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Stuck On You, Part 3

Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2024 @ 2:46am by Captain Remy Johansen
Edited on on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 4:52am

1,424 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Artifact or Artifiction
Location: Deck 12, Science Lab 7
Timeline: MD: -6 Days to Launch, After Part 2, 1245 Hours

In the next room, Remy wasn't doing as well. Dr. Frasier had threatened her with restraints more than one, as she kept trying to get up to find Vila. "I'll be better if I can just go see her," Remy pleaded.

Charlotte shook her head as she looked at Dr. Frasier. "Her levels are still rising, but not as fast as they were when they were together."

Frasier looked up at the screen where Lorut's results were being shared. "Commander Lorut's have leveled off. Let's trying getting them a little further apart," Frasier said.

"Nooo," Remy whimpered as they activated the antigrav movers on the bed.

"Let's take her down the hall." Frasier pointed out the direction with two fingers as the medics moved the bed.

"Ow, ow, ow, don't do it, you're hurting me. Stop stop stop," Remy cried out before they reached their destination.

The medics stopped and Charlotte ran ahead with a tricorder. "Dopamine is crashing, blood pressure is up, cortisol levels increasing."

"Okay, come back slowly," Frasier ordered. "Let's find the sweet spot," she said softly as the medics moved the bed and Charlotte monitored Remy's condition.

Science officer T'lenn entered the room with Dr. Beckett and Commander Lorut. "I have been directed to assist with an attempt to translate symbols on what is believed to be an artifact," the Vulcan announced.

From the other room, Vila could hear Remy's voice. Why was she more affected than her? Hmm. She wondered if it was genetic or something else. She was definitely having a reaction, just not as strong as the XO's. As Remy got further away, though, her own levels spiked a bit. "Ow, now my head hurts!!" She said aloud. The appearance of the Vulcan didn't help the situation. "Are you the linguist?" She asked.

T'lenn took a baited breath in and raised an eyebrow at the second officer's inquiry. "I am a specialist in planetary evolution, which among other facets, does include language development and deciphering ancient texts. I am told you are wearing the artifact. I will need to see it in order to attempt an analysis."

Vila nodded. "Thank the Prophets," she said. "Here," she said, holding her arm up. "Did you hear that, Remy? This T'lenn will save us. Just wait until my friends back home hear about this-Lorut saved by a Vulcan. I'll never live it down," she said.

"Please hold still, Commander. The nuances in the hieroglyphics are minute. I must obtain accurate scans if I am to translate correctly," the Vulcan chastised, though her facial expression and tone of voice indicated no effect.

"Sorry," Vila said, holding as still as possible. She let the Vulcan do her scans, careful to not bump the tricorder. "Does it look like anything to you? By the way, I am Commander Dr. Lorut Vila. Chief Science Officer, for the time being, and Second Officer. And you are?" Vila inquired.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade T'lenn, science officer. However, in addition to your basic education in archeology and anthropology from Starfleet Academy, I am also a graduate of Vulcan Science Academy - I believe you call it a 'doctorate degree' in planetary science, geoscience, and exobiology," T'lenn explained. "I am sure we were to eventually be introduced under different circumstances."

"The text appears incomplete. I shall now obtain scans from the artifact on the artifact in Commander Johansen's possession," T'lenn announced, collecting her equipment and exiting Lorut's room in Sickbay.

When T'lenn approached Commander Johansen she was in much better condition than she had been earlier. Dr. Frasier had ordered the medical team to stop in the hallway once the commander's readings had stabilized. Charlotte had raised Remy's bed so that she was in a seated position, and a technician was measuring the distance she was from Commander Lorut. There would be variables, such as the wall currently between them, though that did not have much effect earlier when they were in separate rooms.

"Commander Johansen, I am T'lenn of Vulcan, and have extensive training in planetary evolution, which would include deciphering written texts. I have volunteered to attempt translation of the artifacts to see if a solution is offered on the bracelets," T'lenn stated as she approached the first officer.

"Of course," Johansen replied, trying to regain some composure that she had clearly lost earlier. "Thank you for coming." Remy pulled up her sleeve and held out her wrist. "We were just looking at them, they seemed inert when Commander Lorut held both of them, but when I took hold of one, they both seemed to activate somehow and locked around our wrists."

T'lenn offered a brief nod. "Indeed, they do appear quite secure." T'lenn put the UT scanner back on her belt, and gathered her PADD. "I will work in Science Lab 7. There may be other artifacts there with similar inscriptions that will assist in deciphering the language more efficiently.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Remy responded. "We appreciate your assistance." Remy tried to sound calm, but she was anxious. This was the worst possible time.

"Hey, Remy, did the Vulcan come by yet? Any news?" She called out to Remy.

"She went to attempt translation. Back in the lab to see if there were other items, likely to get a larger language sample to work with," Remy responded. "I'm feeling better. You? Maybe if we get a proximity alert we can walk around and get some work done?"


"I dunnae think so, Commanders," Dr. Beckett interfered. "Yer both stayin' put fer now."

Approximately two hours later Remy's and Vila's comms chirped.

=^= "Commander's Lorut and Johansen, from Lieutenant J.G. T'lenn. From what I have been able to decipher, there should be a third piece that controls the artifacts, likely of the same material. I have other officers working with me to locate the item, and we have removed the entire contents of the crates of inventory from Jupiter Station and have been unable to locate such an item. Do you have recommendations for where to continue our search? T'lenn out." =^=

"Well this is embarrassing," Remy called out. "Vila can you hear me?"

"Yes. I am bored as hell. Can't you, like, call your special friend?? I need to get out of here. I am going insane," she said. Vila wasn't good at being idle. Even when she was just sitting at the console, at least her brain was active. Here? All she could do was stare at a wall.

Remy sighed. She turned to one of the technicians, "I'm going to need a comm link to the Station." She then tapped her communicator and asked T'lenn back to Sickbay for a moment.

Lieutenant T'lenn walked into Sickbay as Remy was beginning to talk over the comm. =^= "Dr. Jackson this is Commander Johanson, I apologize for interrupting your day. I may need some assistance." =^=

Daniel furrowed his brow on the other end of the line. Why the formality. =^= "Commander? How can I assist?"

=^= "In short, there were two bracelets in the boxes you sent over for study. They've attached themselves to the Second Officer and me. Another science officer has deciphered the text and thinks there should be a third piece. A shut off. But we don't think we have it. It controls how far away we can get from one another. We've been confined to Sickbay. =^=

There was a pause.

=^= "Assuming the medical staff has determined an ideal distance, if you can fit yourselves with proximity alerts and beam over to the Station's Science Lab 3 that might be the easiest way to go about this. Your science officer who deciphered the text should come as well since they likely know what we are looking for. We can have a medical officer on standby here." =^=

=^= "10-4, let me convince the over-protective Doc here, and we'll be right over." =^=

Vila listened intently to Remy's comms. "Helllooo," she called out so that the man could hear her. "The elusive "friend", I'm guessing?" She smirked at Remy. "Thank you!!" She said. She looked from Remy to T'Lenn as the comms cut off. "Let's go," she said. "Doc, we can take a medic with us. Where's that nurse? She was nice! That way, if anything happens, we won't die," she said, with a nod.

"Yup, that's him." Remy sighed as she moved to hang her legs off the bed to stand up. So much for keeping her private life private.

>> To Part 4 >>

Commander Remy Johansen
First Officer
USS Imperator

Commander Vila Lorut
Second Officer, Chief Science Officer
USS Imperator


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