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Look Who's Here, Part 3

Posted on Wed Jan 24th, 2024 @ 4:55am by Captain Remy Johansen & Lieutenant Commander Nash Winters & Lieutenant JG Thivi

2,143 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 0: Where do we go from here?
Location: Deck 7, Arboretum
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch, After Part 2

>> Part 3>>

The couple turned and walked hand in hand toward the bank of replicators on the wall. Nash shook his head and was still smiling. “She’s remarkable, isn’t she? At least we did something right. Raising our daughter, I mean. My hard head and her mother’s grace. Have I told you that I love you? Because I do. Looking forward to getting back to work? The Institute must be expecting big things.”

Sara nodded. She wasn't much for PDA but she did squeeze his hand. "The ship is fantastic, and the Institute promises to be stimulating, at the least," she said. "And yes. Alex is going to need a bit of time, that's all," she said. "I love YOU. Now, feed me, or else," she said.

Nash tapped the tip of Sara’s nose for amusement. “Or else what? Wait… don’t answer that, don’t answer. Just…. kidding. Let’s go get some food while Alex is entertaining herself. Ever have Idanian spice pudding for breakfast?”

Sara laughed. "Or else...well. I'll tell you later. No, I haven't," she said. "Lead the way."

Nash hurriedly made his way to the replicator. He was looking forward to being with Sara, even if it was just for breakfast. The slipstream project had meant time away from his family, occasionally 18-24 hours. He wanted to make full use of his free time.

“Computer, two raktajinos and Idanian spice pudding for two.” The items materialized in a flash in front of their eyes. Nash blinked his eyes as the pungent aroma from the Klingon coffee invaded his nostrils.

And then after Nash ordered the pudding and coffee, Sara took the coffee gratefully, and led her husband to a nearby bench. "Is this ok?" she asked him.

"Looks like you're with us, Alex. Mom and Dad need a minute?" Remy said with a lighthearted tone as she stepped back to the others. "This is Dr. Vila Lorut, she's the third in command of the ship once the Captain gets here, and she's in charge of the Science Labs and all the civilians who work on the arboretum and our little hydroponics farm," Remy said gesturing to Vila.

Vila smiled. "Hello," she said. "Yes, I am all those things, but more than that, I have a son just a few years older than you, so if you want an aunt-type person to talk to, I am around," she said.

She turned to Thivi, "And that's our Head Nurse, Thivi. She was just out for a run, but stopped to say hi. And next to her is Rose Wilson, she's in security, and this is her very first official assignment."

The thirteen year old politely looked at each individual as Remy introduced them. "It's nice to meet all of you," she said formally. I'm going to be in Starfleet someday. Probably not an engineer like my dad. My mom is a scientist, but not with Starfleet. But she said I could be a scientist in Starfleet if I wanted. But I want to be a Captain one day," Alex said proudly.

"And this is Alexandra," Remy added when the girl didn't introduce herself.

"Oh yeah. But everyone calls me Alex," she added, a goofy grin on her face.

Rose smiled, the interaction reminded her of being around her younger cousins and other extended family around that age, she looked around to the group, she felt it was going to be an interesting first assignment.

"Oh, a Captain? Big plans. Better study. By the way, Science officers can be Captains. There's been at least two. One of them was Captain Katherine Janeway, and the other is also Bajoran. Over on the USS Vermont," she said. "So don't discount the Sciences," she said, nodding.

Rose laughed "It's a long road to the big chair."

Alex smiled. "I know. I have to study, and do well in all my classes, because the Starfleet entrance exam is really competitive. But, I know a lot of Starfleet officers. Even Captains, and they've all said that I would make a great Captain one day." She punctuated her declaration with firm nod.

"If you put your mind to it, anything can happen," Remy affirmed. "But in the meantime, don't forget to be a kid."

Vila nodded. "Exactly. That's what I told my son, and all his friends. Mostly, focus on being a teenager and having fun while you still can," she said.

"So what do you like to do when you aren't studying for your Starfleet career?" Remy asked.

Alex's eyes looked up as she pondered her answer. "Well, I play volleyball and run track. My favorite event is the 800 and 8 by 8, but sometimes the coach makes me run the 1600. Umm... reading and music stuff like that." Alex shrugged, a happy look on her face.

Vila smiled. "Very nice," she said. "Do you like baseball? I was thinking about maybe organizing a team when the full personnel are here," she said. "Bajoran Baseball is fun!" She said. It was technically just regular old Earth baseball, but she was Bajoran and, in her opinion, everything else should strive to be Bajoran, as well.

"I've never really tried to play, but I could learn!" Alex said excitedly. "I'm pretty good with sports."

Vila smiled. "Excellent. I will be making an announcement soon to the staff; I'll tell your father you are interested!"

"Awesome, sounds great!" Alex beamed.

"Too bad my brother isn't here," Remy quipped. "He makes quite a decent shortstop or third base."

"You have a brother?" Vila asked, surprised.

"Mmmhmm, two nieces, a sister-in-law," Remy responded. "We're fairly close too. At least for living a few thousand light years apart most of the time."

Vila smiled. "I have two brothers myself, so I understand," she said.

Talon Janes was ambling through the Arboretum, on his way through the ship to the Base. He was in search of breakfast, and a coffee, and whatever other fun, mild mischief he could find. As he rounded the corner, he paused a moment. It was busy. He hadn't expected it. Quickly, he straightened his hoodie and jeans-he wasn't on duty yet-and sauntered through the Arboretum towards the group of women. He knew the XO straight away, but the others were a mystery. Nearby, an older couple sat-weird hour for a date, but whatever. Shift work was weird.

"Hello, ladies," he said, as he passed by. He didn't salute, but maybe he should?

"Good morning, Lieutenant," Remy said. "Commander Lorut was just talking about building a Bajoran baseball team. Do you play?"

"I've never even tried human baseball - but I'll try anything once." Thivi quipped.

Vila laughed. "It IS human baseball," she said. "Just played on Bajor," she said. "Well. A hologram of Bajor, at any rate, which is the next best thing. Complete with Jerrado in the background. I'd like to have you both," she said.


From their perch on the bench, Sara watched Alex carefully, as the teenager interacted with the adults. She was mature for her age-likely due to her parents both having difficult careers. "She seems like she's calmed down," Sara said to Nash, gesturing to the group with a smile and tip of her coffee cup. "We might have a bit of a bumpy start, but...I think it'll work out."

“I have no doubt, Sara ,” Nash affirmed. “The social interaction, even if it’s with the adults, is good for her. A confidence boost, you know. I’m ready for her to go back to school, though. She can be with kids her age. But yeah, she’s doing great. I’m proud of her.”

Sara nodded. "YOU can't wait?!" She said. Having Alex at home for a week was starting to grate on BOTH women's nerves. "But you're right, it is good for her. All of it, not just interacting with the adults, but also the change. It is a character builder. Having to make new friends, and balance a new way of life, it really teaches you some mettle," she said. "Or at least, that's what I've observed through the years you've been in the Fleet," she said.

“You’ve adjusted pretty well. I was really worried about HER. Alex, I mean. She’s got one foot in the right direction. She’ll get acclimated to life aboard ship and…. she’s growing up, Sara. I just wish it wasn’t happening so fast.”

Sara nodded. "Yes, I have, but it's not easy, mind," she said. "I just understand why it was necessary for us to move, and while I think that Alex does, she IS just a teenager and I think she doesn't exactly have the same abilities to understand the nuances of family and relationships like we do," she said. "And yes...she'll leave us soon. But it's ok. She's a good girl, and we're doing ok with her, I think," she said. "What EXACTLY is this pudding thing?" Sara asked, making a slightly wrinkled nose.

“Done ok with her? That’s a little harsh. She a wonderful girl, hun. You should be proud. She’s going to realize her dreams, whatever they are, and we’ll be here to see it all unfold. I hope.”

Nash took a spoonful of the pudding and swallowed it. “It’s good, isn’t it? Not a very good breakfast choice, I know, but I love it. Creamy, sweet and savory. Come on, eat up before I have to go to work. Say, do you want to come down to Deck 36? See the slipstream drive that’s been a royal pain in the ass the last few days? See if Alex wants to see the warp core.
It’s not up and running yet, but it’s a sight to see. For a 13 year old.”

"You know what I meant!" She laughed. "Yes. it is good. Pudding for breakfast seems...wrong somehow. Like my mother will appear out of nowhere and I will get in trouble," she said.

"Come see the slipstream? I'd love to. Maybe I can see if I can work out the problem, too," she said. "Engineering isn't my forte but I do understand shapes," she said.

Nash playfully leaned in and kissed Sara’s earlobe. “You definitely know your figures. You’ve got a hell of a figure yourself. Ohh baby!,” he teased.

Sara giggled a little. "Thank you," she said. She shook her head, though, lightly. "Alright, hurry and eat, and then show us this AH-MAZING slip stream," she said, jokingly. "It's giving you quite the issue, isn't it? Why is it so great?" She asked. She liked to hear him talk about his work, and he listened to her, in turn.

“Slipstream uses tunnels in space-corridors-to travel at high speeds. The warp drive creates a field around the ship and that’s what propels the ship. Also, the slipstream drive uses so much power, we have to find ways to prevent other ships’ systems from burning out and overheating. The quantum field created during the slipstream is static, its frequencies are constantly changing. In simulations, the ship’s computer can’t compensate. So this is a work in progress. The Starfleet engineer on board, Kurtz, is lending a hand. That’s why I’ve been burning the midnight oil. You’re a scientist….maybe looking at this from a different perspective can help. Anything to make this thing work-and work safely.”

She smiled. "Have you tried it with a temporal shield already in place? At that speed, you're going to get hit by radiation as well as temporal activity from nearby inhabitants, further causing slowing. Something to think about, anyway. Kurtz is the one you've spoken about? The mad-scientist type?" She asked him. She took a final bite, and then stood up. "Going to the recycler!!"

“Not sure how temporal mechanics could affect a quantum field, but I can bring it up to Dr. Hurtz,” Nash said. He reached for his wife’s hand and squeezed it. “Let’s go pick up our daughter before I take you home and have my way with you. You know how much I’ve missed you. Missed us.”

Sara laughed. "I, have, too," she said, pulling him to his feet and heading towards the other end of the Arboretum. At least today would be a family day, and she was always glad for that.

After Alex went off with Sara and Nash, Remy turned to Vila. "Meet me in Science Lab 7 in a bit. We're getting some gifts from Jupiter station."


Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator

Lt. Commander Nash Winters
Chief Engineer
USS Imperator

Lieutenant J.G. Thivi
Head Nurse
USS Imperator

Ensign Rose Wilson
Security Officer
USS Imperator


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