past that I'm ashamed of, as it made me who I am today. You can look at everything I've experienced in my life, if you so choose. I will hide nothing from you."

T'lenn moved toward Jason on the couch. "The journey is often as important as the destination, and the quickest path may not always be the most rewarding." She reached up with the hand that wasn't holding his and caressed his jawline with her thumb and forefinger. Other than a few stolen kisses on the holodeck and the turbolift, the two had not really been alone together.

She leaned forward and closed her eyes as she let her lips brush against his.

Feeling a zing rush through him as soon as her lips touched his, Jason released T'lenn's hand and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as their kiss grew in passion.

The connection that T'lenn had been forming with Jason was different from any connection that she had experienced with anyone before. Something about his presence, his openness with her stirred emotions that were difficult to suppress, and T'lenn found herself wanting to experience them. The hand that Jason had held moved to embrace his upper back, as her other hand fell from his jawline to his bicep as their kiss deepened.

T'lenn could feel Jason's emotional presence, his love and desire for her, breaking through the barriers as she relaxed and leaned into the intimacy. She broke from the kiss, and pulled back some, her hands still resting on his arms. "I believe I must share something about myself with you," she stated.

Jason caught his breath after their powerful kiss. Looking into T'lenn's eyes, feeling stronger desire to be with her than before. "I'll listen to anything you tell me, T'lenn." He moved his hands to her hips as he spoke.

"It's about my past," T'lenn began. "You may be aware that Vulcan parents are in the practice of arranging marriages before their children have reached maturity. I was bonded to a male they seemed suitable when we were eight years old."

Nodding, Jason replied softly, suddenly feeling a sense of concern. "I understand."

"We parted ways when I left Vulcan to join Starfleet. However, I was at the Vulcan Science Academy for 8 years before I left. In all of our interactions, I believe it is fair to say that we never... that I never experienced anything like this."

Reaching up with his right hand, Jason lovingly caressed T'lenn's face. "It doesn't change how I feel for my heart is growing bigger to include only you." He paused as he gazed deep into her dark eyes. "I know we have only known each other a short time...I love you."

T'lenn matched Jason's gaze. "I know. I also love you. May I show you?"

Jason nodded as he allowed T'lenn to move as she wanted or needed to.

"Your emotions are easy to read, I couldn't help..." T'lenn said as she reached forward with her right hand and placed her fingers on the left side of Jason's face. "I want to show you, what you showed me. It helps if you close your eyes."

Closing his eyes, Jason took in a breath, then stilled his mind and body.

T'lenn sent to him flashes from their first date. The normal calm and nearly emotionless slate that was her norm and how she began her night, to the emotional surges that coursed through her veins from a simple touch. The unfamiliar buildup up of attraction and lust. Being challenged to take down walls and share personal thoughts and information. The kiss in the turbolift - an attempt to express an emotion when words were failing her. And how when she returned home that evening, her feelings for him left her feeling both excited and vulnerable.

She then leaned in and kissed him again, her hand moving so that her fingers intertwined with his hair, her mind less guarded now, her feelings for him laid bare for him to feel. She pulled back enough to take a breath, she looked down, so that her forehead touched his nose. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Jason's heart rate increased as he saw everything that T'lenn showed him. He felt her growing affection and love for him wash over his mind and thoughts. It caused him to feel even closer to her in that moment. When she kissed him again, his thoughts exploded in a vast array of colors and pleasure-filled sensations. He could almost feel their separate thoughts beginning to form into one. It was both scary and beautiful all at the same time. He could feel her vulnerability as she opened herself to him. It caused a few tears of joy to start to fall down his cheeks.

As she parted slightly, then asked her question, it took him a couple beats to form the right words with which to reply, his voice a whisper fill of love and newfound devotion. "I...I never is beautiful!" He carefully tilted her head back by lifting his, so he could look in her eyes. "I don't ever want to experience this with anyone else, T'lenn. All that I am, all that I will ever be, is yours until I draw my last breath."

"You do not need to be so rash to promise me everything all at once. It does not change my feelings for you," T'lenn responded. "I have exposed to you too much information, an enormous experience that most humans tend to find very overwhelming at first."

Jason had no words to respond with. Instead, he pulled T'lenn back to him and kissed her deeply, his hands moving up and down her back, and up into her hair.

T'lenn let herself be pulled in by Jason, letting him take the lead, and permitting herself to feel the emotions that she had been experiencing. She had wavered back and forth between embracing them and suppressing them, and tonight she had chosen to not only feel them, but to give them to Jason.

Her hand slipped around his waist and into the small of his back as she pulled him toward her. Her other hand stayed at his waist, but slipped under his shirt, seeking out skin to skin contact.

A low growl of hunger rumbled deep in Jason's powerfully-built chest. He sat forward slightly and broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt, revealing is muscled physique. He then sat back in the couch and pulled T'lenn up and over, to straddle his lap facing him. Next, he reached up and gently put his right and back of her head and pulled her back in to continue kissing.

T'lenn was moved by Jason, enjoying the intimacy of their kiss, the physical connection of her hands on his now shirtless chest. After a minute, she pulled back enough to take in his appearance, running her hands along his well-defined muscles. She processed all that been exchanged between them, and that which was before her now. "I do not wish to stop, but I don't want to rush anything between us either," she stated. T'lenn was still perched on Jason's lap, her legs straddling his.

Breathing heavily from the passion of their kissing, Jason slid his hands down to T'lenn's hips as he replied. "I understand. I don't want to rush things either. We will go as fast, or as slow, as you wish."

T'lenn stood up and took his hand pulling him up to stand with her. She stood close, her cheek brushing against his. She brought her hands to his hips, then around his back. "Perhaps we could just be with one another like this for a while..."

As soon as he was on his feet. Jason wrapped his bare arms around T'lenn, and held her close. Being this close to her, he couldn't help but breath in her soft, pleasant scent. "There is nowhere else I'd rather be, in all of creation, than right her, with you in my arms, my love." He whispered softly in her right ear, his warm breath washing over her exposed neck and shoulder as he spoke.

"Computer play Vulcan Suite 3," T'lenn spoke, the music of a lute beginning to play as T'lenn rested her head on Jason's shoulder. She focused her breathing, bringing her heart rate down slightly, wanting to remember every second of this moment. "I am not practiced in expressing emotions as you are," she said softly, one hand wrapped around his back, the other on his bare chest. "You speak your feelings so freely."

Holding T'lenn to himself, Jason started to slowly sway to the music with her. "We will learn how to navigate through all of this, together. I'm not going anywhere, T."

T'lenn relaxed, almost as if a burden had been physically lifted from the muscles in her body. There had been a tension building inside of her quietly, and she was so accustomed to emotional suppression she had not realized how burdensome the tension had become. She wondered briefly if this was why so many Vulcans had chosen to love humans, but then dismissed the thought for later, choosing instead to be in the moment.

"When a Vulcan bonds with someone, it is for life," she whispered.

Turning his head slightly, to kiss her left temple gently, Jason whispered in reply. "I don't plan on this being a temporary relationship, T'lenn. You are whom I want to be with."


Lieutenant J.G. Jason Williams III
Squadron Leader, Starfighter Wing
USS Astrea

Lieutenant J.G. T'lenn
Science Officer
USS Astrea


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