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Vulcan Medical Team

Posted on Sat May 18th, 2024 @ 7:21pm by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant JG T'lenn & Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III & Sakor

1,007 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Side Plots
Location: Deck 25 Port Docking Bay
Timeline: MD 8: 0330 Hours

Jason and T'lenn stepped on to the nearest turbolift. "Deck 25, Docking Bay," T'lenn stated, directing the turbolift where to go.

"Saying that it is about saving my friend is thinking in emotional terms, which of course they will expect from you," T'lenn commented gently. "The Vulcan medical team will consider it a matter of logic that no further time shall be wasted at the moment, and they shall seek to begin work immediately. They need to be briefed on the device, and assess the patient and develop a treatment plan and implement it as soon as possible."

"Well, as I don't know much about this device, I won't have much to say to them about it. As I said, I'm coming to give you support." While he was still a bit upset by him earlier misstep, Jason was doing his best to keep it from his tone.

T'lenn raised an inquiring eyebrow. "You were speaking literally with your suggestion regarding support? I believed you wished to attend out of intellectual curiosity. I can assure you that I am not in need of support."

"T," he said with a soft grin. "Everyone needs support."

"I've noticed that you've called me by the letter from Federation Standard's alphabet designating the beginning of my name on multiple occasions now," T'lenn responded. "Is this an element of some sort of tradition?" She asked.

Jason smiled softly as he replied. "I'm sorry, it's a nickname that I started using for you. Nicknames can be used between friends, siblings, even lovers, depending on the level of intimacy of course. They're used to indicate the addressee is considered special to the speaker." He paused to take a breath, then continued. "If it bothers you, I'll stop."

"I am familiar with the concept. I was uncertain as to how you came to choose that to be your nickname for me," T'lenn replied.

"It just came out naturally," he responded as the tubolift started to slow.

The turbolift doors opened revealing Deck 25. T'lenn stepped out of the turbolift, checking that Jason was keeping pace as she began the short walk to the Docking Bay.

Easily keeping pace with T'lenn, Jason gave her a slight wink when she looked at him.

T'lenn did not react to Jason's playful wink, other than to face forward and continue in her direction toward The Cargo Bay where Captain Johansen appeared to have just arrived.

The Captain noticed the two officers approaching. "Lieutenant T'lenn, Lieutenant Williams," Captain Johansen said in acknowledgement. Though the Captain had no expected Lieutenant William's presence, she did not indicate any surprise on her part. "They should be pressurizing the airlock any time now. It's my understanding our guests will also be bringing aboard some sensitive equipment."

"Good morning, Captain," T'lenn said in greeting. "I might have chosen the term, proprietary." T'lenn had been vocal about her criticism of Vulcan's gatekeeping crucial medical technology, especially over the last week.

Remy's eyebrow's raised at the Vulcan's response. Her exact reaction unclear, though there was a note of amusement on the Captain's face.

"Lieutenant Williams, since we haven't heard much from you, I take it that you aren't expecting any issues with the requisition for new shuttlecraft?" Johansen asked.

Jason nodded a greeting to their commanding officer, then replied. "So far, Ma'am, everything seems okay. I sent over my requisitions to the dock master. Thus far, there haven't been any issues. The regular shuttles are halfway through replacement, and the starfighters should start coming in tomorrow. If there's any hangup anywhere, I'll let you and the XO know immediately."

Remy nodded. "Thank you for doing that," she responded over the sounds of the airlock pressurizing. She turned to check the other two officers out of habit before standing at attention to greet the arriving medical team.

Two Vulcan males and one Vulcan female entered through the docking port dressed in traditional robes. Captain Johansen stepped forward and raised her hand in a traditional Vulcan salute, "Greetings, welcome aboard. Science officer, Lieutenant T'lenn will be working with you as needed. And this is Lieutenant Jason Williams.

A tall dark haired Vulcan with slightly longer hair than a traditional cut stepped forward and reciprocated the salute to the Captain. "Greetings Captain Johansen, I am Dr. Sakor." He turned to the female first naming the other two physicians with him, "Dr. T'mal, and Dr. Svalek."

Sakor turned to T'lenn and slightly bowed his head in her direction. "It is agreeable to see you. As arranged we will speak more after the patient is stabilized."

T'lenn gave a single nod in return. "Indeed. We should begin work immediately."

T'mal approached the Captain. "There will be a crew bringing our medical equipment over shortly. I trust that access will not be an issue."

Remy shook her head, and with an open palm gestured to the security detail at the port. "We are expecting them."

T'mal looked to Sakor and T'lenn somewhat sharply. "Shall we proceed to Sickbay. I understand that you've lost control of the device," she stated to T'lenn.

T'lenn lifted her chin. "The Ataran's have reclaimed their property and have not permitted us continued study."

"Sickbay is this direction," the female Vulcan stated and began walking out of the docking bay.

Even though they claimed to not use any emotions, Jason could feel how tense the situation was getting. However, he would remain quiet, unless someone spoke to him.

Dr. Sakor fell into pace next to Jason. "We are to become acquainted later," he stated to Jason as they walked to Sickbay.

Jason nodded as he replied. "I look forward to it." He dipped his head respectfully to T'lenn's brother.

"As do I," Sakor responded. "T'lenn, are you prepared for your inquiry? T'mal and Svalek will address their questions to you as a fellow Vulcan, not a Starfleet officer."

T'lenn, who walked alongside him raised an eyebrow. "I would expect nothing less."

Captain Remira Johansen
Commanding Officer
USS Astrea
&T'lenn, Sakor


Lieutenant JG Jason Williams III
Starfighter Squadron Commander
NPC - Spello


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